League Of Legends


Bronze Squire
Man I have seen some feeders in challenger tier watching sneaky/meteos stream. So would you rather wait 20-30m in your q's instead of playing games or what? Just curious since that is their horrendous q's unless they go on a smurf. That or you run in to LCS teams deciding to play together and get facerolled.
Man I have seen some feeders in challenger tier watching sneaky/meteos stream. So would you rather wait 20-30m in your q's instead of playing games or what? Just curious since that is their horrendous q's unless they go on a smurf. That or you run in to LCS teams deciding to play together and get facerolled.
Oh I don't want their queue times. I also watch them a lot so I know they get their fair share of feeders. What I want is the guys who can feed or screw up and laugh it off, which I see about half the time on high D1 to challenger level streams. In my unranked to d4 accounts I just get people going berserk as soon as something goes wrong.


Lord Nagafen Raider
God, I'm so tired of having to read an entire wall of text just to get to my team. Amirite, Sidian? Not as bad for you, I guess.
Yeah I agree with that. Gets tired having to scroll through all the noobs to see my team. :p (Although, tbh I read it all lol, I find it enjoyable too)

I love that because CLG had a bad week Ravishing is all like "OMG SIDIAN IS JUST ABOUT TO TANK TO #3. Bitch plz, I bet if I would have started Nukeduke or had any of my players get another 3 assists and won for the week you wouldn't have said anything. Although Frown Town is catching up in overall points...but meh! Guess I'll just have to slaughter a noob this week to solidify my position...


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>

Frown town is only like 7 points behind you in total points and his team also had a poor week. Wasn't just cause CLG lol. But hey, I definitely am routing for you or Frown Town to give Bandwagoneers a run for his money. No team should be so dominant!


Lord Nagafen Raider
I mean, I am undefeated against him, shouldn't take that much longer.

About league, I really hope j4 gets some quality of life buffs, he's definitely one of my favorite junglers to play and with all the reddit QQ we've had about him in the past couple days I bet riot could bite the bullet and buff him. Nothing is more enjoyable then being basically a whole screen away and doing EQ > Flash > Ult combo. Something about that is just satisfying especially if you know their flashes are down.


Trakanon Raider
CLG is very inconsistent is the thing, fantasy-wise. They often splitpush to take objectives, and this results in low points for almost everyone but Huhi (somehow he keeps putting up decent numbers even in low kill games) when they do. They haven't been killing it all season, they've been up and down quite a bit. It's not 'one' bad week.

On the subject of 'should of, would of, could of'.. In my 2nd league, I had Vizicsasci and Fox, the #3 and #4 highest scorers this week... ON MY BENCH. :-/ Didn't expect the slugfests they had with their opponents this week at all. Started CLG people instead. Would have scored like 290 points with those guys starting, instead I lost by like 5 points. I also have wildturtle there, lol. So, #1, 3 and 4 for the week. IM SUCH A LUCKY GUY!! NOT!


A Man Chooses....
League of Udyr: The BearPunchening

Rumble jungle today in LCK, he powerfarms harder than Yi. Can't wait to see that in solo queue.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wait, you're telling me the number in the loss column goes higher than 1? Weird. Maybe mine is bugged or something.

I get to play Frown Town next week, that's going to be interesting. Pretty much the match of the week right there.


Trakanon Raider
I.. won? wow. You were ahead by like 20 pts with more matchups then me last time I looked.

In the other league, I scored 245 and my opponent scored 316. -_- Jensen had a 75pt weekend, that's the highest so far, I believe. People do reaaaal good when they play me it seems.

But, I won 10/10 of my daily fantasy lineups on alpha today, so I'm happy! Was down 20% for the month overall, now up 20% just on today. I felt real strong about Fox, CLG and C9 player's matchups. They did not let me down.

edit: this was a crazy week in general, everyone scored high. No one under 200 points.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
With 3 weeks remaining, rosters are pretty much set and we can easily see which rosters are consistently strong.
I don't have the time to do my usual wall of text for Power Rankings, so instead I'll transition to Predictions.


Disclaimer: The Fantasy website doesn't show week 8 & 9 matchups, so a lot is up in the air still. Some unfavorable matchups could result in drastic differences.

7: ZTEAM(Infurio)
Although I had this team 4th in last week's power rankings, he boasts a 2-4 record currently and 7th in total points scored for the season. Fnatic has been middle of the pack and is struggling to pull out wins. I see a loss week 7 and it will be difficult to pick up wins in weeks 8 or 9. Best bet is if he can face Diana's Lunar Rebels, against any other team it's likely a loss.

