2014 Ends November 11th btw, so looks like 1.5 weeks until the new map is in Team Builder and they want to roll it out to the rest of the modes ASAP so that they can start implementing all of the new changes. They don't want to have to update 2 maps so you probably won't see any of the 2015 season changes go Live until the new map is working across all modes.Once the 2014 season is officially wrapped, we're going to use a staggered rollout during preseason, pushing the updated map onto live in stages to help ensure server stability. Here's the order for our planned rollout:
Stage 1: Team Builder and Intro Bot games
Stage 2: All normal modes, custom games, and all other bot modes
Stage 3: Ranked
Thanks for the advice!Yeah noodle, get that last hit (cs) practice up!
Part of the reason I suggested the champs (oriana/lulu) I did before is that I felt it's easier to transition into the various stages of game flow (early/mid/late) as you stated you're having a tough time geting a feel for.
Good practice starts by focusing on fundamentals and then applying them to advanced tactics when they become comfortable mechanics. (that's what I teach the kids in my bowling clinics at least)
As others have said: Last hitting (CS) is a universal practice that can translate to the rest of your game performance so that's a great place to start.
Skill shots and Smart casting etc are another place to focus on after you get the general feel for the game.
Item builds come with time, the best piece of advice I can give is to do some decent research on item builds for your favorite champs, be able to determine when you should buy certain situational items like Hex drinker or Merc Treads etc.
**I don't have very good advice for sivir as I don't play AD at all, I do play support very very often though, so if you want to get some practice in with me as your support I'd be happy to run you through the gauntlet**
If you care about improving a bunch I can record some of your games for the RR bro's here to disect and give tips on as well. *Watching your own replays helps your game a ton*
Nope, although as a support I watch the enemy ADC for when they'll go in and get a CS and throw some poke down on them to punish them for CS'ing.One thing DOTA 2 had was you could kill your own minion for a denial, can we do that here too?
When Draegan says handful, he actually means "play whatever champ you saw/read/heard about in the last 12 hours". In practice, this works out to slightly less than "all of them."Also, just find a handful of Champs you think you will have fun just playing and just play the game over and over.
I wouldn't totally agree with this as I see Lucian and Corki in the same category as your "casters" certainly as much if not more so than Sivir. Maybe Lucian not as much due to having to utilize his auto attacking but certainly Corki with having to land spells to major damage just like a graves needs to do. In reality I guess I just feel you broke them up too much and it should be along the lines of "more auto attack reliant vs less auto attack reliant" and even then the lines are muddy for some like Lucian/Corki.There's basically 3 kinds of Marksmen: Trinity users, Casters, and Attackers. Trinity users are primarily Corki and Lucian (although it's less popular on Lucian now) and they focus on chaining fast spells between attacks for big damage. Casters rely on high ratios and burst damage from their spells and items to try and win or finish a fight right away, or poke. Casters are Graves and Sivir mainly. Attackers rely on their auto-attacks, with their abilities being more about positioning or steroids rather than actual spells. Common attackers are Tristana, Caitlyn, Ashe,
Attackers have usually the simplest builds: You want Infinity Edge and either Stattik Shiv or Phantom Dancer as your first items, along with vamp scepter into Bloodthirster and a Last Whisper later. You almost 100% of the time get Berzerker Graves and 1 defensive item. In fights, you hang back and just attack the closest enemy, trying to keep them from getting to you and killing them as soon as possible, then move onto the next and the next after that.
For Casters, you focus more on getting raw damage early, I like the double B.F. sword route, building those into Blood Thirster and either Infinity Edge or Mercurial Scimitar. Armor penetration is super important since your burst damage is your only goal. For Sivir, you want to land a lot of damage with your Q before the fight starts if possible. During fights she's not insanely strong so rely on your ult, your E (spellshield), and your Q to try and kill whoever dives you.
Trinity users have the most convoluted and varied builds. Usually you rush Trinity Force, but after that all bets are off and it's often up to personal preference and team comp as far as what's "best". Sometime Blade of the Ruined King, sometime Youmoo's Ghostblade, sometimes you go into Infinity Edge + Shiv like attackers. I don't actually like the Trinity users much myself so they're my weakest Marksmen. These are probably the "brawliest" of Marksmen, you usually dive into the fight with everyone else and just try to kill their squishy targets first, using your movement abilities to bypass their tanks.
Lucian and Corki play very, very differently than Graves or Sivir though. Graves and Sivir tend to be few, large hits whereas Lucian and Corki tend to be more sustained damage, similar to attackers, but they really on weaving spells in to the mix and have a way more varied build. I would recommend avoiding Corki or Lucian for a beginner anyway, and obviously you don't ALWAYS go into the team, but those two tend to be the most aggressive of the Marksmen you see, along with Graves but if Graves blows his load on the front line you may lose your teamfight right there.I wouldn't totally agree with this as I see Lucian and Corki in the same category as your "casters" certainly as much if not more so than Sivir. Maybe Lucian not as much due to having to utilize his auto attacking but certainly Corki with having to land spells to major damage just like a graves needs to do. In reality I guess I just feel you broke them up too much and it should be along the lines of "more auto attack reliant vs less auto attack reliant" and even then the lines are muddy for some like Lucian/Corki.
I absolutely disagree with them diving in to fights though past tanks. Easiest way to for them to get blown up especially with him trying to learn the game he should never be using movement abilities to go forward in to an a 5 man enemy team.
My champ pool is actually pretty small when I'm trying to win!When Draegan says handful, he actually means "play whatever champ you saw/read/heard about in the last 12 hours". In practice, this works out to slightly less than "all of them."
I saw a cait buy one the other day. I would also buy a Hurricane on Teemo jungle!lol.. what MMR do you see people buy Runnan's "way too often" ? I don't think I've seen that item on a player in 6+ months.
TBH every champ plays way different than another which is why you specialize in a few and learn them inside & out. There are intricacies with every single champ. You can lump ADCs into "auto attackers" and "casters" but beyond that there is no point trying to differentiate.
I decided I'm going to start practicing Jinx and Lucian. I'll be ready for ranked with them by S6.My champ pool is actually pretty small when I'm trying to win!
I went 14-3 first time Teemo with hurricane liandrys nashors tooth spectres jungle item. It was in a hexakill match.I saw a cait buy one the other day. I would also buy a Hurricane on Teemo jungle!