League Of Legends


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
He pretty much is in the dumpster until his rework thing happens. The last round of nerfs to Q and his heal made him basically unplayable.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Rengar is still strong as fuck, and it's comical to hear people whining about him being trash. He might be the best assassin in the entire game.


currently i like rengar. most people play him wrong. they use his q instead of his e. stealthed root + damage and then q,w and then another strong slow? fucking christ it is op.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Are you people for real? Holy shit what leagues are you playing in that Rengar is even close to viable right now.


Tranny Chaser
I play bad characters at plat. Everyone plays bad characters at every rating. I had a 100% win rate as AP Sion middle last season. He's still bad. The only reason I would have to defend him as good would be some irrational emotional attachment. Rengar is bad. It doesn't mean you can't pick him and it doesn't mean you can't do well with him but he's still bad.

And don't be that guy that when they talk about their rating mentions where they aren't.
It means that even if a character is shitty and is an obviously bad pick in general that someone can win with them. The reasons shitty champs can win at any mmr range are many. Whether it just so happens to be a great counter pick for the enemy comp, you vastly out skill your opponent, or you have played that champ so much that you are intimately familiar with what they can do in any situation. None of those things mean that the champ or build isn't exceptionally bad when used by nine players out of ten. When I have to play a solo I play a ton of Gangplank because I'm comfortable with him in top lane or mid lane and with many build variations. I have a 69% percent win rate with him this season, and this is in plat. However I would never recommend for someone else to put in serious time with the champ if they wanted a good top or mid to become competent on, and I see him in a game where I'm not piloting him maybe one out of every hundred games. Obviously not a good champ, but I can make him work.

I don't really agree with Rengar being this type of champ though. I do think he has some very strong match ups in top lane and you can build him in a couple of decent ways to shore up his weaknesses.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Just because you personally have won a few games with Rengar doesn't fix him being objectively bad. You can still massively outskill an opponent and get ahead and do well, sure, anyone can do that. But he has been methodically crippled to the point that he has just about 0 winning/even lanes left, and a whoooooole shitload of really bad lanes.

His kit is fun as hell and if you can pull far enough ahead he can still be a real jerkass to the super squishies, but good christ is he not worth playing now.


Mr. Poopybutthole
And don't be that guy that when they talk about their rating mentions where they aren't.
Well, being Platinum 1 and in or near your promos is quite a bit different than being Platinum 5, wouldn't you say?

I don't see why it makes you 'that guy'.


Sometimes I wonder if there's code in the game that makes you group with the worst people available when you're up for a promotion. If they aren't picking awful champs and feeding, they are raging after 1 death or disconnecting constantly.


2 Minutes Hate
I haven't had much time to play in the last few weeks, but I stopped caring about playing seriously. I've been playing Morde and Heimer and having fun. I think my normal MMR is shit though, but I don't care.

Fucking around with a Morde build last night. Hextech -> Rageblade -> Lichbane -> Voidstaff and I hit a Udyr for like 1000 with my Q. I lold.


I haven't had much time to play in the last few weeks, but I stopped caring about playing seriously. I've been playing Morde and Heimer and having fun. I think my normal MMR is shit though, but I don't care.

Fucking around with a Morde build last night. Hextech -> Rageblade -> Lichbane -> Voidstaff and I hit a Udyr for like 1000 with my Q. I lold.
Been doing this myself, heimer support is nuts as fk.

36-2 as Katarina Jungle, no one expects the flash shunpo from the bush.


I play bad characters at plat. Everyone plays bad characters at every rating. I had a 100% win rate as AP Sion middle last season. He's still bad. The only reason I would have to defend him as good would be some irrational emotional attachment. Rengar is bad. It doesn't mean you can't pick him and it doesn't mean you can't do well with him but he's still bad.

And don't be that guy that when they talk about their rating mentions where they aren't.
What are you going on off again about that? Ronne said Rengar isn't viable - I definitely disagree. I've played him in plenty of match ups, he may not win *ALL* matches up but that hardly stops him from being viable. Was he nerf'd? Sure. Maybe he's not worth it for an average player looking to climb to invest in, but if that's the case just stick to mundo/shyvana/renekton top. He's plenty viable though, and his roam is insanely strong. He can also just about instagib either an APC or ADC. Ever see a rengar w/a good Orianna too? Invisible ult delivery system. I mentioned my rating because people seem to think you could only pull rengar off in some kinda bronze elo, not true at all. Do i need to post screenshots of my rating for you to believe me or some shit? Fuck, if you look back through the thread you'd probably find an SS of me in plat, not sure if i posted when i was P1 or not but w/e. Point is he is really strong despite the nerfs. Not sure how much you played him before/since, but if your only evidence that he's not any good is just as anecdotal as mine that he is, really don't think you have a leg to stand on. Just looked him up on lolking, he has a 48.30% or something win rate across all rankings, bit higher in diamond but you get my drift.


I said i was working on diamond? And that i'm platinum? I never claimed to be diamond.. I said i was platinum 1 working towards it. Then i edited it out because it felt like dickwaving. You're still off base if you don't think it's viable though, and it's a disservice to people to just boldly claim otherwise.


A Man Chooses....
Any of you curse voice guys know why the overlay doesn't show up in the lobby? I get the timers fine but when I'm outside the game itself I have nothing in LOL indicating I have Curse installed. I have tried all the options. It doesn't appear to support 2560x1440 I guess. Anyone know a workaround?


Tranny Chaser
I said i was working on diamond? And that i'm platinum? I never claimed to be diamond.. I said i was platinum 1 working towards it. Then i edited it out because it felt like dickwaving. You're still off base if you don't think it's viable though, and it's a disservice to people to just boldly claim otherwise.
He's a low tier top laner with a rework coming that is going to completely change how he is played. In his current state he has numerous idiosyncrasies that are not readily apparent should you just happen to pick him up. If you weren't already proficient with him prior to his last series of nerfs than there is zero reason to start learning him now. You are the one doing a disservice.