League Of Legends


Molten Core Raider
No not really. Nightblue was Q-ing from fountain all the way to the enemy nexus. By the time it got there his Q took up half the screen. If cast from fountain and activated at first mid lane turret its just shy of big enough to hit the wraith camp.


Blackwing Lair Raider
says damage will knock him out of it, so pretty sure yes.
my initial thoughts were a big no to jungle, since mobs would not get hit by the passive in melee. but kiting in circles as you say, might work.

I was thinking offensive support, like a soraka(old starcall/infuse)/leona.
Zone like hell in brush, with that passive. and kill secure with that stun, and lane swap.
Watching some videos looks like he jungles fine. Just have to kite them around a bit but did not look to bad. A bit mana hungry at the start but that seems to mitigate pretty rapidly.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Watched NB3 kill Gromp+Blue at same time, since Gromp is ranged, you can position to hit both. Can't do it at level 1 probably, but still makes clear faster later on.

Actually, watching NB3 for ~20mins still made me think this champ is going to be a bit weak. I wanted to see him blow shit up, which he was able to do when landing Q, but looked so helpless otherwise. And this was on PBE where teams and players are very lackluster.

Quick thoughts on abilities:
Passive is really good. Permanent free damage. Very powerful and is the most interactive part of the whole kit.
Q doesn't seem easy to land at all, but is the most interesting mechanic. Unlimited range and making it grow are neat.
W amplifies his passive a bit, but otherwise boring. You can use it to make your passive hit the enemy a bit more reliably, which is fine, I guess.
E is on a ~45sec cooldown and is rather useless for fights, it's just used to travel places and is canceled if you're hit. Fine for the map pressure, but boring.
R is a big damage ability with great range, really boring though.

Outside of Passive+Q, the champ is just boring and a bit weak.


A Man Chooses....
They have got to make support more popular. These queue times are retarded.

I didn't mind supporting last season but now if you put it in your list you are 100% get it, so no one does it because they don't want to do it all the time. So the fact that no one supports makes people even less likely to support. If they don't find a solution it's literally going to break solo queue.
Queue times are fine until you hit high diamond or if you play at really wonky times. I don't really go over five as top/jung or top/mid combo depending on how I feel in mid diamond. The only exception are my occasional insomniac 4 am games. If you are getting more then five minute queues regularly then just drop out of queue and pop back in. There is a bug right now where you sit in queue forever, been around for quite a while now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea I've never had bad queue times in gold/plat world at regular evening/night times. They do need to improve the role selection queue though. Let people select 1, 2, 3, or even 4 roles and be done with it. I'm never going to select fill because me ending up as a jungler would basically be a free loss for my team, and I'm never going to select support as my 2nd option because in reality it's my 4th option. So I don't even ever get to play my 3rd option unless I really really want to for some reason that day.
It would be easier to just click for three or four roles with priority, but I think the current system with two is okay. It stops a complete bottle neck that would happen if people only queue for one role while at the same time giving you your primary at least fifty percent of the time as long as you don't pick support. I view it like dungeon finder in wow. If I want instant queues then I'll queue as a support, if I want short queues then I put jung primary, and if I don't mind long queues I go top/mid with a mid primary. Just depends on how long I am willing to wait, and once again by long I mean 5-6 min queues and not instant or 1-2 min queues with the other options.

tldr, If you always want a specific role that isn't bot lane then you will get it but for a small time trade off. I much prefer that to being forced in to sloppy fifths that the old queue system handed out at random.


Potato del Grande
Be me. Lose 3 games this morning. Play one tonight just now when I get home from work. 3 people on my team all disconnect at level 3 while the score is 1-0 (us up). Game ends 15 minutes later. Demoted to bronze from silver. Fucking riot is the best.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm playing very sparingly atm. ~1 game a week, but always seems like I get an 8 min queue whenever I try to play, and that's going Jung/Mid @ Plat 4.


Potato del Grande
er, how is that Riots fault that your dynamic queue team mates were playing from the same location/IP and all disco ball'd?
It's not other than the fact that they could do loss prevented for the 2 people who don't quit at the 4 minute mark in a ranked game =/.

I've been playing a lot. Queue times bounce from instant to ~10 minutes for me no matter what roles I pick (altho if you pick fill or supp it's 99.9% a sub-10 second queue). As far as queue speed it seems to generally be (in bronze/silver): fill/supp > bot > top > jung/mid


Trakanon Raider
I started only playing teemo in ranked about 2 months ago, it's just too much fun for me. and to make queue times shorter i put support as my 2nd role. so for the past 80 games i have been teemo support. about 1/4th of games my team gets insanely pissed off in champ select and vows to make sure I lose, and picks janna ADC or something. Also the ADC very often refuses to lane with a teemo and goes to duo in another lane. Every single match at least one person says they are reporting me just for playing teemo support, nobody understands that it is not against the rules. even with all the yordle racism, teemo is just too much fun for me to play anyone else right now.

bronze teemo 4 lyfe. nobody buys sweepers down here.


Trakanon Raider
I'm still on the - "current fixed meta is dumb". There isn't a rulebook that requires 5 linemen, a QB, and x WR/TE/RBs and where they must line up.

(Someday adc and support will go mid to fast take the tower and control enemy jungle.)

But, that being said I'd probably be annoyed at a teemo support, because the rest of the team is going to be so pissy, the game will be ruined.

My advice would be to main Kennen. Top,mid, support, and adc! With professional play to back up the decision in all 4 roles.


Trakanon Raider
I believe they've said they are working on something like this. Only took like 5 years.
What are the criteria for their current 'loss forgiven'? It seems like it randomly happens for people now, with a higher chance if a teammate disconnects. But, if at least one ally disconnects with a certain amount of time left in the game (i.e. they can't just do it 10 secs before game ends) then everyone on that team shouldn't lose rank.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
loss forgiven only happens when Riot pushes the magic button due to server issues.

I read on reddit somewhere that they are looking into forgiveness when people dc at start... might not happen though idk


Trakanon Raider
whut? I'm sure you'll beat me, most of your points won't show up till NA LCS. I don't understand how I got matched against you again unless it's just completely random.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Graves now a day is just sooooo fucking good.

Essence Reaver > Rapid Fire Cannon > Phantom Dancer.

That's if you play ADC. But with graves you can play any lane (besides support...although........lol)