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So my initial employer (that I went back to) was acquired by our largest customer, and my concern was my role as it existed (making order out of chaos with many customers and many products) would not be necessary once we were a vertical. They said I’d have a role but couldn’t really give me any idea what it would be. At the time my former boss didn’t bother countering, I think he was more worried about his own job.A few questions: How much, percentage wise, was the new the new role over your previous one? Did your previous employer counter? Did you approach the previous employer to go back, or did they make you this offer unsolicited? Did they give you a reason why they want you back at this role?
The company I went to offered me a 20% increase, matched my vacation and was expanding so I figured a lot of promise for growth down the road. After about 3 - 4 weeks I realized they had fundamental issues with leadership and I did not see how they were going to fix them.
Previous employer calls me up (worked with these guys for 25 years, left on good terms), says they have a role in purchasing and really need someone who knows the manufacturing process and is good at data analysis. They matched my new salary and gave me my vacation time back. I’ve known the guy I’ll report to and worked with him a long time and he has said he’ll be retiring in a few years.
So different role, more money and hopefully opportunities down the road. It’s been less than a week back and my wife has noticed a night and day difference in my demeanor.
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