So six+ years ago we all meet this guy, we'll name him "loser", so loser works as the concierge of our building. He's nice enough but really skittish and just kind of strange. Sometimes the ebonics was so strong I really didn't know what he was talking about. Once when I was leaving the building he literally handed me "eight bills" and asked me to go get a money order for him to pay his rent. I did it because I knew him but it was really, really weird. Plus the whole thing cost me about a dollar, so that was kind of strange too. Just one of those cant-you-do-this-yourself situations. He hangs out with my exboyfriend/boyfriend at the time and my future husband/friend at the time and Req and a few other randos from our building. It's hard to explain the environment of Req and Tyens if you werent a part of it. It was all come and go, free for all. Doors unlocked. Beer? Drink it. Food? Eat it. Pot? Smoke it. Door was always open. Want to tell your one night stand this is your place and f her in the bathroom? Whatever floats your boat. No rules. Loser would come over often. Once I was telling him about Trader Joe's and how great and cheap it is. He had never heard of it and asked me if I would go with him to show him the ropes. I agreed. I love TJs. He drives his car. It was a BMW or Mercedes or something. Super old, but fine. I guess his dad gave it to him years ago. When we're on the way back from TJs, he told me he was really disappointed. He thought that I said it was going to be cheap...He paid over $100. At this point, as a person with a brain, I am flabbergasted. This man obviously knows nothing about money.
Fast forward a little bit, this guys money starts getting really tight. He has to sell the car his dad gave him to pay rent. Soon he has to move out of the building he gets a FAT discount on rent from because he can't afford it. Then he realizes he has to get a new job because he just wasn't making ends meet. Really sad situation seeing how stressed out this guy was. One of Reqs oldest friends got him in touch with a job. Nothing special, but in a computer something company that does well. I mean, he is in no way going to make big bucks at this job, but it gets him out of his current situation. This is one of the many times I want to scream YOURE FUCKING WELCOME at this asshat. Unfortunately, there is one problem. He doesn't have a car. Like a true genius, he sold his form of transportation to pay for a single months rent. Don't get me started.
Here comes Tyen and Reqs sense of generosity and community. They feel so bad for this guy that they tell him that he can use a car. This car is average, nothing special. It has a broken wheel or something and expired plates, but no one is using it so they said that if he fixes those two things he can use it UNTIL HE CAN AFFORD A CAR OF HIS OWN. He is so happy and accepts. Everyone keeps in touch, no big deal. I needed to pick up a christmas present for my brother and I asked him to drive me, hello, youre using my bf's car for free, you can drive me 20 minutes and he gets really shifty. Says he'll do it but doesn't answer the phone. Finally does it.
Fast forward a little bit. We see him and we joke with him, like, hey, you've been using that car for over a year, when are you giving it back? And he jokes and is like just let me know when you need it back and it's yours. We don't see him for a while and then run into him. He and Tyen hang out for a while and Tyen's getting increasingly more stern about needing the car back, they joke. Whatever.
Fast forward a little more. Boom. I'm prego. We have a car to use, but it's actually my moms. So my mom is like, "yo, get your car back Dan. you're adults now.". This is when I start trying to get in touch with this huge fucking loser. He sends me on huge loops, he'll call me back, he's getting a new car, he has a new car and he's not using our car, etc. So many lies I don't think he's even realized what he's told me.
Then nothing. His phone number is changed. We're so annoyed. We stalk his facebook page and it seems like he's been out of the country or some shit and Tyen realizes Loser has sold the car. Tyen has the title, but Loser found some schmuck like Onoes on CL and sold him a titileless car. I suggest we report the car stolen. Big Tyen doesn't want to.
We actually cut it off as a loss and move on. 2 weeks later, not kidding, we run into him outside of our apartment DRIVING THE CAR. We wave him in, he parks the wrong way on a one way street like a complete idiot and comes in. I thank him for bringing the car back and I'm already emailing the building about needing a second parking space. He corrects me and says he is not bringing the car back, he was just here and saw Dan. So incredibly annoyed and pregnant. He's lucky I didn't rip his head off. Dan confronts him about the number being turned off and Loser has some Loser reason why and gives Dan his new number. Dan calls the number to give Loser his number and Losers phone DOESN'T RING. Then oh, "ooops" that's not the right number. Tyen gets the real number. We told him we're calling him tomorrow about getting the car back and to make plans to not have the car anymore.
We call the next day and the phone number has been cancelled. So a couple months later we have the second baby, we actually had an apartment fire in between so focus was lost. Then we seriously need another car. We have two kids. I message his friend (a mutual FB friend) and tell him I need losers phone number because the games have been played, were done, we just need the car back. Losers friend messages back and says that loser told him not to give us his phone number and that he doesn't want to get in the middle.