Steppenwolf is a stupid character with a stupid name and a stupid design. They even make fun of all of the above within the comics themselves. He's a fucking nobody and Joss Whedon went with him as the primary villain because he's a fucking moron and was actively trying to destroy the film because he's a spiteful cunt who was still panty twisted over getting jerked around during the development of the Ultron movie.
Desaad is Darkseid's right hand man and at some point effectively replaces Darkseid. They're both monstrously more interesting characters when it comes to facing down Superman and his ridiculous power level, as well as taking on the Justice League. Darkseid is singularly minded. Conquer and rule planets. Apokolips is some volcano planet with millions of slaves. The one time Superman goes to his planet, he doesn't outright murder or topple Darkseid, because millions of slaves would die without his rule. Superman just says don't fucking leave this planet again. It's a weirdly interesting trolley problem with an interesting conversation in ethics. Desaad was originally kind of a joke version of Darkseid, but later become more of a badass than a bumbling Starsceam to Darkseid's Megatron. I am very interested to see what Snyder does with those characters.
Joker and Deathstroke are wonderful villains for Batman to deal with. Mostly because they can't blow up a planet by punching it, so fighting them makes more sense for some depressed psychotic human in an armored bat suit.
The Flash has a nice rogues gallery, and many, many good stories. They're fucking up by not taking advantage of that. Though after 16 different speedster villains in the Flash TV series, we may be burned out there.
Cyborg is a lame character when not associated to the fuckin Teen Titans. He's a token black character that gets plugged in as a plot device. He's not interesting, complex, or fun, and has no real named villains. He's still pretty cool, but I'd pick like 26 other Justice League characters before him. It's fucking hilarious to me they got the biggest pussy Nancy boy to play his character and he ends up being so insufferable they just fire his ass, and he continues to cry about it on Twitter almost daily. Sorry, dude, you're never working in Hollywood again. Way to salt the earth.
Wonder Woman.... sigh, they just nose dived that franchise. I don't know why they don't understand that it's so fucking easy to do these cornerstone characters. Pick a decent villain. Don't let him overact or get ridiculous like dragon breath from Ironman 3 or Trump from WW1984. Just look at how Michael Keaton nailed the fucking Vulture, or Tom Huddleston as Loki. So they added a shitty Cheetah. God, that Cats CGI cat asshole trash on top of a stupid story. That said, she does well in a group facing a Superman level threat.
Spots with Martian Manhunter would be cool. I could see an Aquaman style movie covering his origins. Speaking of Aquaman, he can be a cool character, but they made him an idiot surfer fag with stupid action and poor CGI. He can act, and the scene where he's sitting on the lasso of truth is one of the better scenes in the whole fuckin movie.
Anywho, /rant off. Heyuuge DC fanboy. I'm just hoping it gets rid of the extremely stupid parts (like the CGI mustache, and the stupid "comedy" voice over lines they added in post production, "is this guy bothering you?" fucking cringe).