yeah, I decided to jump in a spend some time looking at this. The game overall feels 25% different from magic.
The eyeball math aid is a neat addition.
you can also drag the mouse over multiple cards to select them all to attack at once.
The mana per round is interesting. Seems like it goes a long way in balancing out who goes first? as well as storing spell mana. you don't really have a "your turn/opponents" turn in this. since I think you can get the attack token, on your "opponents" turn and attack?
Each player can summon creatures, and cast spells on each others turn.
limit 6 creatures on your side of the board. this is rough. not sure I like it.
heroes have level up conditions. a neat feature.
Creatures do not "heal" at the end of a round naturally.
Attack twice in around is a basic card text. (crazy)
quick strike/first strike is ONLY when attacking. took me a while to figure that one out, and see others make that mistake often.
I lose track whos turn it is for attacking a bit too often/easy.
I'm not sure on the summoning during opponents turn rules. just one? or something more to it? I lost a game yesterday. I had 2jinx in play. I cleared my hand to level them both up. and had to end the round. at the start of the opp players turn, I drew 3 cards. I'm not even sure what I drew3. dont know the mechancis on that yet either. one burst spell, two creatures. I was only able to summon one of them, before control was handed over allowing the other player to attack. a leveled up Darius just ran over my creatures sadly.
I suppose its just you trade "control"? I had control, I summoned a creature, passed control back to them. They attacked. if I had lived, control would have come back to me, and I could have summoned another.
The board size limit seems to really shit on some potential builds. Elise and her spiderlings for example. Zed and his shadow summons. Go wide isn't really an option. I doesn't even seem like there is a setting for CHOOSING which units get discarded on summon. its always the most recent. so like, maybe you want to summon that 6/6 spider, but cant cause your board is full of 1/1 spiderlings. the board limit does tie into the fact units die and don't heal in this one. But still, it seems to me 6 is so very small. obviously strats that use those 1/1s as food are the replacement. I feel like 1/1s like Spiderlings should be a special "horde" card that allows them to stack beyond the 6.
Obviously this is just thoughts from 1 evening.. so. yeah.
Match making is clearly weighted. I took the premade zed/jinx deck, and decided to streamline it focusing on jinx. I immediately start getting matched up with netdecks, and got my ass handed to me. so newbies should stick with premade decks so they play vs other premade decks until they have a really full cardlist to build something.