League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Played 1 normal and 1 ranked after 1.5 month of inactivity. Got carried in both. Feels good man.

I feel so crippled in the game right now, lost mechanics and map awareness.

The decay system is so fast, too. I was in promos to plat3 with a 1-1 record, decay doesn't start until after 28 days, so in half a month it dropped me from promos to 20LP.

That was main reason I did a ranked, even if I lost I'd at least stop the decay for a month.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Come out with a fucking compendium already.

Not really sure why Riot doesn't follow in Valve's footsteps in that regards. Crowd funded TI6 prize pool is close to 20 million, first place gets over 8.6 million.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
FOX back in LCS, went 3-0 vs NRG. Crazy upset.

S04 got bumped out of EU LCS. Misfits knocked them out.

That's 2 high-profile teams that have been relegated. Shaq's NRG and the German Sports Club's (FC Schalke 04) team.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea I'm glad C9 won. only caught like 2 games of the 5 but they were good. TSM vs CLG has been kinda boring


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I had a hankering for some Akali and ended up having a blast of a game, had an unofficial penta 1v5, of course it's against lower ranked players, but even with 3 golds I would expect them to be somewhat more competent, especially since I haven't been playing the game recently and my last Akali game was over 1 year ago (8/15/15 according to matchhistory website).

My team had 3 no-rankeds and a silver... lol

5k damage Tryn!

League of Legends Match History

I went 20/6/2 and we won easily.

I've been shaking the rust off with LoL a bit, playing norms and special mode mostly. Not sure what the deal is but the game is just "fun". I find myself overly frustrated in OW/Hearthstone but even the most frustrating LoL games can't seem to compare.

My normals MMR is high-silver/low gold which is why the matchup is so skewed.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, I definitely don't play as much as I used to but I still do maybe ~1-3 ranks a week. Usually Friday or Saturday I'll have a few drinks and decide to do an aram or two and a ranked or two. Been pretty much playing Jungle/ADC lately but honestly sometimes I Just select Jungle/Mid so I usually get to jungle 24/7. Cho'gath & Rumble are my goto junglers right now, just a ton of fun, off-meta, but people don't expect it. Lot of times I do almost full AP on both of them as well, maybe getting a tanky item if I'm falling behind a bit.

Cho just brings insane Dragon/Herald/Baron control since by level 6 you have like ~1500 worth of True damage. Plus, at least in Gold players still can't really dodge cho's rupture that well, so rupture + silence + feast is usually a kill for me or my laner. Rumble is a bit tougher early on but after you get runic echos you clear the jungle like a freaking monster. Plus once you get 6 you just pick top or bottom and blanket your ult either ontop of them or behind them so they pretty much have to flash over your ult or die.

Cho = EQEW usually, or EQW if you're going to lvl 3 gank. Max R > W, then honestly Q or E can be switched. E if you give up your blue more so you can still farm jungle super fast otherwise if I"m being selfish and taking blue I Just max Q for more bursty damage.

Rumble = Max R > Q, then depends again, speed/shield (w) is awesome early, especially if you don't want to build much defense, but having the harpoon for ganks is strong. Although usually with Ult + 1 harpoon hit (even lvll 1) they should die.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
League drama has been off the charts this week.

TL;DR post on Reddit for the uninformed:

That aside, Riot put up some plans for 2017 ranked. Nothing about the lower ranks but Diamond+ will only have Solo Queue.

I think I read somewhere that below Diamond there will be 2 Queues, Dynamic and Solo. Not sure if you can play both or only 1, pretty sure just 1. I think the 2 queues will have different naming schemes for the tier, like Bronze -> Silver -> Gold --> Plat for Solo and Tin --> Iron --> Titanium etc for Dynamic.

We also have TSM vs C9 this weekend. So much League!
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Lord Nagafen Raider
The patch thing I don't really understand because when it comes down to it, the top 4 at last years Worlds had probably 3 of the 4 teams that everybody thought would make it. Most people assumed it would SKT & Fnatic would be top 4 and then it was either EDG/KT/KOO to round out the other 2 slots. Fnactic crushed EDG in semis and KOO beat KT in semis as well. The only wildcards team imo was Origen but to be honest they were playing out of their minds since group stages so having that one underdog/darkhorse team is legit.

Maybe it's just my thinking, but the best teams will adapt to the patches and still come out on top. But hey, it's NA, might as well bitch just to bitch, it's obviously the reason we didn't win Worlds last year...

Also yeah, let's go C9! (Mainly because I want them at worlds and I"m not sure if they can do another gauntlet run...)


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I agree with the Owners/Pros about the patches tbh. They changed the game so much with the tower patch. Split pushing was a skill that was hard to learn, now that the teams have perfected it and evolved it Riot completely trashes the entire strat, all that learning out the window. It might have been boring to watch but there's a reason you don't see swaps in SoloQ, it's just not an easy strat at all. Timing is so important.

Teams are built around the meta, their rosters tailor-made for what the meta is. When Riot changes the meta then you can really cripple a team. The Huni example is a good one... When the Meta was Carry Top Laners he was dominant, now that it's Tanky Tops he has slid.

Riot should have a strict patch schedule that is published in advance and if they can't get their changes finalized before these known dates they should be forced to delay the patches. League is at a place where patches really aren't required to keep it fresh. New champions can still be introduced to the masses as they'll be disabled for Competitive anyways.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I totally buy the argument on patches too, some of the changes can be really harsh and there's been backlash on the World's Patch changes every year. The teams should be able to finish worlds on the patch that they earned their ticket on, not some new thing where they have less than a week to polish up things in a foreign location with the biggest event of their life looming over them.

If it's a boring patch, well, that's Riots fault for fucking up, and there's nothing to do about it.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
League on Page 4?!?!

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Who's pumped for Worlds?



TSM has a chance to leave groups, C9 has no chance, CLG has the easiest group. They just need to beat G2.

My predictions:
CLG/Tigers | SKT/Flash Wolves | EDG/AHQ | TSM/Samsung

Nothing too out of the ordinary. EU was weak so CLG should be able to beat G2 but I wouldnt be surprised if G2 pulls out a win really... it is CLG after all. TSM can beat RNG but it certainly won't be easy, gonna root for the home team though. Splyce could give TSM a surprise upset but I'm hoping TSM doesn't let that happen.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
c9 has no chance? Whaaa? Are you crazy?

A: 1st: Tigers 2nd CLG
B: 1st: SKT 2nd c9
C: 1st: EDG 2nd H2K
D: 1st Samsung 2nd Splyce (I feel really weird for saying this but I think their magic will continue...until they play against Tigers or SKT in the quarters...) I'm hoping TSM takes 1st or 2nd though, that's what I'll be rooting for.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I can't see C9 beating Flash Wolves.

Meteos going to get out jungled so hard. He looked bad vs TSM. Jensen and Sneaky aren't good enough for the world stage and they don't have a good shot caller on the team anymore.

Against TSM in Summer finals they got crushed. They did take the first game but then in the final 3 games they had 22 kills to 53.

Also you're crazy if you think Splyce can beat RNG and TSM. If TSM doesn't leave groups it'll be RNG and SSG. Splyce could take 3rd over TSM but no way are they getting 2nd. They looked so bad in the gauntlet. EU is a disaster this year.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I dunno, they were really one seismic shove from winning that game 4 and forcing a fifth. If Dlift steps the other way on Jensen's flash->shove C9 wins that fight and the game most likely. Meteos is very hit or miss, he looked bad in the finals but he took it to Reignover in the gauntlet.

I could see them doing well, and I could also see Meteos getting tilted early and them failing hard.