Knee Destruction? Advice for my boo-boo please!


Spinal things tend to be my forte, after four injuries and a fusion operation recently, as well as sciatic nerve damage, but I am completely confused as to what I might have done to my knee. I hope there may be some sporting types who can help!

It is my right knee, and I woke up yesterday unable to put weight onto it. The whole thing was swollen, but not discoloured. I can't tell the difference between "damage-swollen" and "retaining water-swollen." It *is* painful to touch, along the left diagonal across the patella. The muscle below and above the knee joint hamstring, I believe) almost feel as if they have been stung, they are so tender and weak. I use a can to walk, stand, etc.

My gp is out of the country until Thurs, and since I don't know what might be wrong, I don't know if I should push to see a strange dr. I have been keeping my body in a level pose on the couch, with the exception of my head, and it stops my knee throbbing.

So now the big question...what do I do next? Heat? Ice? Compression? elevation? Sacrifice a young Lansbury under the southern moon. Offer a nubile ginger virgin to the close WoW player....?

My knee really, really, REALLY hurts *whimpers*


I played football all through high school and a year at KSU for what it's worth. I've torn my MCL in my left knee, the miniscus (sp) in both knees several times, and according to my doctor, I should consider it a blessing to not be using a cane by the time I'm 30

Is it sponge-y? Like can you press on it, does it hurt?

Ice would be the first thing I would try. If the swelling doens't good down, off to the doc.

Are you able to walk at all? In pain? Is it so agonizing you can't do anything?

If you can walk and it's swollen, and the ice doesn't make it go down, my guess would be your miniscus (sp).

I tore it in both my knees several times. The good news is if that is the issue, you may not need surgery, and even if you do it's a quick procedure. You'll go in at 7 in the morning and be home for dinner. Takes a few months to recovery, but you'll only spend a week on crutches if that.

If it's worse, could be one of the ligaments. It really comes down to what happens after some ice and keeping it raised.

What exactly were you doing?

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
I come to you from a far away land of enchantment to bring an ancient healing remedy. Long ago our culture found a wonder cure for nearly all ails. Cinimilk, yes a mere merger of these two items will assuredly fix your knee.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Post this in Arkk's weightlifting thread in the sports section. There are tons of cripples in there who can help you out.

Or send a PM to Dabamf. I'm pretty sure his body is falling apart faster than a decaying zombie.


The Scientific Shitlord
Spinal things tend to be my forte, after four injuries and a fusion operation recently, as well as sciatic nerve damage, but I am completely confused as to what I might have done to my knee. I hope there may be some sporting types who can help!

It is my right knee, and I woke up yesterday unable to put weight onto it. The whole thing was swollen, but not discoloured. I can't tell the difference between "damage-swollen" and "retaining water-swollen." It *is* painful to touch, along the left diagonal across the patella. The muscle below and above the knee joint hamstring, I believe) almost feel as if they have been stung, they are so tender and weak. I use a can to walk, stand, etc.

My gp is out of the country until Thurs, and since I don't know what might be wrong, I don't know if I should push to see a strange dr. I have been keeping my body in a level pose on the couch, with the exception of my head, and it stops my knee throbbing.

So now the big question...what do I do next? Heat? Ice? Compression? elevation? Sacrifice a young Lansbury under the southern moon. Offer a nubile ginger virgin to the close WoW player....?

My knee really, really, REALLY hurts *whimpers*
If it's water retention the skin will take on a putty like aspect and you can make indentations that take a few minutes to go away. And unless it's pretty severe you aren't going to have that kind of pain. If the swollen area is firm to the touch it could be damage related. It could also be arthritic in nature. Either way you're going to want to talk to a doctor, because joint damage is not something you want to just take care on your own.


Post this in Arkk's weightlifting thread in the sports section. There are tons of cripples in there who can help you out.

Or send a PM to Dabamf. I'm pretty sure his body is falling apart faster than a decaying zombie.

Amateur OP. Everyone knows getting unqualified diagnoses over the internet belongs in the weight lifting thread.

P.S. You can't get help if you don't say what you did to hurt it. No one just wakes up with a mutant knee


Musty Nester
Go to a strange doctor. It's not like your regular GP has this secret knowledge of knee anatomy.

You don't have edema. You tore something.

Or else you have gout.


A Mod Real Quick
I am pretty sure I have bursitis in one of my knees.. I've been refusing to go to the doctor in hopes that if I stayed off it for awhile it would start to feel better. Actually is starting to feel worse.

I think I need to go to the doctor.


I tore the meniscus in my left knee two years ago and had the surgery three weeks ago finally. When I initially injured it, it was hard to put weight on it and I had a bit of swelling. If you've got a tear, it's not going to get better with time. The MRI's and stuff will get expensive, but I'm now wishing I had forked over the cash years ago. Don't be like me and limp for two years; get it looked at ASAP.