Lance Armstrong To Confess?

Whats next?

I'm rooting for Lance to buy a desert island somewhere and disappear out of reach the law.

Then he can upload youtube videos of him biking around his private island and hold his own triathalons.

Do it Lance! Prove everybody right and go all out Troll-Con 5


Millie's Staff Member
dunno if thats a fair analogy. cheating means you have an unfair advanatage on someone else. if everyone is doing the same thing to get an edge, then wouldnt everything be equal and you technically wouldnt be cheating? yes of course according to the rules you are cheating because you arent supposed to do dope, but if everyone is, then nobody got slighted. its like bodybuilding. everyone does shady shit to gain an edge in their physique, but they dont go all anal and test everyone before a competition. i think cycling would be much more interesting if people could take whatever to bike faster.
cheating means you break the rules established by the people holding the competition. there is no relative or semantic argument about it, wake the fuck up. The Kobayashi Maru this aint.


Apparently the statute of limitations on his 2005 statements under oath ran out at the end of 2012. Two weeks later he confesses... That alone should tell you how cynical this exercise is.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
dunno if thats a fair analogy. cheating means you have an unfair advanatage on someone else. if everyone is doing the same thing to get an edge, then wouldnt everything be equal and you technically wouldnt be cheating? yes of course according to the rules you are cheating because you arent supposed to do dope, but if everyone is, then nobody got slighted. its like bodybuilding. everyone does shady shit to gain an edge in their physique, but they dont go all anal and test everyone before a competition. i think cycling would be much more interesting if people could take whatever to bike faster.
If everyone had equal access to the best science had to offer AND equal resources to maintain coverups and get away with it then it would be a level playing field. This wasn't the case, Lance's teams had the best medical staff AND the best coverup infrastructure. He had deeper pockets than anyone else and there were times when this was due in large part to US public resources helping fund him. At a time in history when the US could have used an international icon to bridge some public relations goodwill in a sport followed by many Europeans, this douche nozzle went and reaffirmed every stereotype the rest of the first world held about us. What a fucking hero.

Now go back to the media houses or where ever you hang out and spew your completely uninformed opinions.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
The "level playing field" argument is bullshit. Just because everyone else is doping, thereby removing your ability to win fairly, doesn't mean you get to jump into the pool (of PEDs) with everyone else. If he were the hero everyone had thought he was, he'd have attempted to win those races without cheating, and likely never succeeded. He would probably never have won anything, he wouldn't be much of a hero, and Livestrong would never have amounted to anything, but at least he wouldn't be a lying sack of shit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Everyone at the professional level in sports (and also at the Olympic level) cheats. This sport star or that sports star gets caught, and people act surprised. What naivete.


El Presidente
At this point with Armstrong I don't think many people care all that much about the cheating itself. It's more about his behavior. How he sued people that called him on his shit and basically destroyed people's ability to make a living. He's a gigantic douche.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Livestrong has raised $470 million for cancer. Even if it wasn't motivated by entirely pure intentions or spent with maximum effectiveness, that is a shitload of money.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Livestrong has raised $470 million for cancerAWARENESS.

If you would like to let me know what you meant by "for cancer" (in support of cancer? for some guy named cancer? it sure doesn't seem to be for cancerresearch) I'm all ears. But from what I can gather they mainly focus on "awareness", also known as PR, also known as highly beneficial to one Lance Armstrong.