Kids & Food


<Gold Donor>
Some of that shit is bullshit though. Im 6'2" and my "healthy" weight based on that is supposed to be like 169 or some shit. LOL, I would look like a concentration camp victim at that weight. Im overweight now for sure at 220. but I would give myself 200 to be a good weight. Anything below that, people start wondering if im sick or some shit. (Yes, I have been at 185 in the past)


> Than U
Not to pick on you bro but you're classified as obese given your height/weight. I left active duty at 6'1 220 and was definitely fat; just because I could run and do pull-ups didn't mean it wasn't nasty and bad for me. You are carrying enough body fat to significantly increase the likelihood of diabetes and heart disease. Regardless of how you feel now -- its about 10 years down the line. Docs aren't lying... 30+ BMI is not good.

EDIT: I already know BMI isn't meant to be applied to an individual, blah blah blah. The top 5 percent of the nation give the other 95 percent an excuse to ignore an easy metric.
By chart I am but doctor I am not, but I do need to lose 30 lbs. I do have a tummy now in my 40's my doctor wants gone. I never said otherwise, but given my muscle mass he tells me I am not obese, but I do need to lose weight. Something a calculator will not show. There is a difference between people who work out/also do physical labor compared to someone who does nothing but drink beer and eats chip weight wise. I tip the scale of the latter by 4 pounds but I am the prior.
BMI Calculator for Men (for Males Only)
203 is considered normal 224 is obese? Maybe if I sat on the couch all day and ate fried chicken.

My doctor tells me not to go under 190, and shoot for 200 given my muscle mass and to stay under it. At the current rate I've been losing it, I expect it to take another year. I could do it far sooner if I changed some habits like eating more often instead of one massive meal at night but my stomach never could handle food well in the day if I get hot.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
My parents always tricked me into eating new things. They would serve something like pot roast and they wouldn't give me green beans or whatver new thing I hadn't eaten before and explain that "this food is for adults and I wouldn't like it". Which of course made me protest till they gave it to me and I would eat it even if I didn't like it because I wanted adult food!


Just a Nurse
It wasn't my intention to bring in a conversation of obesity or anything like that. It was just a mere question because you ate a ton of carbohydrates when you were younger. That's all.

Back on topic: I was very, very picky growing up. I'm 28 now and it's going away over time. There are some things I still will not eat: Lamb, pork, duck, ketchup, mayonnaise, and a few other things. But, slowly expanding the horizons! :p


Musty Nester
Start early. Tastes are formed very young. So all the flavors of gerber when they're still too young to give you any damn backtalk.

If you're already past that stage then eat it or starve usually works. They won'tactuallystarve. Unless it's a girl... maybe she will starve herself just out of spite. A boy will get hungry and cave. Girls are fucked up. Bribery I guess.

I hate fish. Like really do hate it. We never had fish growing up. It's not even that fish tastes bad. It tastes perfectly fine when I eat it. It's the smell of fish that grosses me out. It's a physical reaction. It just doesn't smell -right-. That's the thing that forms in childhood, that "taste" for food.

Except sushi. Yall fuckers are just disgusting eating that raw-ass fish. Feed that mess to your kids and I'll call protective services on you.


> Than U
It wasn't my intention to bring in a conversation of obesity or anything like that. It was just a mere question because you ate a ton of carbohydrates when you were younger. That's all.

Back on topic: I was very, very picky growing up. I'm 28 now and it's going away over time. There are some things I still will not eat: Lamb, pork, duck, ketchup, mayonnaise, and a few other things. But, slowly expanding the horizons! :p
Quote all right. It will change with time no matter who you are. I couldn't stand mustards when I was young and now I enjoy like 5 types of it on various food. Same goes with mushrooms and pork and peppers. On the flip side I used to love lettuce now I can barely stand it. Used to love Thousand Island now I like Ranch which I hated back then.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah I used to be a picky eater as well. I hated anything other then cheese and pepperoni on a pizza, Now? throw the works on that bitch. Same with Chinese food. I remember as a kid my parents used to take me out to Chinese all the time and I could not stand anything other than some chicken pieces. Now? fuck, I like all that shit.

I dont force my kids to eat anything. I remember how I felt when my mom used to force shit down my throat all the time (not literally) and how I hated it and it made me that much more determined not to eat that shit EVER.

