Learning Programming on Your Own

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I know several programming languages: C++ and MATLAB at the level that I could do them as my job, and Java, Perl and BASIC at the intermediate level where I can do something in it if I have to. My approach has been the following since I started programming ~15 years ago (using Perl as an example):

1. Find basic tutorials online and do the routine "hello, world" stuff
2. Decide on a simple (~4 hours) project and do it using online tutorials. For Perl, I wrote a script to search for URLs in a text and change the URL to go through my university's proxy, which involved inserting .www.library.gatech.edu:2048before the first "/" after "http://"
3. Buy a book. My go-to series has been "By Example", e.g., "Perl by Example". I do not read them cover to cover, but rather skim the chapters as needed for a reference. I have not found online resources to be as useful as books for general language learning.
4. Do more advanced (~40 hours) project using the book as a reference as well as online examples for some of the trickier problems. For Perl, I wrote a very simple RSS feed aggregator that only aggregated items if they had a certain keyword in them. Took for-fucking-ever to set up the code to search only the <item> fields of the RSS feed and then output the aggregated feed in a browser-readable format, but it was doable over the course of a week.
5. Repeat 4 until you are bored

Ideally, the project is open-ended and allows you to build more advanced functionality as you get better.

Edit: I should also note that learning a language is different than learning to program in general. You will need to learn additional, more general things such as data structures and algorithms.


Trakanon Raider
I know this is kind of off topic from what people are talking about right now in this thread, does anyone have any suggestions for learning SQL for Access? I was trying to make a simple database for work and it wasn't too bad. I have some problems connecting the right relationships to the tables and fields and anytime I try to set up a custom query. Thanks in advance!


I know this is kind of off topic from what people are talking about right now in this thread, does anyone have any suggestions for learning SQL for Access? I was trying to make a simple database for work and it wasn't too bad. I have some problems connecting the right relationships to the tables and fields and anytime I try to set up a custom query. Thanks in advance!
Whenever I can't remember the SQL for something I usually end up here,http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Doesn't access have a gui built in where you click on the various tables and add each column you want into a view and it spits the join out for you?