Just got back. I liked it but I rank this one 3rd. It fails the "show don't tell" aspect that the 1st pulled off masterfully. It really felt like they were fleshing everything out for the TV show to me. I also prefer guns over knives and swords. Halle Berry did way better than expected and the dogs were awesome. Mark Dacascos was hilarious also.
Scenes where the bad guys let the good guy live are universally stupid across all time and space.
And it was hilarious and brutal at the same time. I was thoroughly entertained the entire way through, and while the middle/end of the movie just could never hope to keep pace with the brutality of the first 20-30 minutes, it was a great ride. Some great comedic lines at appropriate times, and the entire sequence at the end with the armor was hilarious, especially the resolution.
It's a 9/10 for me, and a 8.5/10 for a kickass John Wick movie.
I counted at least ten dick shots. Be they punches, kicks, or dog bites. Buddy counted over 130 deaths.
Movie had a completely different feel than the last two, and made part 2 feel even less when it originally held steam against part 1. Chapter 3 is a different flavor of movie. Chapter 1 is a masterpiece. This one was full bore on the fun and tropes, lots of call backs, and The Matrix scenes. The fact that even though it was a tropey, action movie that felt very self-aware, still took itself seriously in what it was delivering and why it was still a monumental success in my mind. Especially for being the third movie when the first should technically not have ever seen any sequels.
So much fun. That's all I can say. If you don't get it, you'll hate it, otherwise it was incredibly enjoyable.
The theater experience was absolutely key for me. The groans or expressions after a particular kill or cheesy joke line sold this movie for me. The "Oh shit!" or "ohhhh!" or cringe sounds that echoed across the theater... We'll see how it stands up to repeated viewings like the first, but I can confidently say it will stand up a lot better than Chapter 2.
enjoyed it even more on a second viewing, holds up really well and they do a great job of bridging action sequences. while on first view I wasn't sure if the whole assassins creed mid thing was necessary, on second viewing I really liked all the casablanca stuff although the desert stuff is still really WTF. Halle Berry really grew on me on second watch and I would totally watch a spin off with her and her doggies
its a bummer aladdin is taking over all the premium screens starting thursday night.
Wife and I just got back from seeing this, fucking bad ass movie and we both enjoyed it a lot. Yeah there are some eye roll moments like how no one ever notices these guys killing each other but whatever I don’t give a shit.
It’s a roller coaster of violence and mayhem and I love loving it.
This is the crowd I am also in. Just saw the movie. Nice thing about Thursday afternoons? You can get a whole theater just about to yourself. (Mrs. Haus
and I counted maybe 2 others in the theater).
I'm not a big Halle Berry fan, but I honestly thought she was great in this. And the fight choreography in the fights involving her and her dogs was like dancing with guns and blood.
I enjoyed them throwing him a curve ball with the table's "best assistance" showing up in the third act.
all but bulletproof men with bulletproof helmets
Already looking forward to what should be the ending in Chapter 4.
1 and 2 at least had good choreography, but this one was a joke. The entire time it felt more like a B movie than the 3rd in a line of FIGHT / COMBAT movies.
The premise had such a good start too! I thought John would be killing his way up the food-chain while basically inadvertently saving / creating new masters of the pillars of the city ( Fishburns character and the continental). Instead we get a half-assed version of events where John finds the head of the table and basically says "Fuckit I fought my ass off to get out of this life to live with my wife but she's dead and I wanna remember her and keep her memory alive and to do that I have to be alive so...SIGN ME UP AGAIN PAPI!!" Then he proceeds to chop off his ring finger and give the wedding band to this guy.
Why the fuck would you give away your wedding ring if your goal was to keep the memory of your dead wife alive?!?
Fucking...iron...chef...announcer.......Seriously WTF was that casting choice? The dude is amazing at acrobatics but his dialogue was so odd. The final fight between Wick and the Iron Chef Henchmen was so dumb...I understand the point of it was to leave wick to the iron chef but John should have died like 8 times in the minion fights but they legit stopped and let him regroup. None of the other movies had theatrics like this shit. The goal was to kill the shit out of them, not diddle their assholes. Then the iron chef dies in such a fucking stupid way, "HAHAHA HAY JOHN CATCH YOU LATER BRO LIKE I LOVED YOU IN THE FIRST MOVIES LOLOL!" Get the fuck out with that dialogue.
