I have no particular interest in DQ as a series but since it'll be on Steam I'll probably play it at some point on a sale or whatever unless I'm bored when it releases. I only played DQ Builders which was kinda fun but pretty shallow and a remake of an old one on 3DS, 6 or 7 or whatever and I honestly stopped playing it after like 30 or 40hours cause it was just way too fucking slow and boring, storywise.
The combat wasn't that great either, it had a class system where you have to level various classes to unlock hybrid better versions of them but if you grind for like an hour you unlock all the final classes and they're pretty broken so the combat just becomes a spam one skill and wait for stuff to die kinda,. Plus there's only like 3 final classes, so there's no real variety, your 2 melees are the same classes, healer is the healer final class and mage the mage final class so the concept is pretty much flawed, the classes shouldn't be better than the others, there's like 15classes in the game but only 3 worth using.