No, to qualify for the Day 1 gift you have to pledge one of the tier levels, the cheapest of which is the standee box at $99. But remember, they won't charge your card until the KS ends, so just remember to back out if you get cold feet and decide it's not for you, you will lose nothing.
Also this game is very likely to hit retail, at least the standee box is. So if that's all you were planning to get, and you aren't sure, you are probably better off waiting until retail, when you might be able to get it at a better price, assuming you can resist FOMO. The only thing you will be missing is the Day 1 gift, which looks like a single miniature.
The true value of the KS is the miniature (mystery) box, which they say is a KS exclusive. So if you are pledging, you should probably go for the $179 tier, because that is the stuff you won't be able to get at retail and you might latter regret not having.