Joe Rogan's Question Everything

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
The chemtrail conspiracy I always seesawed on. It seems like its possible to pull off, and maaaaaybe there is a reason to do it but was never quite sure.


Millie's Staff Member
this UFO episode is pretty standard "UFOs are real but the government is covering it up!" stuff. even joe seems bored at this point.


Unwatchable show, though I love everything else Rogan does.

I miss Leonard Nimoy's "In Search of". Now THAT was entertaining...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The problem with this show, is that the only people interested are probably JRE listeners, and if you are, you have probably already heard all the angles on these topics discussed ad-nauseum. Everyone else just thinks of Joe as that weird Fear Factor guy or the MMA asshole, and they would not be interested in the first place.


Millie's Staff Member
Unwatchable show, though I love everything else Rogan does.

I miss Leonard Nimoy's "In Search of". Now THAT was entertaining...
i loved that show so much. i actually made several 6 hour VHS tapes of it during the 90s so i could marathon all those mysteries whenever i got bored. sadly almost all of those mysteries have been fully debunked in this day and age. however the mystery of Coral Castle still remains. nobody knows how one man designed built then moved an entire castle without using heavy machinery.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
i thought he answered that. Didn't he say "its not difficult if you know how"?

honestly, I'm not sure why people think he didn't use tools or heavy machinery or help. Because he said he didn't? It's not like tools weren't available, or anyone was watching him build it.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
i thought he answered that. Didn't he say "its not difficult if you know how"?

honestly, I'm not sure why people think he didn't use tools or heavy machinery or help. Because he said he didn't? It's not like tools weren't available, or anyone was watching him build it.


Millie's Staff Member
The locals said he didnt use heavy machinery as well. If you watched the program you see what was required in moving just one stone using 1980s tech. This thing was built in the 20s and unless the man had a massive fortune for such a project and the locals all decided to lie about him not using heavy machinery then its a genuine mystery. That massive stone door that a child could spin was knocked off balance years ago and it coildnt be fixed.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, so he was gandalf. I don't see the mystery. It's not difficult if you know how.


Vyemm Raider
When I built trails several years ago the more experienced crew members could move rocks up to half a ton with nothing but their bodies, and up to a full ton or more using a lever and fulcrum.


I have no idea how he moved rocks larger than that or how he lifted tonnes of weight off the ground without equipment. But moving small and medium sized boulders is pretty damned easy if you know what you're doing.

For example:


Everything in that picture can be moved by what I just described.


^ That is fucking impressive, and about the limit of what is possible based on what I've seen first hand.


I don't know what the fuck. How did he do that by himself?


Millie's Staff Member
When I built trails several years ago the more experienced crew members could move rocks up to half a ton with nothing but their bodies, and up to a full ton or more using a lever and fulcrum.


I have no idea how he moved rocks larger than that or how he lifted tonnes of weight off the ground without equipment. But moving small and medium sized boulders is pretty damned easy if you know what you're doing.

For example:


Everything in that picture can be moved by what I just described.


^ That is fucking impressive, and about the limit of what is possible based on what I've seen first hand.


I don't know what the fuck. How did he do that by himself?
he also cut those out of the ground, shaped them, built his castle with them then single handed moved all those stones ten miles to a new location and set things up again. that massive stone door with the perfect balance is a wonder all its own. im often surprised TV shows rehash the same old bullshit, bigfoot, space aliens, loch ness, area 51 but they never look into coral castle. either its just not big enough a mystery or its too unexplainable.


Unelected Mod
they never look into coral castle. either its just not big enough a mystery or its too unexplainable.
It isn't a mystery because

1) There are pictures of him moving stones with a large tripod using telephone poles and block and tackle.

2) Even if you didn't have a block and tackle, you can still move large stones

Just because YOU (or conspiracy nuts) cannot figure out how to do it, don't project your ignorance on other people.


Millie's Staff Member
thats an amazing block and tackle. can lift an 18000 pound stone and balance it to perfection under another 18000 pound stone.


Unelected Mod
thats an amazing block and tackle. can lift an 18000 pound stone and balance it to perfection under another 18000 pound stone.
Don't be an idiot. What it shows is that he used mechanical advantage to move blocks and that is surely not the only piece of gear he rigged up. Also, saying "18000" pounds makes it sound much worse than it really is. That is only 9 tons. He did lumberjacking, where moving trees of much greater size is often necessary.

The point is that using levers and fulcrums, as well as block and tackles, you can do things that seem "unbelievable". The smart person says "awesome, science!". The idiot starts looking around for aliens and anti-gravity.


Millie's Staff Member
You are saying aliens and anti gravity. Im saying the crude methods you say he used to cut, shape and move around these 9 ton massive stones all by himself doesnt sound realistic considering modern day technology cant duplicate his feats with just one man. Basically the dude was some kind of genius ahead of his time and ours.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
You are saying aliens and anti gravity. Im saying the crude methods you say he used to cut, shape and move around these 9 ton massive stones all by himself doesnt sound realistic considering modern day technology cant duplicate his feats with just one man. Basically the dude was some kind of genius ahead of his time and ours.
Do yourself a favor and watch the video khalid posted a few posts above.


Unelected Mod
considering modern day technology cant duplicate his feats with just one man. Basically the dude was some kind of genius ahead of his time and ours.
NO, why do you keep saying that? It directly contradicts the information I JUST FUCKING HANDFED YOU. You can duplicate that shit, using block and tackle and levers and fulcrums, with one man, someone just isn't going to go out of their way to show you because it is a pain in the ass (though fucking check the video I linked).

You know what, FUCK YOU though. You are one of the worst goddamn posters on this forum, if not the worst. At least Lumie has the excuse of being crazy. You on the other hand are just flat out fucking stupid and, even worse, unwilling to learn. Stupidity and craziness I can forgive, unwillingness to educate yourself when handfed the information is unforgiveable. We live in a world where we are surrounded by ways to get information more than ever before. Just wikipedia alone is a resource that people would have died over in the past. Yet fuckstains like you can't even be bothered to go there. Hell, that is too much work, so how about Google? Oh no, you would rather continue to spout ignorant shit like "it can't be done with modern techniques" with your hands clamped over your eyes. In THIRTY FUCKING SECONDS I googled coral castle, looked up the wikipedia entry and then found information completely debunking it. Yet you, WHO BROUGHT IT UP IN THE FIRST PLACE, couldn't be bothered to do that work EVEN AFTER I GAVE YOU THE INFORMATION.

I mean, think about it for one goddamn second. You probably don't know how an automobile engine works, yet you don't go around proclaiming "aliens probably did it" until someone proves it to you by laying out an edition of How it Works for you. Do you start screaming THE PILOT IS FUCKING GANDALF when flying a goddamn plane until people settle you down and explain airfoils? Of fucking course not. Yet in this case, instead of admitting that maybe you don't know enough, you start going around screaming aliens.

I don't know what I fucking expect from you though. You are the person that claims to have read Game of Thrones multiple times yet knows less about the books than the fucking AVERAGE tv show fan. You are the only book reader that should be allowed to post in the spoiler thread because you are too fucking stupid to even get THAT world correct more than 1/10, so I don't know how I can expect you to do better in the much more complicated area of real life.

In summary,