Massive improvement on all levels. No wonder the dude playing cyborg was pissed, with all the shit they cut out his character was actually engaging. I think it is safe to say Whedon is a hack at this point and got lucky with a great cast on Firefly and the first Avengers movie, where his constant quip schtick worked. DC has always played it more straight than Marvel, so someone like Whedon should have never been let near it. The ending drags a bit, but I get where he was going with it at that point, it just should have been a trimmed down post credit sequence. Everything else was top tier and I even liked the obscure music choices, which made things seem far less "commercial" and test audience screened. Most damning of the original Whedon cut is how in this one there is a feeling of actual risk the heroes are going to lose, whereas in the Whedon cut its pretty much faceroll once Supes shows up. Of all the characters, Flash was the most improved from the theatrical cut. What the fuck went on to let Whedon ruin this?
Objectively, I put it at somewhere below Avengers 1 and above Age of Ultron (for my money, a bad movie and one of the few bad ones Marvel has made), though it is clearly two movies (or should have been). Between Age of Ultron, the theatrical JL, and his metoo bullshit, Whedon should never sit in a director's chair again. I hope this was successful enough that some of the Snyderverse is considered to be continued, but honestly after the black hole of despair and bad that was WW84, I am not sure that it would turn out good. Snyder should have no trouble getting work again, since literally every moment of this cut was a massive improvement over what Whedon shat out. I know the edgelords are going to edge it up on this, but I honestly liked this movie quite a bit in this form and I doubt I am alone.