League Of Legends


Trakanon Raider
I don't see how someone could 'take the bullet' any differently then just dodging does now. I also don't see any way a premade could significantly abuse it without having a risk to themselves. If the same 4 keep reporting people, they should get temporary suspension for frivolous reporting too. If they do it once cause someone was being an ass in chat, then that's what it's meant for.

Also, I've had premades of 4 and we all report someone, along with half the other team supposedly, and I've never once gotten a popup telling me someone was banned for my reports.
Can't have that, could be abused by premades or someone to take the bullet so they can dodge due to a bad comp. Pretty similar to how me and my group of friends abuse the report system to get people banned when all 4 of us report people. Couldn't tell you how many times I have gotten the pop-up message saying that my reports have gotten someone banned.
You must hit the mass reporting jackass jackpot. As in, dudes are toxic asses in general, because riot heavily weighs against mass reports by premades seeing as its usually just a bunch of fuckbois looking to blame a shitty game on the solo they were with.


Haven't said it in a while, and we need to get the message out. The single biggest step Riot could make to reduce trolling is to remove chat in all phases of the game and expand smart ping with a few more options. For each time some honest to goodness strategizing takes place in champ select, 10,000 shitbags troll it one way or another. In 99/100 of my actual games, the most constructive thing that comes through chat is a 'GJ'. Post game chat exists only to whine about damage numbers. The benefits of having it in the game are vastly outweighed by the avenue it gives trolls to do their thing. It isn't necessary, and it doesn't make the game better.

Get rid of it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Power URF champion Eve, Sona, Zed, Annie, Shaco, Vlad, Fizz, Ezz, Moa, Kat, Ryze, Skarner, Hec and a few I'm forgetting.

Spall vamp Mages with spirit visage are very dangerous URF.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There's a couple different reddit threads up with winrate statistics for URF, here's the first one I searched for:URF Win Rate Statistics 2016-04-22 : leagueoflegends
Sortable by columns. Ez has highest pick rate in all regions and just below a 50% winrate in non-mirror matches. A lot of the champs people expect to be OP aren't, and some a stealthily OP


Bronze Squire
You must hit the mass reporting jackass jackpot. As in, dudes are toxic asses in general, because riot heavily weighs against mass reports by premades seeing as its usually just a bunch of fuckbois looking to blame a shitty game on the solo they were with.
Ya, don't get me wrong, for the most part we only report the ones that deserve it , although we are quick to report offensive names (that we otherwise wouldn't) when we lose lol.

@enzie What I am saying it is yes, it is the same penalty say for current dodging, however, lets say I squad up as 4 we get in a match , we see enemy team comp and are like nope, not today and report the non-squad 5th to avoid the comp.


Molten Core Raider
Power URF champion Eve, Sona, Zed, Annie, Shaco, Vlad, Fizz, Ezz, Moa, Kat, Ryze, Skarner, Hec and a few I'm forgetting.

Spall vamp Mages with spirit visage are very dangerous URF.
Surprised Galio isn't on that list. Rushing a spirit visage not only makes him damn near unkillable, but it's also a damage item for him because of his passive. With only 1 armor item base turrets actually heal him up to full hp and his 20s cool down ult locks down everyone near him

Edit: just looked at that Reddit post Amzin linked. Sona has a 69% win rate; Galio's is 67%
Probably came as close to tilting as I have lately. On a plat smurf, my support dies three times to the same twitch stealth brand bait crap. On her third death I actually trade her for brand, then my jungle shows and we kill twitch. So he is 3-1-0 and I am 1-0-1. Now the kicker here is that I'm now fifty cs ahead so effectively I have a one kill lead. Guess my sona was unhappy I didn't use heal to save her the last time. Wouldn't have worked anyway, but whatever. So she proceeds to go mid and leaves me solo against a brand and twitch. He catches up to about 20 cs behind and I get dove once when their jungle shows up. Still ended up winning the game, but I haven't seen that brand of shit attitude in a long time. How the heck could someone like that get in to plat. What if they weren't playing with a smurf who could half flame horizon their opponent even when absent a support for 1/3 of the lane? Ugh.

edit: follow up game a I got a super aggro god support, so I'm all golden now. In case anyone was worried.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Even across different data sets processed different ways, Sona and Galio are always top 2. The ones after that vary a bit but not by much. Wu, Xin, Zed, etc.

On the other hand, some champs have lower win rates but are obnoxious as fuck to play against so I ban them too.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
/remake feature coming in the future

[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t_sl said:
Strings referencing early surrender stuff. Looking into it:
"Your team has @EarlySurrenderWindowDurationSeconds@ seconds to remake the game because a player dc'd and no kills occurred. Vote to end the game by <b>typing /remake in chat.</b> Only the dc'd player will take a loss. This vote can only occur once."
"To protect high-tier competitive integrity, your remake would count as a loss because the dc'd player is in your premade"
RiotNeuroCat_sl said:
Hi guys - I'm on the team developing '/Remake' (this feature). Just want to clarify that this will not be shipped with 6.9, but we want to get it into your hands ASAP
Nice to have but I don't find myself in too many games where an AFK or DC happens at the beginning. Using this successfully will probably be a very rare occasion.

The fact the vote can only happen once also means it might be even rarer to pull off successfully.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So, I have a strange feeling Rumble in the Jungle is sleeper OP. I tried him out last night, his clear is insane, his sustain is insane, his ganks are pretty awesome as well between harpoon and eventually your ult that you can launch from the full screen away. Once you get runic echoes you just massacre camps. Has a very, nidalee like clear speed imo and spamming your shield for the MS boost to move around is very nice as well.


Trakanon Raider
So, hexakill is fun, that's how twisted treeline should always be played imo. Sona is kind of OP on the map, since auras help big teamfights so much. But, people have no idea how to play the map at all. They get tunnel vision on their lane and don't move back and forth at all. That shit works to an extent on summoner's rift, but you get punished for bad map awareness much worse when you can move between lanes so quickly. Difference between top/bot on treeline is half of the distance between mid and bot/top on SR.


Lord Nagafen Raider
People had pretty bad idea of what were good champs in general. Champs that don't scale well into bigger teams were picked a lot (assassins). I actually played way fewer games than other game modes largely because of how terrible everyone was, even the games we won weren't even close. It was pointless.


<Silver Donator>
I think Illaoi has become my favorite champ. Finally got mastery5 with her and I love the pick on all game modes except for 5v5 sr. Too bad- if she was viable on SR, I might play ranked.


Molten Core Raider
People had pretty bad idea of what were good champs in general. Champs that don't scale well into bigger teams were picked a lot (assassins). I actually played way fewer games than other game modes largely because of how terrible everyone was, even the games we won weren't even close. It was pointless.
Yeah I noticed that almost every game had at least two assassins on each team.

I sorta felt that as the weekend went by people started to figure out what champs were broken in 6v6 and started banning some of them. I'm sure if they left that game mode for another week games would have gotten more competitive. My best 6v6 picks were Gangplank, Varus, Ekko, and Jhin. Jhin and Ekko were exceptionally strong; I had four games where I was 20+ kills with single digit deaths. By Sunday night I saw Varus and Ekko banned almost every game.


Avatar of War Slayer
wow that is pretty cool.

I wonder if any old champs will get reworks to make use of this new tech/ideas.

nami getting +speed in water, for example.


A Man Chooses....
First game in a few days: deathcap rush zyra support. There are like 900 things wrong with that statement. Why rush deathcap with no AP? Why on a low econ support? Why not build a single vision item first before going AP? If you're going to go AP, why not build an item that scales well as a single item first? It makes no fucking sense.