Lance Armstrong To Confess?

Look at some of you motherfuckers arguing over whether or not he got "caught" and he goes on and admits it to Oprah today. Idiots.

Lance Armstrong was about an obvious of a drug user as Bonds. It was never in doubt. No one is saying he isn't an amazing athlete and everyone on that fucking tour used/uses anyway.

But for those who will apologize for him even with a confession...

And it's the glee version, try to guess why, you whiny bitches.
Armstrong seems like the best troll ever. He walks right up to the line but doesn't confess just to keep the cycling fanatics gnashing their teeth at him.

Eagerly awaiting all the cycling fans waving the pitchforks because he didn't confess hard enough.

What part of that is confusing. He confessed. YOU might be the best troll ever, or the dumbest poster ever.
The part where I read an LA Times article here.,4926551.story

"The [[Source]] also said Armstrong apologized for letting the staff down and putting Livestrong at risk but he did not make a direct confession to using banned drugs. He said he would try to restore the foundation's reputation and urged the group to continue fighting for the charity's mission of helping cancer patients and their families."

I know you have full faith in what is printed in the media, but I'll wait and see the interview.

So much anger lol, why so mad?

To me it sounds like he hedged his confession from that LA times article, possibly for legal reasons listed in the article you linked I'd suppose. How a lawsuit can be filed based on new evidence that isn't even available yet is beyond me. I know middle of the road analysis doesn't sell papers though so most media outlets opt for the "be first to post gossip then issue correction later" type of journalism.

I'm trying to find the Oprah interview but I'm sure somebody will post it eventually. I'll find it interesting to watch how he navigates the legal challenges ahead.


The sport needed him outed and his titles stripped so that it could move on, a breakdown confession from the cunt will just be icing on the cake.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The part where I read an LA Times article here.,4926551.story

"The [[Source]] also said Armstrong apologized for letting the staff down and putting Livestrong at risk but he did not make a direct confession to using banned drugs. He said he would try to restore the foundation's reputation and urged the group to continue fighting for the charity's mission of helping cancer patients and their families."

I know you have full faith in what is printed in the media, but I'll wait and see the interview.

So much anger lol, why so mad?

To me it sounds like he hedged his confession from that LA times article, possibly for legal reasons listed in the article you linked I'd suppose. How a lawsuit can be filed based on new evidence that isn't even available yet is beyond me. I know middle of the road analysis doesn't sell papers though so most media outlets opt for the "be first to post gossip then issue correction later" type of journalism.

I'm trying to find the Oprah interview but I'm sure somebody will post it eventually. I'll find it interesting to watch how he navigates the legal challenges ahead.
Did you even read the article? First paragraph.

Stripped Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong reportedly confessed to Oprah Winfrey on Monday during a taped interview that he used performance-enhancing drugs to win the famed race seven times.
Yes, which is why I was even more confused by that other paragraph I quoted from the same article.

They seem to be conflicting accounts of what happened.

All will be revealed soon enough then we can tear apart his confession and find out which parts are just lies and which parts were meant to deceive people into donating money to his cancer foundation.


Lord Nagafen Raider
From the article
The AP reported Armstrong stopped at the cancer-fighting Livestrong Foundation, which he founded, on his way to the interviewand said, "I'm sorry" to staff members, some of whom broke down in tears. A person with knowledge of that session said Armstrong choked up and several employees cried during the session.
From the article
Yes, I understand that the article first makes the claim that armstrong confessed, then has some information about him saying sorry but not outright confession, then says he didn't outright confess at all at the end.

I'm starting to suspect you didn't even read the entire article before your jimmies got rustled and had to blow your rage load about Armstrong lol.

I'm guessing the LA Times knew they were printing gossip and hedged their article much like Armstrong probably hedged his confession to saying "I'm Sorry" but not admitting to anything.

If you ever do get around to reading the end of the article let me know your take on that paragraph I quoted a few posts up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Right he did not confess to the employees gathered at his foundation. He confessed to Oprah in the interview which occurred after this meeting.


Armstrong, 41, has until now publicly maintained his innocence.

He is now said to be discussing whether to testify against sport officials.

Unnamed sources familiar with Armstrong's interview with US TV personality Oprah Winfrey, which was taped on Monday, told US newspapers including the New York Times, USA Today and the Associated Press news agency that he admitted to doping during the exchange, which will be broadcast on Thursday.

But according to the New York Times source, Armstrong rebutted the claim that he was the "kingpin" of the doping programme.


Trakanon Raider
I checked this thread thinking it was a confession that the moon landing was faked or something, started reading about the Tour and did a WTF mate?

It then dawned on me that it was Neil Armstrong that landed on the moon, and I had no idea who the fuck Lance was.

As someone said, he confessed to Oprah but didn't have the balls to tell his staff. He basically only said that he was going to try and make sure Livestrong didn't take too much of a hit because of the good work they supposedly do.

It says no where that he denied it to his staff, he just didn't bring it up. Was he crying because someone was eating an onion?

Reading comprehension is difficult.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
It was a doping competition as well as a cycling competition. Armstrong presumably won the doping competition due to the immense resources and doctors available to him (as well as his relentless dedication).
This is true. The tests can't catch you if you dope perfectly. Almost everyone that got busted fucked up in some way. Armstrong is an insane dictator/control freak that will make sure that everything is perfect every time. His bike was adjusted to the fraction of a millimeter and his doping was equally perfect.

Lance Armstrong is the Steve Jobs of cycling. He's a raging dick at times, has an ego the size of the moon, but he's so driven and so damn good at what he does that people still want to work with him.