Hateyou @Phazael I don't think the endgame elemental bonuses are "busted," I think they were outright removed. The info screens for armor and jewelry don't have any place for damage bonuses, only resistances. It's very bizarre that this choice was made, sort of like how it's also very bizarre that Agility and Avoidance do nothing.
Just ignore them. You have to pick up 5 (I think) to make one stat point. They’re just a tiny bonus and not worth effort unless you’re in range and want to move anyways.I've been pretty underwhelmed by tactics ogre overall - most of the things they changed or updated suck - especially green cards, even knowing they don't make *that* much difference, still seeing enemies eat them or have to stall while running around picking them all up because they vanish at end of combat is just duuumb.
When you use skills that don’t match that symbol the arrow goes to the right. That’s fine at first but during a longer battle you will get into the red ‘overheat’ range which causes you to take a lot more damage. When you use a skill that matches the symbol (The skills will also be highlighted orange in the selection window) the arrow goes to the left, away from overheating. However you can also go too far left and then drop out of overdrive which causes you to do less damage.I'm trying to expand my gaming a little so right now I'm playing Chained Echoes which, I guess, is a kind of spiritual JRPG. I really like it but I also was wondering if anyone could tell me: what the fuck is the purpose of the icon that counts down to the left of the Overheat bar? Obviously, it represents the symbols of certain skills, but to what end? I tried using the same skill within the countdown "window" but I didn't notice anything; and then I tried doing it at the "1" which I thought might be a timing thing...but also didn't notice anything. I'm afraid to look to far abroad because I'm trying to avoid any spoilers at all.
Thank you for the great explanation!When you use skills that don’t match that symbol the arrow goes to the right. That’s fine at first but during a longer battle you will get into the red ‘overheat’ range which causes you to take a lot more damage. When you use a skill that matches the symbol (The skills will also be highlighted orange in the selection window) the arrow goes to the left, away from overheating. However you can also go too far left and then drop out of overdrive which causes you to do less damage.
The goal is to push the arrow to the right, into the green, at the start of battle, then use skills to keep the arrow staying within that green range so you are doing bonus damage and taking less damage. It’s basically a way to encourage using skills you probably wouldn’t use otherwise.
The white arrow under the bar shows where you are in the overdrive range…when you are giving over skills you will see a grey arrow to the left or right which shows where the arrow will go if you select the skill you’re currently on.
It’s kind of a shitty design really, but it’s not necessary to really use so in the end it doesn’t matter much. I would suggest just using shitty crystals you don’t really care about on all the 1-9 star armor and weapons, save the ones you do like for the final 10 star stuff. You can also use stuff you care about that’s low grade (takes up 3 slots) because you wouldn’t really want to use three slot crystals on the 10 star items, unless they’re high level so getting the final tier of bonus.I’m getting relatively far into chained echoes, I think, but I don’t get the crystal and upgrade system. It doesn’t seem really all that important or necessary yet. I keep getting new weapons and armor so frequently that upgrading seems like a waste. No fights have been THAT challenging yet to need to slot in crystals for more hp, crit %, hp, etc yet. Are they just for endgame stuff really?
Not that it means much, but Amazon and Gamestop both list release as March 31, 2023 on their preorder pages.Checked to see if Trinity Trigger is out yet... it isn't. I hope the project isn't having issues. Was supposed to be an early 2023 release, but I stopped seeing anything about it months ago.
(That's the one that looks and sounds like Secret of Mana, with the world designer and composer from SoM both working on it. If you know SoM's soundtrack you know what a big deal this is)
bought the game but never played it, so i guess thats good
The Legend of Dragoon PS4, PS5 Can Be Purchased Without PS Plus Premium
The Legend of Dragoon PS Plus Premium release goes live today. However, those who aren't subscribed to Premium can still play it.www.playstationlifestyle.net
It’s an HD emulated port. They also added rewind, save states and trophies. Apparently the trophies are well thought out too with side quests and collectibles. Right up your alley.Is this a Legend of Dragoon remaster of some sort? Like the PS4 versions of FF7-FF9 having much sharper visuals.
I assume so, because you could already buy LoD on the PS3 PSN Store for half as much as this...
If it's an actual sharpened-up HD port I'll buy it for sure.
It’s an HD emulated port. They also added rewind, save states and trophies. Apparently the trophies are well thought out too with side quests and collectibles. Right up your alley.
They did it for Wild Arms 2 and Harvest Moon too.