Final Prediction:0-3 to end season 2-7 and tied for eighth place

7: TSM Greenmoon(Sebur)
Week 6 was a great showing, but still a loss. I can't see this performance being repeated too often. Fox is still a young team, but Froggen is currently the best mid laner in NA. Unfortunately the 1-5 start means this team will end at the bottom. There was a ton of promise and things could have worked out a lot differently if the roster was managed better. The trade for Rush over Sven definitely paid off this week, but dropping Fox and Emperor is still weighing heavily. I think this team has a chance to pick up at least 1 win in weeks 8 or 9 but week 7 is probably a loss.

Final Prediction:1-2 to end season 2-7 and tied for eighth place


6: Diana's Lunar Rebels(Ravishing)
From great beginnings to devastating endings, this team managed to crumble rather spectacularly. Even picking up a couple studs from free agency haven't been enough to keep this team from sinking. 3 losses in a row and a 4th predicted, it's not looking good for this once undefeated team. I have high hopes for at least 1 win in these final 3, but an 0-3 ending seems most plausible. This team has the fewest points scored in the league and there isn't a team out there that looks to be an "easy win".

Final Prediction:0-3 to end season 3-6 and sixth place

5: Liftlift's Trash(Enzie)
This team is looking very strong going into the final few games, but the devastating start has this team sitting firmly in the middle. He should be able to pick up a win week 7 but then relies on lucky matchups to win in weeks 8 and 9. Only teams he would want to face are Diana's Lunar Rebels or TSM Greenmoon. Since he just played the Lunar Rebels then he's hoping to get TSM Greenmoon whom he faced week 3, and won. I think it'll happen.

Final Prediction:2-1 to end season 4-5 and fifth place

4: Gilg Picks Eurasians(Graiban)
The first team to score over 300 points in a week. This team was helped by C9's stellar performance and Jensen's 74 point haul. I've had a lot of hope for this roster all season but they've been plagued by poor management. If he can keep players on the field then the final 3 weeks should see much success.

Final Prediction:2-1 to end season 5-4 and fourth place

3: Bandwagoneers(Mario Speedwagon)
For a team that has scored the most points 4 of 6 weeks, it might be surprising that I predict them ending 3rd. Immortals have had some scary victories the last couple weeks and I think teams are figuring them out. Even though they are 12-0, I do think they'll see at least 1 loss in their next 6 games. If he sweeps then this team will place tied for 1st but I'm predicting he might face Sid's Spectaculars again which might not bode well.

Final Prediction:2-1 to end season 6-3 and third place


1: Frown Town(Dejekt)
For a team I initially placed 7th, this team has soared up the ranks. He faces a tough match this week against Sid's Spectactulars. It's the match to watch this week as it has many implications on the standings. A win by Frown Town opens up 1st place to many more teams (Bandwagoneers/Gilg's). A loss means Sid's probably won't be dethroned. My guess is Frown Town picks up the win here as well as in weeks 8 & 9.

Final Prediction:3-0 to end season 7-2 and tied for first place

1: Sid's Spectaculars(Sidian)
This team has been in the shadows of the Bandwagoneers all season but has managed to pick up the most wins thus far. I'm predicting he may face the Bandwagoneers once more, making this team have one of the toughest schedules to close out the season. It'll be tough to sweep but I see this team hanging on.

Sidian will be peeved that I "just had to" put him tied for first, instead of outright first, but something to note is there could actually be a 3-way or 4-way tie for first place if things go awry. I think a 2-way tie is the most likely. While Sidian has been able to pull out the wins every week, he's 3rd in total points now and he's never had the most points of any particular week. It's certainly feasible to go 0-3, but I'm not going that far. A 3-0 sweep is equally as unlikely though.

Final Prediction:2-1 to end season 7-2 and tied for first place


Lord Nagafen Raider
Frown Town was the team I'm a little worried about. Sucks with CLG playing Immortals & c9, because I can see both Immortals & c9 absolutely wrecking CLG because they'll win on objectives and then just push for the win. Although, I"m banking on giant slugfests like the immortals/c9 game was where hopefully it's just a bloodbath of kills, and thus, points for me! :p

I just can't place Kirei over Xsmithie even though dig plays Renegades + c9. Kirei might do very well against Ren but they'll blow vs c9. Nukeduck I'm tempted to play, and could be a tossup between him and Stixxay, but I'm going with my gut and hoping for the bloodbath clg games.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Oh, a fair weather fan, eh? Fuck the haters, y'all peasants GONNA GET SMASHED!
LOL. I was never a fan! You're my competition!
But if I was to do power rankings again you'd still be #1. Predictions are different as it weighs record higher.
I doubt anyone will overcome your team in total points scored.