League Of Legends


A Man Chooses....
In ranked, not normals.

Veigar buffs are gonna make him strong. Kass riftwalk back up to 550, so maybe playable.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
"strong" is such a relative term. Strong compared to what, his nearly worst winrate in the game currently? So wheeee, he might be slightly playable again.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I've been taking NB3's advice and spamming Fizz jungle. On a 5 game win streak currently. Started 1-4 with him but I'm now at 6-4 since I've started it. I recommend trying him for some fun games.
I'm playing him right now @ Gold V level if any interested, stream link in sig.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So I am a super newbie at this game, is it better to spam normals until I get better or should i dive into ranked and get placed with scrubs like me?


Molten Core Raider
So I am a super newbie at this game, is it better to spam normals until I get better or should i dive into ranked and get placed with scrubs like me?
I'll save you some time...delete LOL, go download "Smite" and come play a real MOBA! (When I first got involved in MOBA's I just jumped into rank to learn since casual was so toxic anyway. I'd highly suggest doing a lot of stream watching etc to make sure you know the meta and various roles etc so you don't completely fuck your team. Haven't played LOL in a long time but I know in Smite early game ELO hell is a pain even if you are good so take your placement games serious.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
meh. Just had a 2-hour power outage causing me to "Leave" a game for the first time in ages. Feels bad man!
I'll save you some time...delete LOL, go download "Smite" and come play a real MOBA! (When I first got involved in MOBA's I just jumped into rank to learn since casual was so toxic anyway. I'd highly suggest doing a lot of stream watching etc to make sure you know the meta and various roles etc so you don't completely fuck your team. Haven't played LOL in a long time but I know in Smite early game ELO hell is a pain even if you are good so take your placement games serious.
Smite blows.

As far as littles question you have a couple options. The first is to just dive right in to ranked. Since you are newish to the moba genre you'll probably end up in bronze and have to dig your way out. That can take a lot of effort unless you are very skilled at the game naturally. However you can get a solid sense of progression with the ranking system and can improve in a concrete manner as long as you don't mind playing with the bads as you progress. The second option is to settle on a couple of roles (2-3) and play normal draft or team builder for a couple hundred games. This way you can become more polished and then after you feel comfortable you can jump in to ranked and gain mmr at a quicker pace. I usually advocate the second route but that depends on if you have the playtime to practice instead of just grinding ranked.

If you choose the normals route then I would suggest learning support, adc, and jungle.


A Man Chooses....
I would not suggest learning jungle, at least initially. You get more shit from your team than anyone(not fun for a newb I wouldn't think), and it will greatly hinder your ability to learn different champs and their cooldowns. You learn more laning against a champ once than you do five games playing against it while jungling. Additionally, jungle is in a shit place right now. You will be behind in exp, you will be behind in gold, and it's very easy if you don't know what you're doing to end up drastically behind the enemy solo laners and almost useless. My suggestion would be to pick one champ for each role(top, mid, adc, support) and try and make either top or mid someone who can also jungle in a pinch. Learn those champions in and out in normals. I would suggest making one of them Nasus, because he's cheap, he teaches you wave management(when playing Nasus you learn to last hit, keep the wave from pushing, keep it near your turret, etc), and if you don't know how to jungle and apply heavy map pressure playing Nasus in the jungle is super easy and in most lower level games you will get fed eventually because people have no clue how to end games.

Also, I would advise you to get the fuck out of bronze as quickly as possible, which means not doing ranked early and tanking your MMR. Yes, any good player can carry themselves out easily, but I've spent a lot of this season duoing with a Bronze 5(now Bronze 1 =D) RL friend, and I promise it will teach you bad habits. The players down there have worse attitudes, they give up more easily, and it's very easy to get cocky and just shit all over them due to them being bad, something that gives you positive reinforcement for doing stupid shit which will hurt you once you get to the middle ranks. I know for a fact my play has suffered on my main account at my real ELO because I'm so used to just steamrolling people in bronze while duoing with my buddy. In bronze they don't know that if I run at them with confidence and attack first they might be able to kill me, so I can run at three people and they all turn and run away. In gold they'll just kill you. So being mindlessly aggressive and developing those sorts of habits isn't a good thing.

Anyway, just my opinion. I think jungle is the hardest role to play correctly and the one where it is the hardest to find your leaks when you get into a negative play pattern.


Potato del Grande
So i've been riding Karthus hard last week or so, 25 games on him now (was at 79.8% winrate or something with 24, and won the 25th, so like... 21/4? something like that). He's just so much fun and people seem to genuinely have no idea how to play against him. It's been fantastic because a lot of the shit that pisses me off (nobody initiating fights, nobody tanky, everyone just running away like bitches even when the enemy team is a poke comp and we're NOT by a longshot, people chasing some random person off while the enemy carries safely leave the teamfight with 10 hps, etc.) are all taken care of. I just bumrush the enemy team dropping mines, throw up a wall and laugh (E on the entire time, obviously).

