League Of Legends


He's a low tier top laner with a rework coming that is going to completely change how he is played. In his current state he has numerous idiosyncrasies that are not readily apparent should you just happen to pick him up. If you weren't already proficient with him prior to his last series of nerfs than there is zero reason to start learning him now. You are the one doing a disservice.
You do make a case that since he's being reworked, investing a ton of time into him might backfire on people. But telling people he's actually viable is now doing them a disservice, really? Encouraging people to try the champ out regardless of the naysayers. All this coming from the guy that advocates support Heimer? Which i have no problem with BTW, but it seems ridiculous in contrast to advise people to "dodge" if you see a rengar on the team, meanwhile you dinger support and you don't think people would feel the same way? If the "top" tier of top laners is Renekton/Shyvana/Mundo, I would put Rengar on a tier right below that. He can split push very effectively, is one of the fastest turret takers in the game.. has an insane level 6 roam that is similar to malphite. Resourceless ranged harass on a low CD.. and he's not that complicated to learn. Yeah, you can't triple Q anymore and your heal is now flat weaker but heals more for % health missing.. it's not the end of the world.

Trollicious_sl said:
currently i like rengar. most people play him wrong. they use his q instead of his e. stealthed root + damage and then q,w and then another strong slow? fucking christ it is op.
Exactly that. Rooting someone in place coming from invis and then adding another slow + qw dmg ontop of whatever lane you're ganking for.. you become almost a second jungler any time you go MIA from top.


Tranny Chaser
Support Heimer isn't good. He's just what I play against Leona in the hopes that she's insanely aggressive. Most are. Let's go back and reread a post of mine that you quoted but I'm not sure actually read.

I play bad characters at plat. Everyone plays bad characters at every rating. I had a 100% win rate as AP Sion middle last season. He's still bad. The only reason I would have to defend him as good would be some irrational emotional attachment. Rengar is bad. It doesn't mean you can't pick him and it doesn't mean you can't do well with him but he's still bad.
You like Rengar and are willing to pick him. That's fine. He's still bad. He is a terrible recommendation to anyone unfamiliar with the character. If I saw someone on my team pick him I would seriously consider closing the client. If I picked Sion or Heimer and someone closed their client I wouldn't fault them for doing so.


Support Heimer isn't good. He's just what I play against Leona in the hopes that she's insanely aggressive. Most are. Let's go back and reread a post of mine that you quoted but I'm not sure actually read.

You like Rengar and are willing to pick him. That's fine. He's still bad. He is a terrible recommendation to anyone unfamiliar with the character. If I saw someone on my team pick him I would seriously consider closing the client. If I picked Sion or Heimer and someone closed their client I wouldn't fault them for doing so.
I guess we just see things differently in solo queue. In ranked - if someone picks something pretty peculiar, like the other day someone first pick locked in fiora mid - teammates were already jumping on him and bashing him for it. I told em to give him the benefit of the doubt - he ended up stomping mid, and hard carrying that game. I'm not telling people to just try him out for the first time in ranked and see what happens, but practicing him in a normal, getting used to his cd's and lane match ups? It's not as terrible as you make it out to be. Another great thing about picking him (or maybe some other uncommon picks in whatever lane) is people are not adjusted to playing against it anymore. When all you see is shyvana and renekton for 6 months, a lot of people have a hard time adjusting to something that plays a lot differently and goes through power spikes at different points. Usually (for me) in ranked, if someone picks something weird, usually it's because they actually main that shit or have a lot of time on it. If it's some first time insert_whatever_champ than sure, that sucks. But just like people dodging if they saw you pick heimer, they aren't giving you credit for actually knowing how to make the champion work in bot.

