Kenshi - A Sandbox RPG


Hmm, thinking of checking it out. I haven't really heard much of it until this thread and I'm totally all for sandbox games. The world is fucking huge, can't wait to explore around. Seems like one of those games the internet would be jizzing all over if it had multiplayer support. Always worth it to support them cause they may eventually add it, who knows


Molten Core Raider
My biggest hurdle for enjoyment was that the camera is worse than Neverwinter Nights 2, and that's saying something. Having to manually move the camera to follow my characters movements is a pain in the ass, you constantly end up at weird angles, buildings/walls/hills blocking your view, etc. I spent just as much time manipulating the camera as playing the game.

I think the concept is really cool, but right now it feels like playing some shareware game from a decade ago, definitely needs a lot of time to mature.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
That's funny, I thought the camera was fine. I think if you double click a character (Or press their hotkey twice) it will lock the camera and follow them. Once you get a bunch of people in your squad though the camera makes more sense since there's no reason to get the perfect angle on one guy when you have 10+ guys to worry about.


<Gold Donor>
I got around the follower limit by choosing the settler group origin, but I crashed twice while setting up my town.
Press F5 often mmmkay? Shit is discouraging.

Also my group got rolled a few times by wandering bandit mobs as we set up camp. I didn't try to develop my crew at all, I just took what they gave me and went and plopped down some buildings. If I run inside the shack and lock the door, will the bandits be able to get to me and will they depart if they can't..or just sit there? I meant to test this, but the crashes bummed me out.

Edit: zewikisays police stations have basic training dummies to make your dudes suck ever so slightly less at fighting early on. I am off to investigate.

Also I think I'm going to leave my build crew in town and make fat stacks with my fighters on the settler origin before I head out next time. Maybe I can set up a safe-ish research spot to learn walls before I try to go full on with a settlement. wandering bandits jumping my scrubs as they build is the suck.
The bandits will indeed proceed to still ruin your shit even if you lock yourself in a building. I think that they either just beat the door down or it actually doesn't lock for them but I remember doing the same thing with my first group and having 4 bandits beat the crap out of my team of three laborers while my three fighters were out in the desert.

The crashes are very annoying right now. I keep forgetting to autosave and have lost progress twice now due to them (even though the signs that they are coming are now obvious, inventory items start ghosting back to inventory if you pick them up and try to place them in a container).

The training dummies are a must have. My initial small house was turned into a training dummy house after i researched in to bigger buildings and every time someone finished their material work to where I had a surplus they get to hit a dummy until they get a ouple levels before going back to the rock quarry. Now all of my laborers and engineers are over lvl 20 at fighting and, since there are so many of them, can hold their own in a fight. All of my fighters have been transitioned back to swords now that I'm at steel lvl 4 katanas and my workers all use the old blunt weapons and break a lot of arms every time that I am attacked.


Registered Hutt
OK, my new game is doing much better. I cheesed the settler origin again, but this time I sent each of my dudes to the training dummy until they got to high 4. It caps at 5 and slows down a TON as you enter skill 4, so I was like ~blah. Only one guy can use the cop's dummy at a time, so the rest of my dudes were put on follow and worked up their athletics/strength running circles in town and picking up bandit loot. This was just to kill time while I trained. By time I got all my dudes to attack 4 most of my dudes were also athletic 15-20 (20 is the cap for the demo) and packing decent light armor/sabers from bandits. I then set out to build my town.

I settled just west of Fort Simon or w/e it's called in the south. Either I got lucky or pathing is reduced there. I only fought one bandit mob, but I did have to kite them to the guards. They only chased two of my faster characters so I left the majority of my guys at camp while I ran those off, looted and sold their stuff.

Unfortunately some more dudes came up while I was on my way back, but only 3 of them. I had my squad inside my shack with the door locked, and they were calmly waiting for reinforcements while the bandits were attacking the shack's door. The door is pretty robust, and 3 bandits took the entire time of my traveling to attack them to get it down to 95%.

When I started getting close the bandits aggroed on my arrivals and thenmy guys in the shack automatically unlocked the door and opened itto help the group fight. I was not pleased since some of them were still hurt from the previous fight (I bought extra med kits while in town to pass out amongst my dudes). I couldn't get them to stop opening the door so I let them participate. We won, we healed up, and right as I was clicking to repair the door, the game crashed. I saved while leaving town to save my settlement so not much was lost, but

Only thing I'd have done differently at this point is buy more medkits before leaving the first time, and if I owned the full version I'd have more dudes overall. I'm researching beds and then storage containers next. I've got a farm, well, generator, stone mine, and processor, shack, and research table.What should my emphasis be to keep 7 low-skill troops in the field without getting rolled?Walls is what I'm guessing. I set myself up in a crossroads type spot with mountains around me so I should be able to be efficient with walls.

Apparently you can use walls to cheese highways between your settlements and any towns you like by limiting onramps within areas you deem safe. They can also be used to make highways up mountains with the same method. I saw a thread on the forums about this guy making a super highway connecting towns and settlements in the northern desert.


Registered Hutt
So I spent all of yesterday running to each city I was non-kos to for the fragment axe blueprints and couldn't find it, and no where on the internet does it specify where all the patterns were. I have the holy sword start which turns out is a terrible first character choice because it makes you kos to the best cities (the holy bro cities) which happen to have the fragment axe blueprints.
Do all holy bro cities have the axe blueprint? The one near me has it in the southwest.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I think each vendor in a faction has the same gear, but I could be wrong. So all the holybro weapon dealers have the same blueprints and all the united city armor dealers have the same stuff etc. As far as advice, I'd recommend that you buy the game. It's like $15 or something. If you absolutely refuse then the answer is to stay close by somewhere with beds and guards and take on small/injured bandit packs yourself then pull bigger packs to the guards. After a big fight heal up. Public beds cost 100cats per use, but if you buy a house you can build beds in it.

