Either 1. Because he’s a grabbler and needs legal recourse if not repaid or 2. This entire thread is part of his larp.I’m trying to understand why you need a platform to facilitate these loans?
Either 1. Because he’s a grabbler and needs legal recourse if not repaid or 2. This entire thread is part of his larp.I’m trying to understand why you need a platform to facilitate these loans?
I don’t even loan people things I own. Want to borrow my camera gear? Naw. Want to borrow my chainsaw? Naw, happy to cut that down tree for you though.Don't is the expected response because it is the correct response. Everyone who has done it has gotten stiffed. Once you get stiffed, also expect to really not want that person or person in your life any more.
I gave my niece a loan to consolidate all her shitty debt. 0% interest, very easy terms. I knew she'd flake, and flake she did. I warned her up front that if she failed to meet her end of the bargain, she'd never get help from me for anything ever again.
Keep in mind that in the past I'd given her my nice used SUV, and I furnished her apartment. Now she's up shit creek without a paddle because I was the last person on Earth who was willing to dig her out of her shitty decisions, and that is all gone now.
I consider it a cheap way of getting an egghead out of my life for good.
do it with an official signed contract or you'll just fuck things up. you'll probably have to sue one of them eventually anyway.
"Don't" is the obvious and expected response. I was just wondering if anyone had encountered an outlier outcome, perhaps using a feature native to one of the major payment apps that I'm not aware of.Denamian can shaw this if he wants.
Don't is the correct answer. But if you are bound and determined to fuck whatever relationships you have up beyond repair, you are going to have to do it the old fashioned way, by getting a lawyer involved and getting a proper contract drawn up. Take collateral if you actually want your money back."Don't" is the obvious and expected response. I was just wondering if anyone had encountered an outlier outcome, perhaps using a feature native to one of the major payment apps that I'm not aware of.Denamian can shaw this if he wants.
Pretty much. That or involve lawyers like others have said.Only lend money to family and friends if you are okay with never getting it back.