League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I had a 7 win streak going which ended last night. Unique thing for me is all 7 games were with different champs. I was going for 10 wins with 10 diff champs but my streak ended as Morgana support. Kinda shitty.

Man, I am looking at my win rates this past season and some things really stand out....

  • Why the fuck didn't I play Ryze more when he wasn't permabanned?
  • I should play Ziggs more too.
  • Annie Support is still fun.
  • I don't know how I have a 3-1 win rate with leblanc since I practically never pick her and never play her enough to get decent with the buttons. I must have been carried all 3 games I won tbh.
  • Just jungled as Kha Zix for the 1st time in a while and he's still fun as shit, definitely need to play him more.
  • Need to consider Jax more often too.
  • I love picking Cass into Ryze and Swain but she sucks otherwise. Counter picking with her gave me all the wins.
  • How the hell did I get 7 wins with Gnar, I don't even remember playing him 12 times lol.
  • Soraka mid was so OP. RIP
  • I started the season with ~40% win rate on Udyr, he's kept me afloat.
  • Teemo was more fun before the AP ratio nerfs. RIP.
  • Nunu was so OP in jungle early but he's fallen off tremendously due to nerfs and item changes.
  • Tryn always in my back pocket giving me wins when I need them. Just had another backdoor win with Tryn 2 days ago.
  • Diana always a top pick vs Akali/Kat/Zed for me, and continues to work for me. Just won a couple games with her recently.
  • Yasuo & Syndra were my "mains" this Season. I spammed Yasuo early on when people said he was "bad" until he was finally considered so OP that he was permabanned, now he's been nerfed so hard. Still OP late game but his early game is going to hurt, probably knocks off a few percentage points at least.
  • Syndra is the definition of middle-of-the-road for me. Barely above 50% but a solid team-oriented pick.


Lord Nagafen Raider
See, it's all about comfort champions. My win rate with Ryze is probably the opposite of yours, close to 1-6. But my win rates with Yasuo and Syndra are both really high even though I don't get to play them much.


I pulled out Xerath Support the other night, let me just say that it's bonkers, especially considering the mana return on the passive.
I pulled out Xerath Support the other night, let me just say that it's bonkers, especially considering the mana return on the passive.
try Fiddle support then

had used him in two games and in one the enemy Lucian ragequitted before he even got to level6


try Fiddle support then

had used him in two games and in one the enemy Lucian ragequitted before he even got to level6
Idk, never played fiddle before. The only two champs I play regularly that don't have any skill shots are Ryze and Katarina.

Those are usually pretty rare picks for me also (comp/ban dependent) I get a pretty big kick out of champs that rely heavily on skill shots.


Bronze Squire
In the 3 years I've played LoL now... I've never joined or played a single team match: 3v3 or 5v5.

I've always been wanting to casually play some 5v5 team games though.

Anyone else want to? I just created a team last night when ranked was down, but I'm the only member

My issue with team matches is trying to get all 3 or 5 players on together. I know personally that I have shit playtimes that might not match others too well.. usually I can be on 8PM EST - Midnight EST. Enough for ~4 SoloQ games before bed.
I am in if you need more people. I am usually on between those times when I am on.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Haven't played for months and months, dropped from Silver 1 to Silver 4 due to inactivity. Back up to Silver 1 in 4 days. Deciding whether to push for gold or not. I wonder if I'll make it before I rage out.


A Man Chooses....
Ahh the always enjoyable Rengar/Riven/Fizz on my first game of series. Two assassins? I should totally lock a third one!


My main account is still sitting in Silver 3 with Gold IV MMR, i've been playing on my 'fuck around when drunk with the GF account' since I was rusty when I came back and needed practice. It was in Bronze IV, quickly took it to Bronze I and now i've done my promos to Silver five times failing spectacularly each time. Every time I get a team full of Bronze III - I's vs a team of Silver V - IV's, no worries just carry a garbage team on your back for 3-1 and you get to move up!

