League Of Legends


Got something right about marriage
I haven't really looked at any of the changes or new items but has anything come into the game that makes him harder to CC? Because that's always been his weakness and they didn't change him at all.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pretty happy about Yasuo feeling dangerous on my own again. I messed around with new items in custom games but haven't tried any ADC in real games... Graves does a shitton of damage though. Like, insane amounts. But it seems like bot lane would be almost impossible for him? Can't last hit back lane minions, can barely even last hit melee minions unless the opposing duo is just letting you.


Vyemm Raider
Pretty happy about Yasuo feeling dangerous on my own again. I messed around with new items in custom games but haven't tried any ADC in real games... Graves does a shitton of damage though. Like, insane amounts. But it seems like bot lane would be almost impossible for him? Can't last hit back lane minions, can barely even last hit melee minions unless the opposing duo is just letting you.
Yeah I played a Graves in a normal today and had this very issue. Farming was stupid hard for me.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I played Graves 1x as jungle last night... was a normal game and ended up being a 4v5, but we almost won still. I like him as jungler but ganks arent the best.
I haven't really looked at any of the changes or new items but has anything come into the game that makes him harder to CC? Because that's always been his weakness and they didn't change him at all.
No, they haven't changed that. Basically he is lane dominant or really jungle efficient because of the warlord keystone. He also gets ninety percent crit with two and a half items. So he comes online much faster then he did previously, especially if he starts well. Yasuo might be even worse. He crit caps with 1.5 items.

I haven't noticed graves having a hard time farming in my lane today. You just need to support them with an aggressive support. Hit two first then completely zone the other adc. Unless they are cait, then you just lose every lane.


Trakanon Raider
This was supposed to be the ADC patch, but personally it feels like toplane demigod carry patch.
Guinsoo+Hextech Jax is.... retarded.
If you want easy mmr before they Nerf it, then pick your rageblade user of choice. Viable on teemo, Tryn, irelia, jax, and aatrox top lane. Xin in the jungle, and kayle mid. Irelia and jax will want to combo it with gunblade. Kayle and teemo should go the nashors/hurricane route after guinsoos. Yes for those of you that remember nightmare kayle from season three that shit is back.


Trakanon Raider
Screw dirty rageblade pickers.

NALCS is looking much better than last year on the top end.
C9 apparently got Rush - with hai and his shotcalling moving to support. Still hoping balls gets replaced, but dunno who in NA could.
TSM: Hauntzer, svenskeren, bjerg, double, kasing(trying out)

NRG: Impact, Moon, GBM, altec, konkwon. Looks really good on paper.

I even think RNG might not be too terrible now that they supposedly have Freeze.

TiP and Gravity are being sold and losing players, so they will probably be at the bottom.
CLG - dunno who their ADC is, but I do like huhi as a person, but not sure how he will do on stage.
Liquid is basically the same with the support change to Smoothie. Forever fourth.


After working 11 days straight I finally logged in today to play. Decided to play top into a rageblade jax who went 19/0.

Closed the game out after that one.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
You guys are right. Rageblade jax is dumb. I just played him in my first ranked game since 18 days ago, started off a bit rusty but didn't even matter with this ez-mode champ/build.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Brand, Malzahar and Anivia seem pretty strong in the midlane. Every champ that can build rageblade is basically aids though. Healing is just ridiculous across the board, especially on supports like Nami and Soraka. Lee sin feels like the best jungler though, unless the game some how goes lategame then xin/yi seem op

Every time my banner leaves open graves / yasuo I want to punch a kitten