Dear Xxxxx,
Account Name: XXXX
Server(s): Blackhand
Old Character/Pet Name: Whatthehoof
New Temporary Character/Pet Name: Senn
Offense: Naming - Partial Sentence
The name selected for this character/pet has been deemed as inappropriate, and has been changed. For further information, please view the World of Warcraft Naming Policy and Terms of Use Agreement: ( and (
* * * IMPORTANT * * *
The actions detailed above have been deemed inappropriate for World of Warcraft by the In-Game Support staff of Blizzard Entertainment.
As a temporary resolution, the character/pet has been assigned a random name. If you are not satisfied with this name, please reply to this E-mail or send an E-mail to
[email protected]mailto:
[email protected] with a list of at least five new character/pet names, along with your World of Warcraft Account Name. Please list your choices in order of your preference, and we will do our best to accommodate your wishes. Inappropriate names will not be selected and the next valid name down the list will be chosen.
For any concerns or disputes on this matter, please E-Mail
[email protected]mailto:
[email protected] and our Account Administration team will be happy to assist you.
Be aware that additional inappropriate actions may result in disciplinary action, including account closure. We thank you in advance for respecting our position and hope that you will continue to enjoy your gaming experience in World of Warcraft.
Game Master
Blizzard Entertainment
Customer satisfaction is a top priority here at Blizzard Entertainment, and we would like your feedback on the level of service you have received. Please feel free to provide such feedback at the following web address: xxxxxx