He was broken as fuck before and maybe that contrast has people coming down super harsh on him - but it's not like this is LCS, solo queue people do not handle him and his ganking paths like they should. All the time you can back once you shove up a lane at 6, recall to base. And gank bot through the lane with no warning that you're coming, bot isn't going to think rengar is ulting down there. Or roaming through your jungle and ganking mid. It's more powerful than i really think you give it credit for. You want to argue it's a bad pick I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. But you dodging because someone busts something out you don't agree with, especially since you're in plat+ I think is a mistake. Plenty of people actually know the champs better than I think you assume, /shrug


Team builder is pretty cool if I only didn't have to wait for bot lane to fill up for 10 minutes.
Besides the obnoxious wait for support and sometimes AD, people leave consistently because they're impatient for the mode to start. Or one of the bot lane members refuses to play with anything unless it's OP. I just got a Janna support that said the ADC has to be Lucian or Ezreal. After us waiting for about 3 mins for an ADC a Caitlyn pops up - I ask, "Mind if we grab the Cait?" Janna goes "Sure grab her, I'll leave" and immediately drops queue. Ended up waiting over 15 minutes just to get a game started.. I like not having to RACE for your pick like blind sometimes is, but the tradeoff is kinda frustrating.


2 Minutes Hate
I was able to play Heimer top all night last night. I had a ton of fun. I don't mind waiting 10 minutes either. Fucking playing a game and having to settle.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Team Builder is neat but I havent started a game with it yet... I just dislike normals too much. I tested the rest of it though and it is really cool. I wish there was a way to implement it for ranked but I just cant see how that would work.

On another note, I've really been expanding my champ pool and have been mostly successful. Climbed my way back up to where I'm getting paired with mostly gold players again. For a bit there I was getting paired with Silver II/IIIs. I've remained Gold V the entire time and I am actually close to promotion to move back up to Gold IV.

My new mindset is to basically "always pick a counter, even if it's a champ I've never played before". My last 10 games feature 9 different champions and Im 6-4 in last 10. I even picked Rumble into a Malphite and I've maybe played Rumble once ever. I missed his ult a lot at first then got use to it. Fun lane, won the game, my opponent was losing hard and had his duo jungle camp my lane all game which opened up the rest of my team to push and take everything else.

I have played 41 different champions so far in S4. 11 of them I have a 100% win rate (16-0 total) and 10 of them I have a 0% win rate (0-13 total). Not too shabby overall. I was most surprised with my 4-0 Jax thus far. I haven't played Jax in like 2 years but started picking him into Wukong top-lane and haven't lost yet. The game has been a LOT more fun for me as I feel like Im learning a lot more and each time I re-learn a champ I feel like Im a lot more focused as opposed to picking Yasuo for the 115th time and being on mostly auto-pilot (I still pick Yasuo quite often though).


Any of you curse voice guys know why the overlay doesn't show up in the lobby? I get the timers fine but when I'm outside the game itself I have nothing in LOL indicating I have Curse installed. I have tried all the options. It doesn't appear to support 2560x1440 I guess. Anyone know a workaround?
The main reason this happens is if the AIR client is running in software mode (no GPU acceleration), although it could be something else. Feel free to submit a bug report and we'll check it out.


Tranny Chaser
Don't worry about Fawe. He plays enough to eventually master each champion's best counter. It's just a little shakey right now.


A Man Chooses....
This new jungle is great. I actually get to kill people instead of playing tanks. Pantheon is so much fun.

The Ancient_sl

I had some fun with that mindset during the preseason. One thing you learn is that some champs really are hard counters to other champs. I mean you really have to be bad at Garen to not destroy Riven.


Vyemm Raider
Tried queing up today and I just can't. After team builder trying to play ranked draft mode is like returning to the locker room where your gym coach gave you the bad touch.

Bring back team builder.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone else getting boned byall these DDOS attacks? It's getting to the point where I will lag and get the "attempting to reconnect" message 6 or 7 times in a single game and its fucking infuriating when it happens right in the middle of a gank or immediately after Leona uses her gap closer on me. It's getting to the point now where every other day or so I log in to play one game just to see if the problem persists, find out that it indeed persists, then quit after another extremely irritating game.