Everything else was pretty much spot on garbage...
-Steppenwolf is a nobody bad guy. If they would have had him being pressured on by Darkseid somehow, that would have made him 100x more interesting. It's like they went straight to Age of Ultron and created a blank enemy.
-Batman was basically a bitch outside of his Batmobile, after seeing him be a complete badass, it was awkward and out of character. They pointed out too heavily that he's just a man in a batsuit. He seemed completely outclassed and unsuited for the encounter, and then he's going to make a suicide run? Nah.
-Bruce being a flat out dick to Wonder Woman about her dead ex.
-Bruce in half of the Batsuit, man that suit looked terrible, and loaded with "fake muscles"... and the forced almost-romance with Diana.
-What the fuck was up with the Spiderbatcrawler thing? Did they create that specifically to make a bullshit toy out of it? What a dumb, terribly bad concept.
-Cyborg was too broody. Fuck, they all were, but we never really get the feeling "why". Oh, another bad guy. But Cyborg is supposed to be spunky, like Flash and Green Lantern. You could even see it wearing on WW.
-Some of the comedy was ridiculously forced. Superman carrying a building while Flash pushes a truck? Wommmp wommmp. "I'm rich." "Is this guy bothering you?" Sigh. And you can tell several of the lines were added posthence, because the audio is added on top where you can't see them actually speaking words. Lazily hamming it up.
-SUPERMAN'S UPPER FUCKING LIP. GOD, I didn't realize CGI could still be as bad as the X-Men where they rubberskin aged Magneto and Prof X.
-They're clearly putting too much money into these productions in the wrong areas. Most of the CGI is badass, but then they just fall flat on critical set pieces. Like, you can directly compare Steppenwolf CGI to Surtur (big flame sword bro from Thor Ragnarok). They spent all their power on Cyborg, then cut half his fuckin scenes, or maybe they just rushed the release and never finished the CGI on Cyborg's cut scenes, and just rolled with what they had. I mean, $25mil on Superman's mustache? Are you fuckin' serious right now? Whoever authorized that is probably kicking themselves in the teeth. How much did they think they were going to make with that half-assed shod job. OK, so they didn't spend $25m on stache CGI, they paid $25mil in reshoots, which apparently included every single fucking Superman shot. Like, what was supposed to be the rest of the movie? Did they really need to reshoot every scene he had been in? What the shit? So you lose a director halfway, and the replacement director half-asses the half-assed job?
-The lazy posturing of the mother box and the regeneration chamber, rushing Superman's resurrection.
-The pace for scenes were wildly different, transitions seemed cluttered. The over acted postering by the river between Bruce and WW.
-They should have spent more time on Aquaman, though with the out of fuckin nowhere trip to Atlantis to get the trident for "reasons", and having to deal with Amber Heard on screen, not sure that's a good idea either.
-Aquaman's powers were... confusing. He can leap buildings? Basically Superman underwater breaking the sound barrier? And he's an angsty asshole for, again, reasons. But actually completely light. He felt redundant to Superman. I mean, in Man of Steel, Superman even saves folks on a water surrounded oil rig, floats, and whales swim by.
-"We need an idea to make Flash not stupid overpowered so we have a reason to bring Superman back." "Make him be a clutzy idiot." "GOLDEN."
-The WW blocking bullets from the "assault rifle" felt disgustingly on the nose with American weapon violence. "Wouldn't it be great if the real world had someone like her to protect us?" But we don't, and it's impossible, so fuck you and your real life. "But look at their faces, they show hope!"
-Themyscira basically getting massacred, again, more bad CGI - they did so much better in the WW standalone. Also, the postering and beating around the bush. Trying to explain crazy shit seriously, in small concise bits, without just flat out saying things straight.
-The mother boxes were the real enemy, and they beat around that topic. They said "it'll make it like their world," but didn't explain how, or why. Probably because they have no idea what Apokolips is actually like - the planet is a giant engine, and its entire population is slaves. Maybe mention that, stakes might feel higher. Nah, just some boxes that are going to make the ground all fucked up, ala Superman Returns and the ground crystals....sigh.
-Frosting over the blatant appearances in the flashback scene. Yeah, that was the Lantern Corps, I realize you're hiding from the shitshow that was the Green Lantern film. It's ok. *pat pat* But seriously, where the fuck was Green Lantern when a world ending enemy shows up? Isn't this his specific line of work? "Nah, they got it."
-The musical score. Compared to Hans Zimmer, everyone is gonna be pretty shit. But it went beyond shit and was completely derivative. While I lightly enjoyed the '89 Batman tone, it felt slightly out of place, especially when Batman was just busy getting his ass kicked, not being a badass. Wonder Woman's theme was muddled. And Superman's theme was just rehashed, simplified, and turned down a notch. Obviously a lot of the budget didn't go to the scoring of the film.