King of the Nerds


<Prior Amod>
Seans mad that he didn't make it through the second audition.


<Gold Donor>
The show will be a lot more interesting with Danielle on it, but I liked Brandon so it's sad to see him go.
Yeah, I felt mostly the same. I mean, I typically want halfway decent looking chicks to stick around in any game/reality show I watch anyway, but the HUGE amount of drama that she is going to create will be far more exciting than if Brandon had stayed. The guy that lied to her reminds me of a fat, nerdy Seth McFarlane, so I'm sort of glad that he is going to be the focus of her wrath. She needs to stop wearing those fucking huge socks and high-tops though, fuck!

And Goddamn, every time Alana speaks I want to punch her in the face. She was dying to dive into the food after that one challenge too. I thought she might eat it foil wrapper and all.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I only saw the one episode where he was eliminated. What was so special about brandon? I mean, he seemed interesting, but what did he bring to the table that everyone was so gaga over?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I only saw the one episode where he was eliminated. What was so special about brandon? I mean, he seemed interesting, but what did he bring to the table that everyone was so gaga over?
I wouldn't say anyone was "gaga" over him, but he was just a likeable character. I liked the fact that he seemed to be a pretty good balance of nerd vs. normal person. Danielle isn't even remotely a nerd. She's a normal hot chick who happens to like video games. The actual nerds are dropping like flies...Hendrick, Brandon, the fat rocker guy. If Virgil and Alana get kicked off it's going to go from "King of the Nerds" to "King of Wannabefamous Douchebags".


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
From what I saw of the competitions in that one episode, they don't really seem to favor nerds. So not much chance a real one will win.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Haha this last episode was great. Most shocking thing? Alana is married. What the fuck?

Lots of good moments/lines here: Josh's "you're killing me, smalls!", orange team getting wasted and slurring in the confession booth, the look of defeat on Alana's face as she got blown away in the nerd off, Celeste fucking up the debate. Good stuff.


The Asian has super nice legs. Weird nose, though.

I would feel bad hatin' on Alana simply because she's physically hideous, but god damn she has an annoying personality to go right along with it. Not sad to see her go.


<Prior Amod>
i like the nerdoffs so far, of course they're really silly but if we break em down
1. chess
2. chance
3. remote control/gaming skills
4. triva

so far the nerdoffs are covering good spread of subjects, i mean it could be done a lot worse than it already is, some scenes are just cringe worthy, but i've seen a lot of reality tv over 10 years with my wife, and this is above average actually.

i'm actually more miffed about week4 superhero nerd war. in week 2 they had a hot chun lee coslayer, george takai, who i'm sure has seen more cosplay at all the conventions than most of us combined, and some actor. this week for the debate, they had a debate guy, that's fine and kevin smith and jason mewes. aside from being jay of silent bob, what does jay bring to the table? i mean it's annoying that kevin tries to put him in everything, i guess he might know comics? at least kevin smith is known as a comic guy, is a writer and has writen a daredevil story, what does jay do?

i mean jay just agreed entirely with the winning team, and his reasonings were barely significant. The debate guy always chose who seemed to have debate skill, while kevin just seemed to go back and forth.

i actually think the other team should have at least tied, alana hands down had the better arguement and material, she was just a bad presenter. And i say presenter, because they didn't actually debate, they just spoke, no rebuttal or nuttin. The stupid cosplay section of week 2 lasted twice as long.

i was actually rooting for alana, but man she was just horrible at the nerdoff. I got 3/4 questions right and they were all educated guesses.


Alana was hilarious. Absolutely the worst person at every single thing they did. Then they get to what's supposed to be hervery specificskillset and she doesn't know a single answer. Made my day.

Anyway, has anyone else taken a closer look at the sets and realized that this is likely the most cheaply funded show out there? Their housing looks like its in the middle of a business park, the most elaborate piece of set they have is a pair of cardboard dice, and their challenges are filmed in a public park that has joggers going through the middle of it.

Despite that, and that I feel uncomfortable for the judges, I'm liking this show a lot. I'm a little cynical toward reality TV shows, as many of them are straight up scripted, but I don't think this one is. I don't think Hollywood is capable of fabricating authentic geekiness. For those saying that most of the characters aren't really geeks, I disagree. The reigning condition for "geek" in this thread seems to be aspergers. The only one I might not consider to be a geek is the black NASA chick. Doesn't seem to have any connection to the culture.


<Prior Amod>
you could tell they were a bit "budget" when at the winning prize they had to wait with regular ppl in order to do that flying thing. other shows usually rent those guys for the hour.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
They blew their budget on alcohol for the house.

Money well spent imo.

p.s Anyone have a clue as to how it's doing in the ratings? I don't usually follow that sort of stuff but I know some people pay very close attention.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Danielle represents everything wrong with female gamers. She tries to find herself a white knight and acts all arrogant when she thinks she has one. Then when the tables get turned she immediately goes emotional and freaks out. Granted she adds a lot of drama to the show, but wow do I hate her.


<Gold Donor>
Danielle is awesome for the show though, so I'm glad she's stuck around. I mean, I'd probably want to kill her if I were actually in the house, but seeing as I'm not, I'll fantasize about doing terrible things to her.

If they do another season I hope they get Dodger from Press <3 To Continue. I love that girl.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Oh I agree completely she is great for the show. But she doesn't represent the mmo gamer; instead she represents everything that is wrong with mmo gaming. Granted I'd destroy her.... and not call the next day... but that's another thread!


Only saw the first episode and it was decent but what I found interesting was that the 2 guys from revenge of the nerds came up with and pitched the whole thing to the network (ya im sure he budget sucked at first). The "not-booger" guy had a really fucked up life and kind of went crazy and I think that's why he doesn't talk much. Heard about it a few weeks before the show started when they went on howard stern and im kind of glad these old nerd icons from the 80s came up with something like this and are successful.


<Prior Amod>
oh if the "revenge nerd" guys basically came up with this show, i totally support them being the hosts and everything now, at first i thought they were chosen, cuz you know "revenge of the nerds" and all that, but if they came up with the idea, that's cool.
i'm now fascinated by celeste (the asian)
at first i thought she was just some gamer, then i saw this conan clip

skip ahead to 6:30 where she does a rubiks cube challenge, no seriously, amazed you will be
after that, i was like wtf
the wife and were totally confused (she watches reality tv with me, she's also a gamer, not a fake gamer girl, played ff's, side scrollers, i was the mt, she was my mt shaman in server first eq2 guild)
then you see this

and you're like wow, that's totally like the "regular" nerd/geek path, not the "i'm a born super genius with 3phd's at age 15" kind.

i almost never root for anyone in realitytv, i'm rooting for her now.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I was surprised at the quality of both of the anthems they created in this last episode. I'm curious how much help they were given in terms of lyrics and ideas. I imagine the producers had a big stake in making the songs at least somewhat marketable.