

Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
How old are your kids? I was looking at Arcadia quest but it seems out of print cycle for things like pets/beyond the grave in the UK at the moment. I think mine may enjoy it.

Also @hateywhat pledge level did you do on that kickstarter? I love neoprene mats but their storage is a pain in the ass if they arent in the game box

I’m at the $44 level but may bump up to playmats later. That would probably help my kid with organization. Also that was the worst butchering of my user name I’ve seen.
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<Bronze Donator>
How old are your kids? I was looking at Arcadia quest but it seems out of print cycle for things like pets/beyond the grave in the UK at the moment. I think mine may enjoy it.

Also @hateywhat pledge level did you do on that kickstarter? I love neoprene mats but their storage is a pain in the ass if they arent in the game box
Mine were in their teens when I bought it but there game but it would be fine for 10 and up I'd say. Set up and tear down are a huge pita. Honestly if I were you I'd be tempted to get something that can be played in a single scenario format. With Arcadia quest you really have to play through a few scenarios in a row to make it worth playing. Given the setup time it just makes for a long evening for kids. It's too bad that there isn't a Massive Darkness reboot. The first edition is crap but it clearly has the bones of a great game.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Mine were in their teens when I bought it but there game but it would be fine for 10 and up I'd say. Set up and tear down are a huge pita. Honestly if I were you I'd be tempted to get something that can be played in a single scenario format. With Arcadia quest you really have to play through a few scenarios in a row to make it worth playing. Given the setup time it just makes for a long evening for kids. It's too bad that there isn't a Massive Darkness reboot. The first edition is crap but it clearly has the bones of a great game.

I wish they’d release a rule revision for Massive Darkness. I love the minis and art but they just failed at playtesting. I’m guessing someone has made a decent rule revision out there I just haven’t tried looking yet.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I got Masmorra for my oldest for Christmas, which is a simpler version of Arcadia, I think. Kid is 7 and we both enjoy playing it, we got a couple of expansions for it.

Tonight we played our first session of a very simple version of D&D with both of my sons (youngest is 4). They love it. Open ended RPGs are always great.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
I wish they’d release a rule revision for Massive Darkness. I love the minis and art but they just failed at playtesting. I’m guessing someone has made a decent rule revision out there I just haven’t tried looking yet.

My friend got everything for that game in the kickstarter, cost him a fortune (like 450 canadian bucks). We played I think three times, fucking sad. Great miniatures and it looked fun in the kickstarter.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
My friend got everything for that game in the kickstarter, cost him a fortune (like 450 canadian bucks). We played I think three times, fucking sad. Great miniatures and it looked fun in the kickstarter.

Yep, I’ve played it twice. Love the miniatures and art. Will probably go back and try again some day with rule tweaks to the treasures. Just got OP so fast we raped the big monsters. No challenge at all.


<Bronze Donator>
Not only did I go almost all in, I laminated the player sheets. We played it about a dozen times. I'm storing it and hoping. If nothing happens from Cmon for another 2 years I'll just throw it away. I wouldn't even give it to someone. With the plethora of dungeon crawlers coming out eventually someone will get it right. If not it's just d+d to fill that niche.

My buddy just bought The Others. I'm looking forward to giving that a go.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Not only did I go almost all in, I laminated the player sheets. We played it about a dozen times. I'm storing it and hoping. If nothing happens from Cmon for another 2 years I'll just throw it away. I wouldn't even give it to someone. With the plethora of dungeon crawlers coming out eventually someone will get it right. If not it's just d+d to fill that niche.

My buddy just bought The Others. I'm looking forward to giving that a go.

That’s lame man, give it to a game shop or some poor nerd kid.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ive got Massive Darkness still sealed up and havent played it yet. What gets OP about it? Anything that can be house ruled or tweaked or is it the core game mechanics?


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Ive got Massive Darkness still sealed up and havent played it yet. What gets OP about it? Anything that can be house ruled or tweaked or is it the core game mechanics?

They give you way too much loot in the form of chests. 3 loots can be transmuted (at any time I think) into a more powerful loot. So you level up really fast then get OP loot really fast during the course of a map. You start out weak so it feels pretty cool in the first 1/4 of a map, then you get some loot and aren’t in much danger in 2/4. Then 3/4 you’re OP and 4/4 you’re untouchable. The giant monsters couldn’t even land hits on us or defend because we had abilities that would take away their hits/blocks so easily. At the end everyone said “that’s it? Wtf” so we spawned another big mob and raped it, did another and raped it too and everyone agrees the balance was terrible. Obvious they barely playtested it.

I thought of just reducing the loot amount to where you only get one chest per room, and I had one other rule I thought would have fixed it but can’t remember now. It was a no brainer though so I think you’d be able to figure it out in one or two maps. I just remember it seemed so easy to fix I was angry at them for being so obviously lazy about the whole thing we didn’t play it again.

I’d suggest just playing with reduced chest spawns first (or double the transmute cost) and see how it goes, add in something else if it’s still OP by the end. It definitely has the bones of a decent game it just needs some house rules and testing to balance it out, make it more challenging. As it is the beginning of a map is too luck based/hard depending on what monster you draw, then once you start looting it’s too easy.

What makes this feel worse is that every map you reset your gear and abilities just like zombicide, so you start out each map in a story/ campaign type game as super weak then super OP for every scenario. It just seems stupid. They should have focused on making a balanced 10 map campaign, with rule variants for single map style play imo.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Another Aeons End. I have everything created so far and haven’t played some of it. If you’re missing some this is probably still a solid buy. Everything they’ve released has been solid, adding rules, adding variations. They have done a great job with this IP so far. The legacy game (two expansions ago now) was great, my gaming friend and I played it exclusively until we finished it last month.

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<Bronze Donator>
I've enjoyed it as a solo game primarily. Like you i have stuff i haven't used and probably will back this, but I'm not sure I'd be in for much more. I like the single fights more than the campaigns and as rules get added its losing singe of what i liked about it. Quick scenarios with vastly different boss fights. I know i can still do that but I'm really not feeling the need for more. What i do need is a new randomizer app. The one I've been using isn't updated past legacy.


A nice asshole.
Dungeon Drop arrived today, will get to play it Friday or so.

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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I've enjoyed it as a solo game primarily. Like you i have stuff i haven't used and probably will back this, but I'm not sure I'd be in for much more. I like the single fights more than the campaigns and as rules get added its losing singe of what i liked about it. Quick scenarios with vastly different boss fights. I know i can still do that but I'm really not feeling the need for more. What i do need is a new randomizer app. The one I've been using isn't updated past legacy.

I‘ve never tried the app, what makes it different than using the randomizer cards?

The only rules that made me feel like I was losing track of stuff was the legacy corrupted gems that could only be used to buy spells. It just seemed like a hokey mechanic. ”Oh this gem is corrupted, you can’t buy certain things with it”...what? The rest of the rule additions didn’t feel bad to us but we did forget to utilize our additional rules (the stickers) on our abilities a couple times. Overall we really enjoyed it but both thought the corrupted gem thing was slightly annoying to keep track of when buying things.


<Bronze Donator>
There really isn't a difference with the randomizer cards. I just prefer things that way.


<Prior Amod>
I just backed this. My wife loves Unstable Unicorns and this looked fun so I grabbed it for us to play.

Thinking of selling my Tainted Grail w/sundrop. I doubt I'll ever end up playing it after I beat it at a friend's house using his copy. Mine has been opened but nothing has even been taken from the box. lol


Dental Dammer
Cmon Marvel game just hit kickstarter, fucking assholes know how to milk my wallet dry.