Aychamo BanBan
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Between this and the forty pages thread about Falcon’s sources of income we definitely need more movies and tv shows to come out!
yeah they arent ever hiring this guy again.
Ray Fisher Disputes WarnerMedia Exec’s Comments Regarding ‘Justice League’ Investigation
Ray Fisher is disputing Ann Sarnoff's comments regarding the "Justice League" investigation into alleged misconduct on set.variety.com
some chicks tried to metoo him with some lame shit, but he was still able to get work. now i think this time he is fucked. i havent heard other stories that he's racist, eh maybe he is or maybe like the metoo its just people reading into things what they want to see. Cyborg guy will probably never work in the industry again. he took down Whedon who the big studios liked because he made them money. this guy isnt making them shit.So I didn’t find him that bad in the movie, but I did notice he’s not been in jack shit before or after...this was his “big break” right? And he didn’t get anything after so he decided to Bubba Wallace? Or Whedon is a piece of shit to minorities and women? Probably both? I’ve not paid attention to this since it’s mostly been vague accusations...weirdly vague.
I can start to believe that Whedon is a complete asshole. But Fisher wasnt giving anyone any reason to believe him for a long time. He wouldnt even say what Whedon did other than "he was mean to me". Eventually he started trying to burn everyone else down along with Whedon and still not giving reasons. It started to just seem petty. Seems like 99% of the internet doesnt believe him anymore either.There are so many other accusations against Whedon that it's really not much of a stretch to believe Fisher.
FTFY and remember most of these comic book names were devised in the 50s or earlier for mass appeal to children.
And there are plenty of people who communicate very well in second languages and can act in them. Christian Bale anyone? Eva Green? It is a matter of effort and acclimation, just compare your ability to communicate vs say Lenindoritos.
Welsh (so heavily accented English) for Bale and French for Green.What is Christian Bale's and Eva Green's first and second language? English and English?
He hurt peoples feefees allegedly.What was Whedon's crime? That he hurt some people feefees?
Or did he rape/molest someone?
The Flash scene where he saves the girl in the wreck ... tell me that hot dog he grabs doesn’t look like a big penis on the screen.
Holy fuck lolI will if you can tell me the prisoner pods in man of steel didn't look like a bunch of dildos. That was snyder too wasn't it?
WOWI will if you can tell me the prisoner pods in man of steel didn't look like a bunch of dildos. That was snyder too wasn't it?
It reinforces my "insane" belief that this isn't about making as much money as possible. Only enough money. The goal is propaganda or otherwise social conditioning material being crammed into this stuff, which is used as a vehicle for it.
Christian Bale is English, he was born in Wales to English parents but Wikipedia has him going to school in England so it's not clear how long he was actually there for.Welsh (so heavily accented English) for Bale and French for Green.
This has already happened at least twice.This is where I think eventually WB will regret being acquired/owned by AT&T. WB is a solidly "Hollywood" operation, always has been. Born and raised in Hollywood and flows with the whims and desires of the Hollywood environment.
AT&T is a global reach multinational media and technology company. They care about one single thing. Bottom line profits.
At some point a meeting is going to go on between AT&T and WB that will go like this :
AT&T : We see you own these IPs worth this much. Over time these IPs are making less money, why are you mismanaging them?
WB : We have a responsibility to diversity and messaging the right message to people with the platforms we have for GREAT JUSTICE!
AT&T : No, you have a responsibility to make us as much money as possible given the resources at your disposal.
Question is how that discussion plays out in the longer term. Some non-Hollywood outfit might just be able to go to AT&T and say "Here's how we can get you $XYZ returns on your IP if you let us make movies based on them" and it will be like the distracted boyfriend meme...
Now, on the other side of the mega media duopoly we have Disney. They are infected with "Hollywood" from the absolute top down. The only hopes for that conversation there will be the stockholders being the "AT&T" in that case.
Disney announced that Falcon and Winter Soldier was their top rated show. Snyder cut beat that by 100k. WB is still going with their woke agenda. Wonder Woman 84 beat both of them.This has already happened at least twice.
1) DC Comics were going to reboot their entire line with diverse heroes (eg Black Batman) and were going to call it 5G to suck up to AT&T.
It was mysteriously cancelled with the work completed just being a mini event and massive cuts in the number of staff and comics. Clearly AT&T told them to knock off the virtue signalling and cut their funding.
2) AT&T approved the Syder Cut, WB were against it.
These executives announce things to manipulate public opinion, like the Star Trek projects announced without distribution/funding, or the Star Wars Trilogies announced with no substance.
So they can call the Snyderverse dead all they like but AT&T can step in again to reverse course if the Snydercut is profitable.