I'm thinking i'm going to take him to gold this season.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So I am a super newbie at this game, is it better to spam normals until I get better or should i dive into ranked and get placed with scrubs like me?
Hey newbie!

We assume you already leveled up to 30 and have a Rune collection that is competitive enough and you have a decent enough Champion pool atm. Right? Or are you brand-spanking new? Basically you can't ranked unless you get to 30 and you need to have at least AD and AP rune pages with maybe some specialized shit for specific champs.

If you got all that then you can now decide if you want to ranked or not.

I personally started Ranked games as soon as I hit level 30, which was when I had only ~140 Normal Wins. If I did it over again I would do the same thing mainly because I like the thrill of ranked play. It certainly might not be the most efficient thing to do, but I feel like if you put ranked up on a pedestal you'll always end up treating it different and/or be more nervous of ranked games. I now have thousands of Ranked games played. It took me 1.5 seasons to get to Gold for the first time and I've since stayed in Gold.

Anyway, the problems with jumping into Ranked are pretty much exactly what Gilg says. You're going to play with bad players and develop bad habits and you might get stuck in Bronze or low Silver for a very very long time. Also, it's much easier to become a rager at this level because you feel like you should be better but "team's always holding me back".

Realize that you'll get stuck with bad players in Normals too. You can't escape the bad plays man!

My advice:
  • Mentally prepare yourself
    • Mental is the #1 thing here. Not raging is a huge part of success. Being able to take insults is also huge. People are brutal in LoL, expect to get abused. Use mute if necessary.
  • Be able to play at least 1 or 2 Champions at every role, try getting your best role & champ but don't rage if you don't. Conform to the meta.
    • You're new. Don't try changing the meta (1 Top / 1 Mid / 1 Jungle / 1 ADC / 1 Support).
    • Don't troll pick a 2nd Mid or Top or Jungle just because that's what you like best.
    • Make sure you have a viable option for each role, you will get stuck at each role at some point.
    • There are many champions that can be used in 2 or 3 roles which would be ideal to learn.
    • For example, I like AP champions and I main Diana whom can be a mid or jungle and sometimes top. I am also learning Fizz whom is awesome in the jungle as AD but can go Mid as AP or even top as AD. I also play Vel Koz (my most favorite non-meta champ) whom is great in mid lane but also does well top lane and is even great as Support. Morgana, Annie and Zyra are all great supports that can also go Mid.
  • Be willing to learn and listen
    • Learn when and where you should be at certains times in the game. It takes a while to learn "game sense" and as you progress through the ranks, what worked in Bronze or Silver might not work in Gold or above. Players are more reckless and bad the lower you are so you can get away with certain things. The quicker you learn what's "correct" the faster you can advance. You need to understand risk vs reward and when to chase or extend and when not to. When to force objectives. Knowing your team's strength so you can determine if you should group up for team fights or to wait for picks or to split push. There is just way too much shit to learn and again, it's going to be a lot of bad habits before you figure out the correct ways. And I'm so bad that even after many thousands of games, I'm still learning too. Watching streams is honestly the best thing to do.
    • Listening to your teammates but also be ready to NOT listen if your teammates are derps. This is a team game and you will win with teammwork. If someone is making a Baron call and 4 people are there doing it but only YOU are not and you've since decided it's a bad idea, well fuck you then. On the other hand, if only YOU are at baron making a call for it but the rest of your team is calling you off, listen and don't force it unless you can convince them otherwise or make good argument for it. Do not be the "odd man out". It's infuriating to fight 4v5s because 1 person is always split off doing their own thing. It normally boils down to blame & rage between the 1 person and the rest of the team soon after.
  • Mechanics < Game Sense
    • Some people are truly gifted and can carry games single-handily with their mechanics. You should always go into a game with the mindset to "carry". Even as a support player! But you shouldn't let it be your only goal. The game is more about teammwork than anything else. You don't need godlike mechanics in this game to advance. Trying to carry every game means you have confidence and you admit that other players can't be relied upon to carry you. You then have less to blame since your failure is simply being unable to carry. (Obviously if someone on your team is going 0-10 and makes the game uncarriable we'll all throw blame anyway!)
    • The players that get Diamond+ are the players with good enough mechanics but have superior game sense. I went over this already but it's true. Too many people think mastering a Champion means they get Diamond. Nope! You need to "learn the game". You need decent enough mechanics but honestly there are plenty of champions in this game that even a monkey could play. There are champions that demand twitch-like reflexes but others that are simply point-click. Find your best champion(s) and stick with them but to advance you need to truly LEARN.
  • Champions ( see below)

So i've been riding Karthus hard last week or so, 25 games on him now (was at 79.8% winrate or something with 24, and won the 25th, so like... 21/4? something like that). He's just so much fun and people seem to genuinely have no idea how to play against him.

