League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Hey look they got rid of Ice Blast and replaced it with a frost themed version of Taliyah's Threaded Volley. Oh boy.

Point and click abilities have no place in zee new older, mein kommandant.

They stated he's keeping Chomp and Ult, so that leave 2 other abilities, we see the snowball which seems to be another AoE thing, and looks like he cast a buff on allies still like his current W... so my question is, how does he poke now? Without ice blast he becomes a bruiser ? No more poke for lane dominance.

Granted, he's in a really bad spot currently and hasn't been in the meta in years, but seems like you could have turned his Ice blast into a skill shot to keep him mostly same. Looks like he's going to be mostly jungle/top now as he won't be able to poke in mid lane. They show him Chomping heroes now, so that'll be interesting.

also teaser :
Lucian skin I guess? I thought this was a new ADC at first, hah.



Tranny Chaser
They stated he's keeping Chomp and Ult, so that leave 2 other abilities, we see the snowball which seems to be another AoE thing, and looks like he cast a buff on allies still like his current W... so my question is, how does he poke now? Without ice blast he becomes a bruiser ? No more poke for lane dominance.

Granted, he's in a really bad spot currently and hasn't been in the meta in years, but seems like you could have turned his Ice blast into a skill shot to keep him mostly same. Looks like he's going to be mostly jungle/top now as he won't be able to poke in mid lane. They show him Chomping heroes now, so that'll be interesting.

also teaser :
Lucian skin I guess? I thought this was a new ADC at first, hah.

I always found it frustrating how the live team was perfectly willing to leave characters in terrible condition. There was a stretch where just picking Evelyn was considered trolling up to picking her in a ranked game leading to people eating warnings under the guise of poor communication. Jungle Evelyn had gotten really popular, specifically of the counter-jungling variety, and she was a house. They took away her stun and nerfed the rest of her such that she couldn't do anything and then waited 13 months for her rework to come around.

A big part of why I gave up on League was just how perpetually out of sync I was with their live team. What they change, why they change it, how fast or how slow, etc. was just confusing to me. I don't mean that I just disagreed with them and thought I could do things better. I mean based on what they did in the past I couldn't predict what they were going to do in the future. They never failed to surprise me and not in a good way. A game that required as much time from me as League of Legends did combined with my complete inability to gauge what the live team is going to do was a recipe for frustration. I'm not sure there was anything worse than seeing some uncommon champion I was playing suddenly show up in the LCS and win a game.


Tranny Chaser
In regards to Nunu specifically it looks like his snowball operates like Taliya's thing as I said. You hit with one and it slows the enemy and then more hits slow more until it roots or if you melee them when they have that debuff they are rooted. Then when they are rooted they are vulnerable to Consume.

I don't get why every champion has to have a bunch of complicated, interwoven interactions between their own abilities which are also skillshots. Can't I just push a button and it does a thing?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I don't get why every champion has to have a bunch of complicated, interwoven interactions between their own abilities which are also skillshots. Can't I just push a button and it does a thing?

Nothing was more satisfying than full AP Nunu chunking an enemy for 90% health with an ice ball.

Abilities have become bloated, I agree.

We can look back 10 yrs and see how this has happened pretty easily I think.

Primary reason I see is because they've been enforcing a Meta: They've pushed through special rules to accommodate the positions: Jungler/AD/Support/etc. Not having the 5 positions is not acceptable to Riot. In the beginning it was more sandboxy and without all the special rules you were able to try things in different areas. Nowadays you can't even "Swap" roles with your jungler due to the Smite/Item hardcoded shit... like if you are pushed out of top lane early, I remember being able to Swap with Jungler.

That said, I've been playing a few LoL games recently and I don't really get wrapped up in the abilities, the game still plays largely the same. It's still a team game and if you beat your lane opponent you can still snowball and win. I mainly just focus on CS and getting my poke in, doing roams when it looks good.

Now granted, I still main Diana whom is part Point & Click champion, though still requires good Q placement, but Evelynn is actually my top played this season, love the rework... even if abilities have so much text you're basically reading a novel.

And I am excited to see how this Nunu rework pans out. I have a 63% win rate this season with him (5-3). The fact he still has his Chomp/Ult are good enough for me. I can never go full AP anyways so Ice Blast has been mostly useless when going tanky.


Tranny Chaser
I'm one of those derps who values verisimilitude in games. Messing around with the defenses of towers and bonus gold awarded for killing the put an end to lane swaps or nerfing minion gold for junglers if they have the most gold is just so artificial it negatively impacts my enjoyment of the game. I don't like the little jungle power up consumable/interactables (too video-gamey, same problem I had with Dominion), the gold oriented support item lines, or the jungler items. I like when the players are handed this big pile of parts and sent off unsupervised.

