It was better than Suicide Squad for what it's worth.
I’ll be damned, I actually kinda liked it.
The story was a mess (you could tell cuts were made), and the villain was barely a character, but the heroes were actually fun, which was enough to somewhat save it for me. And honestly, the story might’ve actually worked if there had been even one more movie prior to this that served to establish the magic boxes as a thing—say, if they had done a Cyborg movie first—it may have made things feel less out of left field.
Overall, not as good as Wonder Woman, but better than the rest of DC’s fare.
I understood all those words separately
lolWhy was the Flash Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.
I just went to see it again. I think I was too harsh on my first viewing, I liked it a lot more on the second viewing, when I could just sit back and enjoy it instead of being highly critical.
Also, the OPENING of the movie was fantastic, the "everybody knows" song showing the lament for superman. That's pure Zach Snyder, but not as good as his opening for Watchmen. Also, I didn't catch on the first viewing that Batman was using the criminal in the opening sequence as bait for the Parademon.
And, I think I like the actors/heroes in this universe better than Marvels. Marvels movies are better, but these characters are better. I mean fuck, what's honestly more iconic than Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman??
That's the point! The DCCU should be blowing Marvel out of the water based on the popularity of the characters, but WB keeps managing to screw it up.but these characters are better. I mean fuck, what's honestly more iconic than Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman??
That's the point! The DCCU should be blowing Marvel out of the water based on the popularity of the characters, but WB keeps managing to screw it up.
Feels like all this is increasingly being graded on a curve.
Imagine you could go back in time 5 years and post on FoH that
a) 2017 will see the release of a Justice League movie with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, the whole shebang
b) That same movie will also open below Thor 3, another Spiderman reboot, a Wonder Woman solo-flick and some Guardians of something Marvel C-tier property nobody ever heard of?
What do you think people would've made on that comment?
I mean seriously. It‘s a fucking Justice League movie! It should be murdering screens left and right. It should be printing cash for WB like no tomorrow. It should be the one who knocks at Star Wars‘ throne for this year at least. It shouldn‘t be „people who only saw three Superhero movies on the big screen in 2017 probably missed it“-level.