Snyder cut has many eye brow raising moments but compared side by side to the yesman that is Joss Whedon (Gal didn't even film the dumb Flash scene), Snyder will at least produce something that's not completely hacked.
Whedon is getting the last laugh -- the man got his payday back in 2017 and so did WB. This was a no brainer for them. Was literally free money.
WB round table: Hey you guys wanna release a new movie for 70mil cost?
WB: I'd buy that for a dollar
17 cringeworthy moments toward women in 2017's 'Justice League' that are changed in Zack Snyder's cut
Joss Whedon's reshot version of the film has moments that undercut the strength and power of its female characters. The "Snyder cut" fixes
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Wait what scene did WW not film in Whedon cut?
flash falling on her boobs. She refused and they got a double.
That's some pretty harmless physical comedy all things considered, it's not like he demanded she make out with him.
The ass shot is just kinda pathetic but at the same time I don't hear Cavill complaining about being expected to go shirtless every time he gets in front of a camera.
Snyder made the most interesting Superman movie ever even if he fucked up that Superman would have led Zod away. That’s my only complaint. Him having to take a life to understand the impact was pretty damn good character development for a Snyder movie.
and I still like Watchmen. Fight me.
jason mamoa lives with his shirt off. it's more of an issue getting him to keep his shirt on. he's that guy that asks every scene if he can do a take with his shirt off, just to see if it mean Jason Mamoa, how many fucking shirts did he throw away during this movie?
She looks fine to meI just kind of want to know when we started giving a fuck about a director being a shitty person? Hell Stanley Kubrick was such a monumental piece of shit to Shelley Duvall when making the shining that she literally had a nervous breakdown and yet no one really gives a shit.
I mean 300 and Watchmen were pretty much already Snyder's "style", it's just that they were already completed stories so they covered up his ineptitude at storytelling.He hadn't enforced his "style" onto it like he started doing later.
Man, I just read through that article. I clicked his evidence for her refusing, it's a twitter link, but it also says that Whedon put her in a room and yelled at her for refusing to film it. He's such a piece of shit. I also read there was a butt scene that didn't make either cut of the movie, but was in the JL trailer for Whedon:
People get old. Really crazy shit!She looks fine to me
i watched that Red Letter Media review and yeah, its pretty much what we discussed here. i still dont know why Martian Manhunter was impersonating Martha Kent. i mean i do understand why they had that scene, to motivate Lois to get back to her life, but why does Martian fucking Manhunter give two shits about her?
I would love to see Cavill as Supes, as much as I hate the character I think he does a great job of portraying himWarner said the Snyder fans are toxic essentially, so unless AT&T steps on them again, Cavill is assuredly out as Supes and the Snyderverse is on ice.
Even before Warner bashed the Snyder cut fans, they already trashed a Cavill pitch last month.
Here's to hoping AT&T bitchslaps em for the third time.