I'm thinking i'm going to take him to gold this season.
That's awesome man. It's great when you can find a champion that just WORKS for you. Sticking with 1 Champ is definitely an ideal way to go. Relating to my above novel, you'll be able to learn the other intricacies of the game since there's less time learning the champ. You can easily get gold with any champ. Weren't you "stuck" in Bronze only a couple seasons ago? Great to hear you're progressing!


Potato del Grande
That's awesome man. It's great when you can find a champion that just WORKS for you. Sticking with 1 Champ is definitely an ideal way to go. Relating to my above novel, you'll be able to learn the other intricacies of the game since there's less time learning the champ. You can easily get gold with any champ. Weren't you "stuck" in Bronze only a couple seasons ago? Great to hear you're progressing!
When I was stuck in bronze I had 50 wins more than losses and was still in bronze 1. If that's not called being stuck then I don't know what is, considering I would've had to have an 85% winrate to reach gold 1, let alone plat/diamond, with the way it was going. I still remember when I finally got out of bronze 1 in season 3 I had to win 45 out of 50 games because I was gaining 0 LP per win. 350/280 ranked record got me to silver 1 while people on the board were chilling in diamond at 102/100.

I'm still "stuck". I went 8-2 in my placements this season and got silver 4 (while people I know went 4-6 or worse and got gold 1 and plat 3, yay for level playing grounds/starting fresh for new season lolz). I pretty much just don't put any weight at all on the divisions/leagues any more (even tho it'd still be nice to get at least to gold for season rewards each season) with the way their mmr works.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm the new guy thats never played LoL or any MOBA before and I don't have the level 30 or runes yet. I'm level 8 and have only been playing 5v5 against AI on beginner. I bought Annie and Nunu and have also been playing Vladimir this week as he is one of the free rotation.

My plan was to just do games vs. AI until 30 and then read about runes then. Does that sound like a good plan and is there a good rune guide out there for me to read?


Tranny Chaser
For runes you can and should buy T1s. They have >50% the stat value of T3s for 7% of the price. Never, ever buy T2s. By the time you can buy T3s you should have a better idea what and who you like to play.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Rune guide (there is a YouTube link to Phreak talking about them):
Cheat sheet for Rune Pages for the 2015 season as detailed by Phreak (added IP costs including for the upcoming discount sale) : leagueoflegends

Buying tier 1 runes is still good. Skip Tier 2 and buy Tier 3 (obviously).
Playing against people is probably better than bots since you gain knowledge faster. Bots are fine for learning champions though. The controls probably feel funky at first compared to most other games so as soon as you feel able to control your dude well enough I'd start queuing with people asap.


Lord Nagafen Raider
When I was stuck in bronze I had 50 wins more than losses and was still in bronze 1. If that's not called being stuck then I don't know what is, considering I would've had to have an 85% winrate to reach gold 1, let alone plat/diamond, with the way it was going. I still remember when I finally got out of bronze 1 in season 3 I had to win 45 out of 50 games because I was gaining 0 LP per win. 350/280 ranked record got me to silver 1 while people on the board were chilling in diamond at 102/100.

I'm still "stuck". I went 8-2 in my placements this season and got silver 4 (while people I know went 4-6 or worse and got gold 1 and plat 3, yay for level playing grounds/starting fresh for new season lolz). I pretty much just don't put any weight at all on the divisions/leagues any more (even tho it'd still be nice to get at least to gold for season rewards each season) with the way their mmr works.
That's because divisions and tiers have no direct correlation to MMR until you have hundreds and hundreds of games played at a stable skill level. It's also the #1 complaint against the division/tier system, it obfuscates the simplicity of MMR behind some ridiculous system that makes it look like you aren't progressing even when you are. If you are gaining 0 lp for a win, what that actually means is that your MMR was so low that you're already considered to be in a higher division than you should be (through luck, duo queuing, who knows what) and you have to actually win enough games to make your MMR (which is invisible) catch up to your division. The reason people can hit diamond & master in under 200 games is the same reason: Their MMR is gigantic and so the division/tier is throwing LP and them to make their TIER catch up to their MMR.

tl;dr tiers and divisions have no direct correlation to MMR and MMR determines your LP gains/losses.