I just dont buy the stupid food, like the snacks, the sugary or salty carb filled crap. Its just not around my house. So its either eat good food that we cook or have around or dont eat at all. Trust me kids wont starve. Just dont give in to their whining. I know plenty of parents in my circle of friends that do just that. Buying their kids dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and cooking them hot dogs at their whim because they wont eat anything else. Like one of the above posters said, you eat what we eat or you dont eat.

But for the most part my kids are all right when it comes to food. They try new shit, and they either like it or dont but at least they try it. I tell them all the time, I will not force you to eat anything you dont like, but you at least owe me to try it.


<Silver Donator>
Leg presses are for pussies. Bro, do you even squat?

Kind of on topic, our kids are too skinny. We're always pushing them to eat more.

They're both skin and bones. My 11yo was 60 pounds for several years, up until the last few months when he put on another 10 pounds due to a growth spurt. He does Tae Kwon Do, Sailing, and is about to play his third year of football and is still super skinny. How do I put some weight on the kid in a healthy way? He hates whole milk and chocolate milk. Too rich.


<Gold Donor>
Fucking bacon? Seriously?

Mayonnaise? Ketchup?

Damn bro, you live a tasteless life.


> Than U
Leg presses are for pussies. Bro, do you even squat?

Kind of on topic, our kids are too skinny. We're always pushing them to eat more.

They're both skin and bones. My 11yo was 60 pounds for several years, up until the last few months when he put on another 10 pounds due to a growth spurt. He does Tae Kwon Do, Sailing, and is about to play his third year of football and is still super skinny. How do I put some weight on the kid in a healthy way? He hates whole milk and chocolate milk. Too rich.
70's and 80's man. It was a different time back then. Known as the dark ages to some of the youngen's around here now.


Buzzfeed Editor
Easiest solution is don't let your kids watch advertisements. Which is something I'm already planning on how to handle limiting that. Ad-block, downloaded shows, etc., will prevent a ton of advertising getting to my kids.
This is harder than you think. Sure, you can limit it. But they embed advertising within shows now. Kids are surrounded by advertising and they pick it up pretty well. Just walking through a store you can easily get a sense of how this was designed specifically to be a gauntlet that families must traverse, all the while their kids being assaulted with product placement, well known characters, etc.

I want to let my kids have shit, I feel sorry for some of the kids my kids play with who don't know what an Oreo tastes like or have never had real cake. That shit is bananas. So I try and make deals with my kids. You want a piece of chocolate? Eat some potatoes. Want a cookie? Eat ALL of your broccoli.

Even then it doesn't always work perfectly. My kids go through phases. When my oldest was 14 months like Draegan's kid, I was in the same boat as him. We were doing it right, she would eat anything, it was great. Now she just refuses to eat random things. But she will eat a whole bowl full of broccoli if you give it to her. Or raw peppers and carrots, she would eat plates full of them. Not cooked though. No potatoes in any form. Rice only when heavily bribed.

My mantra now is that you have to try everything on the plate. You don't have to eat it all, stop when you're full. But try everything. And I bribe them. But I call it "incentivizing".


Silver Squire
Start early.

Don't feed or keep processed shit in your house.

You will tend to like what you grew up eating. That doesn't mean they'll be asking for seconds of broccoli but they'll have healthy habits.


<Gold Donor>
Dont get me wrong, we buy cookies and whatever. Its jut an odd treat, not something we buy all the time. Yeah, dont have that shit around the house and they cannot eat it.


Buzzfeed Editor
Well, we pretty much keep sweets in the house. But we try and ration it out. There's nothing wrong, in my mind, of giving my daughter a treat of an Oreo after a relatively healthy meal with a lean protein, some kind of starch, and vegetable. Even every day, it really isn't a big deal. I let them have a soda once every couple of weeks, and to me it is no big deal. My girls are skinny as shit and super active. We went to the zoo on Saturday, my 2 year old walked the entire 7 miles with us that day, she was unreal.

We always see these kids when we're out though that make me wonder wtf is wrong with people. At the mall the other day saw a kid that couldn't be older than 5 eating a pretzel and drinking a soda as big as her head, and I would be shocked if she weighed less than 50 lbs. her parents are fucking killing her and it is sad.


<Gold Donor>
The problem for us, chaos, is that our kids are older. So they know where we keep that shit and they start sneaking it. Trust me, buy a box of cheetos or cheese-its, and that shit would be gone within a couple of days. So this is why we just dont have it around. Same with pop and juices. Odd treat. Its water or some tea or milk or whatever. My kids are fit and healthy, but still that shit is just not good for them.