It's not like League didn't have problems when it was less structured but I guess those problems are the ones I'd rather have. I think I said this before but what I really want with League of Legends is a Classic server akin to what Everquest has done and what World of Warcraft has on the way. Add a queue to to the game that is the old map circa the end of the beta exactly as it was and let it run. Nostalgia aside I think there's a lot for everyone to learn from such an experience. Knowing all that we know now how would we approach old League of Legends? Would we, the players and the developers both, learn the same lessons and would the game evolve the same way?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I didn't have a problem with lane swaps necessarily... I did have a problem with turret trading, which was a result of lane swaps. Was just cheesy. Only took place in competitive so the turret changes aren't really bothersome to me.

I just read a Riot post, maybe on a Nunu rework thread somewhere, that they have tried loading up an old LoL build but it didn't work and that it would take too many resources to make work so it's unlikely to happen... but I'd be down for some Classic LoL for sure.

Most fun Meta for me is when I could top-lane Udyr/Tryn and split push all day.
Also when Nunu was a god and could solo Baron at 20 mins if he had the right build.

I basically enjoyed any meta where I could determine the outcome of the game without relying on teammates lol.


Tranny Chaser
Champion Update: Nunu & Willump, the Boy and his Yeti

Looks like the W buff is part of his passive now too. Kit seems decent, bloated abilities as we've discussed. Still has poke and a lot of utility with all the slows/knockups. I'll try him.

He looks good, the art on all his splashes is good, his abilities seem decent and are more straightforward than I was anticipating. He's a little too close to Zoe in that they've both got the cutesy/lolrandom/sparkley thing going pretty strong but overall his rework looks to be of the high quality variety.
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I always found it frustrating how the live team was perfectly willing to leave characters in terrible condition. There was a stretch where just picking Evelyn was considered trolling up to picking her in a ranked game leading to people eating warnings under the guise of poor communication. Jungle Evelyn had gotten really popular, specifically of the counter-jungling variety, and she was a house. They took away her stun and nerfed the rest of her such that she couldn't do anything and then waited 13 months for her rework to come around.

A big part of why I gave up on League was just how perpetually out of sync I was with their live team. What they change, why they change it, how fast or how slow, etc. was just confusing to me. I don't mean that I just disagreed with them and thought I could do things better. I mean based on what they did in the past I couldn't predict what they were going to do in the future. They never failed to surprise me and not in a good way. A game that required as much time from me as League of Legends did combined with my complete inability to gauge what the live team is going to do was a recipe for frustration. I'm not sure there was anything worse than seeing some uncommon champion I was playing suddenly show up in the LCS and win a game.

Take a real long break like I did. Been diddling around recently, they cleaned up a bunch of the old garbage I hoped they would. The support changes are finally what I was hoping for in the role.

The community is horrible as fuck just like I remember. Summoner's code lul - plenty of feedin (running down the mid over and over, not just being bad), queue dodging and leaving games.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I watched the TSM vs TL Vod because Bjerg went off on Akali and I had to see it (in Solo-Q Akali is the lowest Win Rate champion @ 43%)
Probably see a lot more Akali in SoloQ after this game.

Love seeing the carry performances. Hate how the meta has been anti-carry of late. If they can return the game to this type of style I'll start watching competitive again.
Some tiebreakers today for seeding, not as much on the line, but might check in to see if Bjerg is on Akali again (probably gets banned).

Also Jensen played Leblanc in an earlier game, carrying for his team, not as many kills (5), but still much more exciting to watch


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>

Looks good, lots of cc. Maybe doesn't see competitive since he still lacks movement but blood boil buff and 3 CC abilities (2 of which are AOE) might make him relevant.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nunu is out today.

Even though I'm over 90% winrate with Diana in my past 11 games... I might need to break out Nunu.. Highest winrate of the season for me (with >1 games played) LOL.

(my Diana winrate was like 18% before I started playing again).



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Worlds 2018 Music Video.
The video is awesome, imo their best work.
The song maybe not as good or catchy as others, but still pretty good.



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
C9 vs DFM is a good match, Day 1 of play-ins.

Close game, aggressive plays, C9 sure knows how to team fight. DFM seemed to get ahead on picks, maybe C9 was a bit sloppy to give up picks, but the 5v5 fights were so good


Toe Sucker
That music video is amazing (song is shit but the animation etc is insane).

been getting back into this, but i think i want to learn top lane since playing support is getting boring and frustrating when you cant make an impact if top, mid and your jungle lose their lanes lol


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
League always calls me back especially around Worlds time. I've been playing a few games a week. Right now it's the only game I feel like playing.
I still play Diana 99% of the time but also Eve. Just lost promos to Gold III.

The game is in a really nice place right now imo. I feel like it's the best balance in forever. All lanes seem to be in a good spot and can make an impact.
Very few problem champions too, at least that I can tell.. and Champions with the lowest SoloQ winrates seem to be meta picks at worlds... so very few "useless" champions tbh.
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