League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm going to try starting the draft at 9pm from my phone if I'm not home by then. I may auto draft a couple picks.


<Silver Donator>
I'm just planning on picking the people with the coolest names, but anyone with "xX", "420", or "senpai" in their name is a pass.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
A lot of auto-drafting this time around but the teams all look semi-balanced. Never can tell until the Season gets a few weeks into it anyway. Good luck all!


Lord Nagafen Raider
oh fuck, draft was tonight? God dammit. Time to see how awful my auto draft was. >.<


Auto draft gets me Nukeduck? Piglet? Airwaks? Omg, shoot me now please.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
You got a stacked team since you were #1 and got Bjerg, lol... But you're hoping H2K do well and also Piglet. He wasn't so great last season.


Trakanon Raider
oh fuck, draft was tonight? God dammit. Time to see how awful my auto draft was. >.<


Auto draft gets me Nukeduck? Piglet? Airwaks? Omg, shoot me now please.
If you don't like nukeduck, I'll trade for him. I'm weak at mid, I was snake spot and there was a run all in between my picks one round.
From looking at your roster, you are weaker at team, adc and and top spots. I have fnatic and g2 for teams, both are predicted better for week 1 then the new h2k lineup. Also, cabochard is predicted to be a boss this split, but I've got huni so I'm too deep at that spot basically.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Even the auto draft picked "Trashy" for a sub, I think it just knew. Having #1 pick rocks because Bjerg always scores big, but with the new TSM lineup I"m not sure if that'll be the case. Plus, the "randoms" I got...shitty!


Trakanon Raider
Yea, I think him and doublelift will still be solid, they just won't be #1 and #2 like last season, top 10 still. But, they will be sharing some of the kills a little.

Dunno if you saw the chat on the league itself. My trade offer is actually 2 players for one, but can only do 1 for 1 trades, so you send me back whoever you would drop for the 2nd one.


Trakanon Raider
Same goes for anyone else, if you have a part of your lineup you aren't happy with, I just like trying to work out trades.


Trakanon Raider
I like playing support, and I'm bad so I'm stuck in Silver.

Any tips on climbing out a silver as support?
Get the idea out of your head that support, is only there to support the carries. YOU have to carry the team if you want to get out of bronze/silver/gold, don't depend on some asshole doing it for you. Learn Lulu. Her poke is just so fucking ugly bot lane the entire phase of the laning. Also Brand is a great one to learn and stomp bot lane. Just build him AP carry and you will just destroy them. A lot of lower ranked people just have no idea how to counter a high damage/poke support. Wreck botlane and then roam and help pick up kills/assists to roll the other lanes.

I main Morg, and I will do a random Lux/Brand. If I want to just have a easy mode, I would play Soraka. I just build her straight up tank. Deadmans pretty much first item after Sightstone.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Pretty much what he said about support. Support is so different now than it was. Whenever I play it I always go ap (annie or lux) and carry hard if I have to. Typically by second item I know if I have to start prioritizing damage over utility. Also, if the team picks all squishys ill pukl out alistar or Leona and go pure health.

I hadn't played league in quite awhile and am pleasantly surprised how much they enabled supports to carry. The support role could always make huge plays to help tilt the game, but now they can build items to carry if needed.

I think your mentality "welp I'm support so dependent on others" is what's keeping you in silver. Every role can carry... Maybe support is a bit more dependent on helping others win their lanes but that's still a carry. Focus on getting ur adc ahead and then rotating mid to help there...just make sure ur adc is aware when u rotate up.


Vyemm Raider
Pretty much what he said about support. Support is so different now than it was. Whenever I play it I always go ap (annie or lux) and carry hard if I have to. Typically by second item I know if I have to start prioritizing damage over utility. Also, if the team picks all squishys ill pukl out alistar or Leona and go pure health.

I hadn't played league in quite awhile and am pleasantly surprised how much they enabled supports to carry. The support role could always make huge plays to help tilt the game, but now they can build items to carry if needed.

I think your mentality "welp I'm support so dependent on others" is what's keeping you in silver. Every role can carry... Maybe support is a bit more dependent on helping others win their lanes but that's still a carry. Focus on getting ur adc ahead and then rotating mid to help there...just make sure ur adc is aware when u rotate up.
I'm giving up on support. Too many games lost because the ADC can't play ADC.

I spent the last four days grinding cs in custom games. I consistently get 34 cs by 5 minutes, still trying to improve my consistency to perfect cs with Draven. Making progress.

Following Elyndars cs guide, but I'm stuck on step #5. I've tried running two bots against me in bottom lane on draven, and even coming to lane with both axes up I get poked out of lane and die. One bot is no problem, but two bots, like Cait and Zyra, wreck my shit.

Meanwhile, I played two Team Builder games on Draven as ADC and got camped hard both games, still ended with highest CS and gold value, and won.


2 Minutes Hate
Don't play Draven as your first adc, he's like the most micro intensive adc in a role that's more micro intensive than any other. I have no idea what is meta now (Quinn, mf, lucian?), but pick 1 or 2 out of the top 5 most played adcs and go from there if your heart is set on it.

Even then, adc is very hard to carry from imo. ADC's strength is based on gold to buy items. If you are behind it's hard to catch up. When I was playing a very solid champ to play out of the top lane was Sion. Build him like a tank with some damage and you can just gank/tp all over the place. Shit is probably different now though.


Vyemm Raider
My goal isn't to get to Diamond. I just want to get to Gold.

Don't play Draven as your first adc,he's like the most micro intensive adc in a role that's more micro intensive than any other.
That's exactly why I picked him and why I'm investing so much time in mastering the fundamental skills.

Even then, adc is very hard to carry from imo.ADC's strength is based on gold to buy items. If you are behind it's hard to catch up.When I was playing a very solid champ to play out of the top lane was Sion. Build him like a tank with some damage and you can just gank/tp all over the place. Shit is probably different now though.
Exactly why I'm working on mastering cs farming.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
As long as you plan to stick with Draven then I fully support your decision to play him. It's the people that have to play a different champ every game that should avoid him. Besides, your skill is relative to your rank and at Silver you'll do just fine with *decent* Draven mechanics.


Trakanon Raider
Sidian, if you aren't interested in trading, just decline it.

I hope our league isn't gonna be one of those where no one wants to actually do trades, or where only half the league pays attention past draft day. I hate 'draft and done'.