League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's not something to be fixed, it's intentional. He was never designed for jungling so there's no reason they would fix that. Zyras plants, donger turrets, Yorick ghouls all don't proc on-hits either. People think the sand soldiers are "extending" Azir's autos but they're not, they're spell attacks. Same reason Nashor's is a questionable item on him but Rylais is great.


On hit Zyra is a thing, she applies liandry's and rylais with her plants.

Nashors, Wits, and Machete are considered auto-attack on hits though ;-( I wish.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Neither Liandry's nor Rylai's are on-hit effects, they are spell effects. On-hit effects are lifesteal, nashor's, machete, wits, which are triggered by auto attacks and say Gangplank/Ez Q.


2 Minutes Hate
It's not something to be fixed, it's intentional. He was never designed for jungling so there's no reason they would fix that. Zyras plants, donger turrets, Yorick ghouls all don't proc on-hits either. People think the sand soldiers are "extending" Azir's autos but they're not, they're spell attacks. Same reason Nashor's is a questionable item on him but Rylais is great.
While I agree that nothing needs to change because he's not supposed to be in the jungle, the problem is that he actually does not auto at all when is soldiers are out and are in range of the target. So while Zyra/Heimer/Yorick's shit doesn't proc on hit, all those champs can still auto and proc on hit stuff.


2 Minutes Hate
Whoever said Ranked is ass right now is right, holy shit. I jumped into Ranked last night with one game as Jungle and I never saw a game where every single lane died 2-3x by the time I did two jungle rotations. Talk about feeding. Then I played a game top and the same thing basically happen. I had a Udyr rush Spirit Visage and just farm the jungle all game. What? He said he did the most because even though he was 0/10/1, he killed 2 towers.

This game is hilarious.


2 Minutes Hate
I played a few Heimer games in Poro with Sidian last night. Way too fun. Then I brought him into a game top lane, still way too fun. I have no idea why I enjoy playing these champs that aren't very popular.

Djevel Innenfor

Golden Squire
I played a few Heimer games in Poro with Sidian last night. Way too fun. Then I brought him into a game top lane, still way too fun. I have no idea why I enjoy playing these champs that aren't very popular.
Because lol when the jungler and top laner try to gank you near turret, with 3 turrets and ult up


Lord Nagafen Raider
I love this Poro mode. I've played like 15-16 games, different champ every time, and they've all been reasonably fun, even the times one of my team was DC. Way more champ variety than most of the game modes see, too.


Molten Core Raider
I played a few Heimer games in Poro with Sidian last night. Way too fun. Then I brought him into a game top lane, still way too fun. I have no idea why I enjoy playing these champs that aren't very popular.
I had a buddy that no longer plays (he rage quit after claiming Elo hell is real, leveling an alt, placing in low bronze again). He played off-meta so he could feel like a brilliant scientist when he won or blame the champ when he fed.


Tranny Chaser
Heimer's just a low-pick rate mage that also happens to consistently have top 10 win rate. I wouldn't really consider him as a LOOK HOW CLEVER I AM type of pick. There's quite a few mages no one plays.


2 Minutes Hate
I had a buddy that no longer plays (he rage quit after claiming Elo hell is real, leveling an alt, placing in low bronze again). He played off-meta so he could feel like a brilliant scientist when he won or blame the champ when he fed.
For some reason I like playing minion champs. I love Malz, Yorick and Heimer. I guess you can count Elise too. Azir was fun, but he's way too squishy and clunky for my mechanical ability. Riot needs to make some kind of real Necromancer champ.


Potato del Grande
Heimer's just a low-pick rate mage that also happens to consistently have top 10 win rate. I wouldn't really consider him as a LOOK HOW CLEVER I AM type of pick. There's quite a few mages no one plays.
Heimer top is a legit pick. He shits on so many toplane/jungle combos. You just have to be able to land his E and be willing to use more than his turret ult (his E ult can lead to some massive teamfight stompage etc.).


Buzzfeed Editor
I'm new to LOL, rusty since its been a few years since HON. (Which I still feel is the better game). But damned if last night wasn't 1 and 10 for games. Every game was feed galore pretty much. Only one I was confidant of a smurf premade. Couple times I definately sucked, rest just felt helpless because 10min in they are so fed that I can't do anything about it.

And yes, I love Heimer E ult. Think I use it more than the turret. (Hated the duration people can just run briefly, vs a good Ult E means a moderate nuke and stun to the entire enemy team.)


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Heimer is a legit jungle atm too. Dragon bugs out weirdly vs his turrets at long range, so you can solo dragon super early.


2 Minutes Hate
Heimer top is a legit pick. He shits on so many toplane/jungle combos. You just have to be able to land his E and be willing to use more than his turret ult (his E ult can lead to some massive teamfight stompage etc.).
Just run exhaust on Heimer and save it for 2 on 1s.


2 Minutes Hate
Heimer is a legit jungle atm too. Dragon bugs out weirdly vs his turrets at long range, so you can solo dragon super early.
In a perfect game, but dragon cheese is popular and you get caught a lot on it. Plus Heimer clearing is awful since you really don't make use of your jungle items.