Yeah, I love Gloomhaven. I really need a lighter dungeon crawl for the family. Right now Arcadia quest is as close as we get.
Yeah, I love Gloomhaven. I really need a lighter dungeon crawl for the family. Right now Arcadia quest is as close as we get.
Anyone going in on The 7th Citadel? The 7th Continent was good but not great. This seems to fix a lot of the issues with 7th Continent but not sure if it's worth it at this point.
Massive Darkness is not too bad and not super costly. Its more akin to Zombicide, minus the bloat and one moron ending the game being an asshole. First Watch is another good light one, though not really a board game. If you don't care about coop and want a fast crazy game, Clank (especially the space variant) and Dungeon Quest are good ways to scratch that itch too.Yeah, I love Gloomhaven. I really need a lighter dungeon crawl for the family. Right now Arcadia quest is as close as we get.
Dropped today
I just do Zenithal on the games I don’t have time for painting. Can do it with two rattle cans and with a box that size it would probably only take an hour or two for everything. Seal them and you’re good to go.I'm in on that one for $1. Lot of criticism against Mythic Games for long delays on projects (still waiting on Solomon Kane) plus folks are wondering if DD will really translate well into a board game without turning into a generic dungeon crawler.
The minis are definitely sweet though, but I wish they hadn't gone with red for all the enemies. I don't have to time to paint any of them, but I know they'd pop with just a dip or a wash like several other KS releases have done.
Goddamnit, I hate that I missed this Kickstarter. I would have been in for 3x full sets.
I've read a bunch of the comments from backers and it seems that fulfillment is a significant issue right now. The site says they'll make the minis available at retail when backer fulfillment is complete. I'll probably just wait until then.Send them an email asking if you can get a set. A lot of times those companies order more than the Kickstarter to replace broken stuff, sell to retailers, late backers, etc.
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