Speaking of Dragon Warrior, are there any relatively older (PS2 / PS3 ) Dragon Quest titles that are really excellent? I have and played the one where there is 3 main characters and wasn't impressed... was 2 males and 1 female and the blonde guy had red armor and the dark haired guy had green clothes like Link and you had to get plate fragments to travel to different areas. It was just lackluster to me. But I've had a huge fondness for the series and would love to get a solid new (new to me) game in my hands... preferably one that almost hearkens back to the first three series and contains huge nostalgia... y'know, has metal slimes, magi-wyverns, goldmans etc hehe.
It seems DQ11 is precisely what I'm looking for but I don't own a PS4 and I'm too poor to buy one

Going out of budget for approximately $350 to play this seems excessive even though I'm dying to play this!
For the fans of the series that are like me and literally grew up on DW1, 2, 3 etc, is DQ11 the perfect blend of what I was talking about? Nostalgia and old-school sensibilities combined with current-gen graphics? I read on wiki that one of the complaints was the odd-ball pair of great visuals with 1990s midi-based soundtracks, as well as simplistic combat, but seeing a short YouTube vid of the intro and gameplay, I was like.... no, that's fucking cool! It felt sooo DW to me. Does that get kinda old after playing for a buncha hours or is it, in a way, a perfect design choice for old fans like me?
It seems DQ11 is precisely what I'm looking for but I don't own a PS4 and I'm too poor to buy one
For the fans of the series that are like me and literally grew up on DW1, 2, 3 etc, is DQ11 the perfect blend of what I was talking about? Nostalgia and old-school sensibilities combined with current-gen graphics? I read on wiki that one of the complaints was the odd-ball pair of great visuals with 1990s midi-based soundtracks, as well as simplistic combat, but seeing a short YouTube vid of the intro and gameplay, I was like.... no, that's fucking cool! It felt sooo DW to me. Does that get kinda old after playing for a buncha hours or is it, in a way, a perfect design choice for old fans like me?