This last time my first game first picked Poppy jungle.. I already got a bad feeling so I looked him up on lolking, he was 8-27 ranked record with a 1-5 Poppy win ratio... Bronze IV, he straight rushed a Hydra.. didn't even get a machete/jungle item needless to say that was a loss. How do you even get out of Bronze V with a 29% win record? Welp if I can't win a Bronze to Silver promo I doubt i'll be able to win a Silver to Gold promo, even though I know I can easily get my other account to Silver I, wins are 35 LP with my MMR. I don't really play Morg anyway, I really want the skin and border though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
fuck league pisses me off sometimes.

So I get on this morning to check a few things on league, everything works fine. Go to work, get home, it's 8pm, try to get on league "failed to receive a request from server, retrying...1...2...3..." blah blah blah failed try these steps. So at first I'm like w/e, league is probably down so I go do a few other things. Check back, 9pm, same thing. I start reading some forums, people are saying they "reset" their IE options and then league worked. I haven't touched IE for years, I still had an old ass version, I never update anything windows. So there's no way that could be a problem. I do all these other firewall settings, DNS settings, restarting computers, etc etc, nothing is working.

Messing around for another 40 minutes, I finally say fuck it, download the latest IExplore, restart my computer as it prompts me to, start up Iexplore, go to options > reset. Try league......authentication successful blah blah blah. Fuck you Riot lol.

I was going to play league tonight but it's pissed me off too much, so I'm going to go watch The Purge and hope it's decent then catch up on some other tv shows. If anyone wants to play league tomorrow night and get drunk, hit me up! I've got a long wknd thurs-mon, so I'll probably get drunk and play league a couple nights. Come on Rerolled Bros, let's get bombed and play league tomorrow!


Molten Core Raider
fuck league pisses me off sometimes.

So I get on this morning to check a few things on league, everything works fine. Go to work, get home, it's 8pm, try to get on league "failed to receive a request from server, retrying...1...2...3..." blah blah blah failed try these steps. So at first I'm like w/e, league is probably down so I go do a few other things. Check back, 9pm, same thing. I start reading some forums, people are saying they "reset" their IE options and then league worked. I haven't touched IE for years, I still had an old ass version, I never update anything windows. So there's no way that could be a problem. I do all these other firewall settings, DNS settings, restarting computers, etc etc, nothing is working.

Messing around for another 40 minutes, I finally say fuck it, download the latest IExplore, restart my computer as it prompts me to, start up Iexplore, go to options > reset. Try league......authentication successful blah blah blah. Fuck you Riot lol.

I was going to play league tonight but it's pissed me off too much, so I'm going to go watch The Purge and hope it's decent then catch up on some other tv shows. If anyone wants to play league tomorrow night and get drunk, hit me up! I've got a long wknd thurs-mon, so I'll probably get drunk and play league a couple nights. Come on Rerolled Bros, let's get bombed and play league tomorrow!
Did you try changing your default programs to something other then IE? I imagine flushing your dns cache might have fixed your problem too.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So its been exactly 1 month that Azir was released and he's finally not bottom-of-the-barrel in terms of win rate. He's actually ahead of 12 other champions now. Looks like the bug fixes have helped him out a ton as well as people getting more experience with him.

Yasuo actually has the worst win rate of any champion now.

There is a reddit post showing Faker on Azir:


2 Minutes Hate
I haven't played him since he was released. He was super clunky then and I had no desire to learn through that. I played him last night (bot game) for the first time since his release just to see how his mechanics felt and he's much better. I'm not a mid/mage guy so I probably won't be playing him but he's really interesting to play. I was hoping that he would be able to jungle but they nerfed his base stats over time on the PBE way too much. My original assessment of him was pre-tuning I suppose.

Azir is a monster once he gets AP though. He is very much a late game champ.

I really hope they make a new jungle champ that has some interesting mechanics.