Just started playing this yesterday. Actually liking it quite a bit. Went 8 wins in my 1st expedition using Teemo. He actually seems insanely strong, at least in expedition if you build around him. Would get like 50-100 shrooms in their deck and then had a bunch of those 2 drop creatures where each player draws.
Without having read any guides or watched any videos I decided to try an ephemeral deck. Seems pretty decent actually but playing ranked I'm seeing some pretty insane stuff. I'm winning a lot but the deck seems a bit too fair compared to what I'm seeing some decks do.
Games seem a little too fast. I'm surprised they discarded summoning sickness and every unit has haste. Other than that it's definitely a pretty solid game and I'm basically having cards just thrown at me. Doubt I'll ever need to invest more than the 5$ for the starter pack.
I hardly ever do Expeditions but I believe deck size starts lower so Teemo is a lot stronger, also being able to add over 3x of key cards helps a lot.
Random assortment of cards
Very niche cards I think. All a bit slow.
Pesky Specter: I love this. I have been screwing around with Ephemerals these past couple days and this is definitely a card I want now. Screws the opponent draws and if they decide to play this themselves, I assume you get 2 more in your deck.
Ok ya, the deck is super broken. I kept playing some more and was like "ok I'll play til I lose 1 before going to bed". I had to stop myself because I kept winning lol. So far I've seen that this deck hard counters deep/toss decks. Not sure what else it counters yet but deep has basically zero chance against this from my games so far.
I've seen that shell before. Encroaching Shadows is best with Elusives for sure.
I'm not sure what your rank is or what decks you're facing, but I gotta believe any aggro deck will fare really well until Plat or Diamond.
I was taking a different approach and made a Maokai/Hecarim deck with Harrowing as a finisher. It's not great, but has stolen wins from meta decks.
Zoe is interesting. REALLY hard level up. But Targon has ways to protect her much better than most regions.
Too hard to evaluate honestly, but looks creative & interesting.
Her support cards all look viable.
Zoe is interesting. REALLY hard level up. But Targon has ways to protect her much better than most regions.
Too hard to evaluate honestly, but looks creative & interesting.
Her support cards all look viable.
Zoe is really cool, but might be too hard to level up since keeping a 1/1 alive to “see” you play 10 different names. Then again her level up version is extremely powerful. We will have to wait and see to really know.