Finally...fucking owner of the Continental shoots wick? Like i get this is a play for "I shot you so you could get away!!" but really? Damn this was stupid.
The nail in the coffin for me seeing any of the other movies?
"Guns, lots of guns."
ANY time a movie / franchise harkens back to other work OUTSIDE of the franchise is a really bad indication IMHO.
1 and 2 at least had good choreography, but this one was a joke. The entire time it felt more like a B movie than the 3rd in a line of FIGHT / COMBAT movies.
The premise had such a good start too! I thought John would be killing his way up the food-chain while basically inadvertently saving / creating new masters of the pillars of the city ( Fishburns character and the continental). Instead we get a half-assed version of events where John finds the head of the table and basically says "Fuckit I fought my ass off to get out of this life to live with my wife but she's dead and I wanna remember her and keep her memory alive and to do that I have to be alive so...SIGN ME UP AGAIN PAPI!!" Then he proceeds to chop off his ring finger and give the wedding band to this guy.
Why the fuck would you give away your wedding ring if your goal was to keep the memory of your dead wife alive?!?
Fucking...iron...chef...announcer.......Seriously WTF was that casting choice? The dude is amazing at acrobatics but his dialogue was so odd. The final fight between Wick and the Iron Chef Henchmen was so dumb...I understand the point of it was to leave wick to the iron chef but John should have died like 8 times in the minion fights but they legit stopped and let him regroup. None of the other movies had theatrics like this shit. The goal was to kill the shit out of them, not diddle their assholes. Then the iron chef dies in such a fucking stupid way, "HAHAHA HAY JOHN CATCH YOU LATER BRO LIKE I LOVED YOU IN THE FIRST MOVIES LOLOL!" Get the fuck out with that dialogue.
Finally...fucking owner of the Continental shoots wick? Like i get this is a play for "I shot you so you could get away!!" but really? Damn this was stupid.
The nail in the coffin for me seeing any of the other movies?
"Guns, lots of guns."
ANY time a movie / franchise harkens back to other work OUTSIDE of the franchise is a really bad indication IMHO.
This was very B-Movie. Straight up zero plot, just running around, getting stuck in political warfare between the city and the high council, and now done.
Meh suspension of disbelief at that point, you have to assume that the world is not based on reality it's based on some alternate reality because they were literally walking in a well populated subway area where they killed what...3 people and no one batted an eye. I liken it to the "Hitman" series where a dude with a barcode tattooed on the back of his head is walking around and no one is giving him a second look.
The issues I had with it are:
Writing, the dialogue was just so so so cringey at points. The story made no sense from a character point of view for many of the characters. The "Adjudicator" was SO BLAND...I don't know if that was her acting how they told her to act or if that was her interpretation of that character but hoooly shit was it dry. Wicks unhealthy attachment to his wife and her memories being cast aside so suddenly. I mean this point is a pretty major one, imagine, the first movie is about him killing a bunch of people because they shot a dog...that his wife gave him after she passed away. Cut to this movie and he is asked to:
Affirm his commitment to the table by casting off his weakness. Like...huh? He considers his wife, the one he's fighting to use as a memory to continue living...his weakness?
If he thought so little of his wife, why did he kill everyone over a dog that his wife gave him in the first movie. Unless they are getting to the fact that he just really really like killing.
Just so poorly conveyed. I mean I'm not expecting Jerry McGuire here or some master-class of acting but fuck me keep the line cohesive.
Fight choreography is huge with me, so many fight movies are at a point now where it doesn't even feel like a real fight, it seems like a "Hollywood" fight where people wait their turns and throw punches when the camera is right.
This is a great example of a good fight scene (Also a really good movie, if you are into John Wick).
Compare this movie to the OG movie house invasion scene:
and the fights all seem too scripted to the point of being obvious. Not to mention the dialogue was on point for the scene, it was comical while not being over the top, it told you everything you needed to know about the character you'll never fucking see again in the movie. He knows what John does, he knows enough to keep his nose where it needs to be to stay alive.