Yesterday I pretty much finished my city and discovered that the most profitable product is producing the chain weave. You only need steel bars to do it so it's just a three step process of iron ore -> steel bar -> chain weave. Each one sells for like 2000 cats, they naturally stack to 4 and weight 3kg each. I maxed out at having 5 dudes making the weave while being supported by like 8 automatic ore mining buildings and 4 steel refineries. I had half the squad assigned to doing that and the other half doing other unrelated stuff, so I could probably double production by focusing on that. However the problem quickly becomes selling it. The traders that visit your village have some kind of limited money they can spend and regenerate the money very slowly so they're pretty much useless for moving a lot of product. The vendors in cities have ~20k cats each so they can only buy ~10 weaves, which means manually selling them is possible but tedious. And of course once you get a city going like I have money isn't valuable anymore.

I've found three real bugs that have been a pain for me:
1. Some of my weapon/armor producers won't make two of the same items in a row. They're supposed to finish the item, put the item in an armor/weapon bin, then make a new one. It works on some items and doesn't work on others. What's funny is I have two main armor producers. One of them I can get him to put it in the bin if I put the item in his backpack. The other guy won't do it with the exact same weapon.

2. Some bandits got stuck on the mountains right above my city. If any of my guys get too close to that edge of my city they'll aggro and indefinitely stand 10meters from the bandits they can't get to.

3. I bought a home in an npc city for my researcher to go to, built him a desk there, made him travel to there and locked the door behind him then told him to research forever. I go back to my squad of non-nerds and start smashing fools and a few minutes later check up on him and he's just aimless at his desk with research in his order queue. As soon as I warp back to him he starts researching again, and as soon as I warp back to my squad he gives up. I tried the same thing with his desk back at home and he does that. So he only researches when I'm near. Mother fucker needs to be micromanaged.


Registered Hutt
yea, I noticed the research thing. My strat while teching for walls and such has been to send a fast runner to aggro bandit squads before it gets too close, then run them to town without getting hurt. It works pretty well, but I have to be quite vigilant since I need space to make sure they only chase him.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I do the same thing. One thing that makes that easier is weighting them down so they run at just above the pace of the bandits.


<Gold Donor>
the new shift+right click for assigning indefinite jobs seems like it might be bug #4 on your list and also probably be directly related to your bug #3. It seems to work on my research table in my city but my farmers like to stop every few cycles and just get lost running back from the storage containers and give up farming so something is buggy with assigning jobs.

I'm finally getting into making armor since it wasn't live when my game started and I didn't have it researched yet. Are there any restrictions to researching in town vs. using a bench in your city? I know that getting to the next research bench has been the biggest time sink for research time since, I think, it only becomes available once you've researched the entire next tier of tech (i think that research 5 is 60+ hours or something)


Registered Hutt
I also have a little niche in the mountains that seems to collect bandits near my pad. He needs to put ranged into the game soon so I can pick them off. They're halfway to town, and one bandit squad aggros on the other bandit squad. Some are in unreachable locations. Maybe when I'm more progressed I'll try the wall sploit to path up there and kill them.

I'll buy into the game soon. I'm just trying to absorb more about it first. $13 is decent for what there is, but I'd like to witness the rate of development first-hand.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
the new shift+right click for assigning indefinite jobs seems like it might be bug #4 on your list and also probably be directly related to your bug #3. It seems to work on my research table in my city but my farmers like to stop every few cycles and just get lost running back from the storage containers and give up farming so something is buggy with assigning jobs.

I'm finally getting into making armor since it wasn't live when my game started and I didn't have it researched yet. Are there any restrictions to researching in town vs. using a bench in your city? I know that getting to the next research bench has been the biggest time sink for research time since, I think, it only becomes available once you've researched the entire next tier of tech (i think that research 5 is 60+ hours or something)
The only restriction with where you research it is that my researcher seems to fuck off anytime I leave him alone. And if you think researching the levels is bad wait till you get to high level weapon smithing! The last level is 206 hours. That'd be fine if I could leave my nerd alone for a week but nope.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
lol @ the patch notes:
0.50.1 (Stability Update)
Remember, it's not "still crashing", it's "those crashes were fixed and now these are new crashes"

That's such a true statement for software.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So last night I finished up my weapons research (during dinner, chores, watching a movie etc), built me a new set of maxed out fragment axes (58kgs, lol) and annihilated the holy bro cities.

I think tonight I'm going to play around with the editor and jack up the sizes of the bandit parties and see where that gets me.

Oh and I encountered this bug last night but fixed it:Lo-Fi Games View topic - No more bandits.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Welp here's my city and a pic of a super group of bandits I modded in:


I'm not sure what else to do in the game now besides mod in tougher mobs. Maybe I'll make a mod with a new faction that has a city + some villages and really tough fighters. One big thing that separates this game from Mount and Blade for replayability is that the combat gameplay is basically nonexistent. Maybe I'm not resourceful enough but there's literally nothing I can do in a fight besides maybe some cheesy kiting in order to kill faster or increase survivability. The strat I've been taking is to keep everyone together and to tell anyone who is injurred to go into block-only mode. Then once they're healed up a bit they go back into offensive mode.


Registered Hutt
I think when you open the map and select the faction tab at the top of the window, your faction is listed on the left and you can change the name. Something like that. Maybe it's the tech button. /shrug


Mr. Poopybutthole
See the faction tab on that screenshot? You click that, and then it opens a window. Click on "Nameless" and type whatever. Takes a little bit to update.