lol, you know it's bad when Ary goes full patriot on someone. Jesus Tan, you really do come off as naive. Listen, the fact is that expecting us to fix the problem, while every other western nation floods us with money, and special interests, hoping to keep us on as the world economic anchor is not only silly, it's infuriatingly naive. You don't build a house from the roof down--if you want the U.S. to change, then you need to unplug all the other "free trade" states from the market stabilizing practices that a U.S. military hegemony provides. But that would cut into things like your advanced social programs--so it's just easier to enjoy the fruits of a stable world, while being angry with America.
And yes, I said stable. Argue all you want--but the wars and interventions today cost a great deal less lives, and are a great deal less destructive, than they were before active intervention/trade (Without overt control, sorry Britain, colonialism doesn't count) was the diplomatic policy of the world power(s) (And it's more than the U.S., you think Britain and France aren't out there banging heads?). The U.S., for years, has been acting like any good fire fighter without water--we light smaller, controlled fires to burn away excess fuel and prevent a larger fire later. We are burning away Afghanistan because they had a pretty deadly combination of black market revenue (Opium), weapons (From us, lol), access to regional destabilizing factors (Soldiers from various states) and anti-trade governance, as well as a lack of a good foil or counter in the region (Due to Pakistan's collapse). Our reason for Iraq was far less noble--but it was still in the same vein, we wanted to access another western, trade friendly government to lessen Saudi Arabia's and Iran's sphere of influence and get the entire region more stable--yeah, that kind of blew up in our faces, but that was thegoal.
Now, is what was said above any help or consolation to the thousands that died in South America, Or the middle east, or even the far east? No, not really. But ask people in Africa what it's like to have the U.S. simply not give a flying fuck what they do or have the world unplug from them. Yeah. Our policies, as brutal as they seem, and yes, I agree, they are shitty--are the bridge between backwards and isolated regimes and freely trading states that, while still maybe being assholes, probably don't want to kill everyone because they like the improved lifestyle that comes with trade.
The irony here is that by supporting Paul, you freely admit, like he does, that trade and stable markets prevent wars--it prevents the loss of life. Paul's biggest problem is that he is naive to believe that the benefits of trade will always defeat ideological disposition. Unfortunately, backwards religions and dogmatic old people are a constant threat to our ever increasing, peaceful, trade enterprises--and we kill them. Yes, it's cold to say it like that and yes, sometimes that shit comes back to bite us in the ass, big time--but killing them, thus far, has vastly reduced the number of lives lost and increased the number of partners we trade with (Which, again, if you're a Paul supporter, you believe that brings peace.)
I hope, and I think everyone does, for a day where America disarms and spends that money on it's citizens--that will be a good day. But until trade has penetrated every corner of the world, it's naive to think that way. It WILL happen, but it's not going to happen through a radical shift in America--it's going to happen by a radical shift in America's little legionaries, like Canada--and then, when all of your support is gone and the money and special interests stop piling on the coke and whores for our Senators,thenand only then we will change. That day will come when the ideologues, and zealots are finally dead--and the only people left are the ones who worship the Xbox and love Mcdonalds--and then, people like you will finally fight to break the far less powerful hold the few have over your governments, which will in turn weaken their hold over ours...Then things will change. (Or China will replace us, and we will do to them what gets done to us, now.)