Where in VA?Had two technical interviews this week. Killed one and I think I killed the other. One is for the Top Secret clearance job in VA. The other is for a Dev job that will require a lot of travel.. so idk.
Trave Monday to Thursday. Work remote from home on Friday. Not sure how I feel about that.
I hate that, I am really trying to find a better spot.Also, the GS-15 who I support, I essentially did his job for him, just moved into a SES spot. Hoping I can get the job he vacated, which should be a 14/15.
It'll probably take 6 months to even post the job, and I'm doing it all right now.
Where in VA?
Good luck. If you get an offer from the Herdon job, make sure to take into account the retarded CoL in this area when negotiating a salaryLooks like I'm going to VA next week for the final interview.
Also passed the second technical interview for another company.
And I got a call from VISA and they just sent me a link to their developer test... Need to do that by tomorrow.
Good luck. If you get an offer from the Herdon job, make sure to take into account the retarded CoL in this area when negotiating a salary
Any ideas where to go for jobs for a Nursing Practitioner (Pediatrics) recent graduate?
Any ideas where to go for jobs for a Nursing Practitioner (Pediatrics) recent graduate?
I'll be honest man, if you are not prior service I don't know that I would put much energy into getting a GS position. Unless you are willing to move anywhere in the US (world even) it's super hard to compete against candidates who have preferences. The process is simple though, apply through usajobs.gov. You should get emails periodically letting you know when the job closes and if you made the referral list or not. I've applied for many, and as someone with non prior service, I've hit the maximum score on every application and not been referred just to give an idea. I used to work for DIA though and they have an excepted system (pay and benefits identical to GS, but you don't get any status and aren't eligible to transfer to GS jobs) so you can always look at excepted agencies like DIA, NSA and most all of the justice departments.
Contracting on the other hand is relatively easy to get into. The main hurdle is finding someone to get you a clearance. Once you have it though, you can pretty much always stay employed. Pay is good, benefits lack a bit but once you know your way around a little bit you can find a good contract to stay on for many years. If the gov employees like you, then they'll make sure you stick around even when the contract changes companies.
Any ideas where to go for jobs for a Nursing Practitioner (Pediatrics) recent graduate?
Overseas contracting isn't paying what it once was. They also cap the amount of income you can get tax free now. I mean it's still a good way to make extra money it's just not amazing like it was in the early 2000s. You also have to be overseas for a full year as a contractor to get tax free.
The other trap you have to be careful of is upping your lifestyle to overseas income. I see guys do it all the time and then they can almost never spend anytime conus without going broke.
If you can do it for a year and then get back into a 9-5 though it can be a nice way to pay off debt or put some money away.
So, anyone know where I should start looking for a tech side job? Looking to maximize my income for the next couple years to start putting money away for early retirement.