King's Raid


Trakanon Raider
Stopped working on my alt account after realizing I can solo bd70 with one account, lol. First did Laias Nyx Gau and Clause and discovered that Nyx is currently bugging dragons runs, so swapped to Requina. Haven't failed yet, so that's nice. I used to run an emulator at night as well for extra xp/gold, I'll probably do that with raids now to fill my inv and sift through my inventory during the day.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Pulled Aselica's UW this morning. I dunno. It's underwhelming as a 0*, for sure. 6% P.DEF isn't horrible but it's going to my highest ATK char, and that's Artemia, and she's in the back. It's rare that I have to care about her P.DEF unless the tank's dead anyway. Now, if I can get my Epis' ATK higher than Artemia's, it'll be hugely worthwhile.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Artemia would care about PDEF on WB1 and some guild raids if you took her over better heroes for some reason.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Amusingly enough, I did better numbers with Clause than with Aselica on WB1. I'll try again today but from what I'm reading, Aselica's scaling is the worst of every single hero in the game, and she's disappointing pretty much everyone. Go figure.

I got Fluss in the inn this time round. RIP.


Trakanon Raider
Artemia is in my inn currently. t5's theo this morning, will most likely replace epis in alot of my small group content. I, too, have Aselica's UW, pondering whether to bother getting her, her buffs seem nice. Wonder how her s3 heal compares to priest heals, besides the obviously long cooldown. Also building up annette, I hear she's can compete with priest heals if built correctly.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Aselica is underwhelming so far. I have her at 77. I can put in my 74 Clause in her place with horrible gear, and he seems to perform better. There might be a number of comps where Aselica is theoretically better (i.e. paired with Annette, because they're both quasi-healers, maybe) but one thing is for sure: Her dps is horrible, her amp is laughably short with a huge cooldown, and I definitely don't think she outclasses some other knights, e.g. Jane/Sonia.

I'm going to get her to 80 before I make up my mind, but it doesn't look good right now.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Finally got everyone to 71. Ran a few BD75s with a group but didn’t really get any gear that was a huge benefit.

I’m guessing Clause is either ID or 2xBD/2xID?
Epis FD or FD/BD

Not sure about Cleo or Frey or really even what sub stats for them.

Anyone around tomorrow maybe to help farm some T7 stuff? I’m mostly in while at work from 7:30am CST to 5:30pm CST.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Typically, everyone is 4xBD. In a few very select circumstances (like Phillop, for example, who is a meatshield and nothing but, or Roi who needs omg levels of crit) you can go with other sets or mixed sets, but meh. Moar mana > most things, most of the time.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
In my experience it's harder to find ID groups than BD groups, especially carrys. You're probably ok to wear ID gear on tanks, but as Big Alk said, BD armor is always a safe bet.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah from what i've learned from the research i've done, BD is the standard. ID is good for some tanks that are not heavy mana users (IE clause, maybe phillop?). 99% of the time you want all of your heroes firing of their skills as soon as it comes out, otherwise it results in a dps loss.

Edit: Forgot to add my reasoning. BD gear is the the best place to get mana regen, runes are usually better value for your other dps and/or survival stats. But on top of all of this, your biggest dps increase is making sure you're never waiting on mana.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Who has a guild I can join? The guild I was in the leader went inactive, little asshole hasn't started a guild raid for 2 weeks.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Alkorin Alkorin and I are still playing every day and very active. If any of you are active enough to contribute ~2k stamina per day, our current guild fully clears guild raid hard twice per week. You don’t need to be able to contribute damage, but they do routinely purge inactive/low stamina contribution members (less than 10k per week, typically).

As far as game updates, they’ve been releasing character sub-stories that reward a few hundred memory fragments (1,000 fragments crafts one random unique treasure ticket). Korea is getting chapter 8 on June 14, but there’s no ETA yet on when it’ll be globally released.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
The Chapter 8 patch released today. Lots of changes in addition to the new chapter content.

Max level is now 90
Items can have multiple of the same substat (%ATK, Crit, etc)
Guild halls expanded to be multiple buildings with various perks
Guild conquests where you fight what is essentially a 3rd world boss
New artifacts (even a couple useful ones!)

Think that sums up the highlights. They’re also giving away three x10 rare summons, a random UW ticket, and a random UT ticket one per day for the next five days. It gets mailed at 20:08 EST and disappears at 23:59 that same day if you don’t claim it.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Forgot to d/l the patch at home on WiFi and taking forever on LTE, heh.

Looking forward to the changes. Might just join another random guild. Can't really commit to 2k STA a day because I mostly play from work and depending on the day there are distractions and the usually don't play at all on the weekends.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Infira is annoying.

Finished up ch8 easy with Aselica/Epis/Artemia/Laias. Couldn't heal it with Annette. Kind of a bummer since I focused so much effort into her.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone still play this? just got into last week since found out two friends play it and was sitting in my "games to try folder"

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
At least Dandai Dandai and I stlil play daily. I have 3 accounts these days, even. Must... stop... farming...