There was a fight early on where John was being attacked by everyone and their mother in order to cash in on the bounty and through that whole fight it seemed more like people were pulling punches and generally doing more "Hollywood" fighting than real. Ultimately they just turned the series into more Sci-Fi than action and I'm talking B grade Sci-Fi channel action and a Hollywood budget.
I still enjoyed the movie, but yeah, the escalation is kind of getting nuts. I do think that in John Wick's world, assassinations and what not are legal. It seems like all crime is organized, and if you want to be a criminal you have to go into that world. I need to read up on it, because it's kind of an awesome idea.
Maybe Im dumb but did Winston's betrayal at the end make no sense to anyone else? Why throw away your lifes work to help John only to betray him? Winston was right back where he started before helping John so it seems kind of pointless.
Maybe Im dumb but did Winston's betrayal at the end make no sense to anyone else? Why throw away your lifes work to help John only to betray him? Winston was right back where he started before helping John so it seems kind of pointless.
Not just that but I mean stats wise, Winston just "Hired" john to rail an elite task force AND an iron Chef. John came out of it alive and without any life threatening injuries. Like shit that's like Superman saving the world and lex being like, "I'll spit some chewed up kryptonite on you!"
3 movies, they spent 3 movies telling you that John is nigh immortal and 3 seconds shitting on it.
If Winston doesn't explain himself out of that situation in the first 30m of the next movie the entire scene won't make any sense..
I am not sure if Winston actually tried to kill John at the end or if it was a stunt to make it appear as if he did. I hope it was a stunt but at this point I will just download the next movie anyways.
The reason I enjoyed the 1st movie was because I honestly thought John Wick was going to die at the end. He had reached a point in his life when he had nothing to live for and decided to go out taking what had taken from him. While I enjoyed 2 and 3 enough to watch, neither are really that rewatchable. I have watched the first movie a few times and still enjoy it.
I wish they had taken the story seriously and had managed to formulate real fight scenes with an actual goal. At this point they might as well call the next movie "John Wick, The Fast and the Furious" for all they plan to do with it. It was a little odd noting all the nods to other movies they did with this movie. While that is fine in movies that are designed with that format(Deadpool), it suddenly felt like the movie was mocking itself. They did not do this with part 2 and certainly had not done this with the first movie. They took what could have been a great series of ideas and decided to just go superbadass indestructible mode with it. I love the idea of the world they created. Its a shame that it seems as though the people responsible for making these movies do not.
I will not bother with "part 4" anymore than I bother with "Fast and Furious some crazy number and title".
Winston's play at the end was, IMHO, angled at the fact that he knew NYC effectively has to go to war with the table. The whole rooftop scene was just setting that this was the first battle in the "War of Independence" for NYC from the table. The only way to have John alive for that war would be for the adjudicator to think he was dead. (Fishburne even agreed that he would probably have done the same in his situation). That of course failed. Wick is being manipulated by Winston and the king of the Bowery. If they don't wrap this series at 4 though I will agree about it jumping into Saw territory.
On the other hand the world building is good enough I wouldn't mind other stories set in this world.
I am not sure if Winston actually tried to kill John at the end or if it was a stunt to make it appear as if he did. I hope it was a stunt but at this point I will just download the next movie anyways.
The reason I enjoyed the 1st movie was because I honestly thought John Wick was going to die at the end. He had reached a point in his life when he had nothing to live for and decided to go out taking what had taken from him. While I enjoyed 2 and 3 enough to watch, neither are really that rewatchable. I have watched the first movie a few times and still enjoy it.
I wish they had taken the story seriously and had managed to formulate real fight scenes with an actual goal. At this point they might as well call the next movie "John Wick, The Fast and the Furious" for all they plan to do with it. It was a little odd noting all the nods to other movies they did with this movie. While that is fine in movies that are designed with that format(Deadpool), it suddenly felt like the movie was mocking itself. They did not do this with part 2 and certainly had not done this with the first movie. They took what could have been a great series of ideas and decided to just go superbadass indestructible mode with it. I love the idea of the world they created. Its a shame that it seems as though the people responsible for making these movies do not.
I will not bother with "part 4" anymore than I bother with "Fast and Furious some crazy number and title".
I think the end game likely is john wick murdering all the high table and then when a new table forms they ask for peace and then john is asked to retire and leave the game again because all the assassin folk are tired of being murdered in job lots.