My copy of Fireball Island with all the extras showed up today. First kickstarter in awhile that I remember showing up exactly when they said it would. Pretty happy since family will be in tomorrow and this gives me time tonight to get the cards sleeved, tokens punched out etc. Quality seems ok, it's three separate plastic pieces for the base game board instead of the originals one solid piece (I think, it's been almost 30 years since I last played it). The middle piece rests in between the two side pieces to give it a bigger sense of height which is kind of neat. Marbles are a little disappointing in that they seem more rust colored than fireball like, will probably end up replacing them with something a little flashier. One thing I'm not sure on yet is they purposelessly went with folded ends on the corner on the box which while accurate for an 80s board game makes the box feel flimsy. There is apparently a Broken Token insert coming out soon and depending on how the family reacts this weekend may invest in it. Should be a fun weekend, got this new old classic we used to play plus Ticket to Ride, Rumicube, Scythe, Scythe JR, Dead of Winter, Rampage and Blokus all out ready to go depending on the mood and group make up wanting to play.