Longlegs (2024)


<Gold Donor>
I thought it was good not great - drifted into some territory that I was not really expecting and kind of caught off guard by (will not expand on that to avoid spoilers) - but was hoping for a more SOTL/Seven tone/pacing.

Still, good movie and well acted/shot. Some of the cinematography was superb. I don't think it was as good as I was hoping/expecting, but feel like I got my $6 worth easily.

Mild rant - I haven't been to a theater in years, maybe once since hoax flu, and I'm astonished by the amount of filler between showtime and when the films actually start.. 10:20 showtime, movie did not start until 10:56. 40 god damned minutes of previews, commercials, bullshit filler etc. Pissed me right off.
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<Silver Donator>
I thought it was good not great - drifted into some territory that I was not really expecting and kind of caught off guard by (will not expand on that to avoid spoilers) - but was hoping for a more SOTL/Seven tone/pacing.

Still, good movie and well acted/shot. Some of the cinematography was superb. I don't think it was as good as I was hoping/expecting, but feel like I got my $6 worth easily.

Mild rant - I haven't been to a theater in years, maybe once since hoax flu, and I'm astonished by the amount of filler between showtime and when the films actually start.. 10:20 showtime, movie did not start until 10:56. 40 god damned minutes of previews, commercials, bullshit filler etc. Pissed me right off.
Jesus, I haven't been since 1917, and maybe you I sat through 10 minutes of previews. That's just obnoxious though, I don't know honesty another reason for me never to step foot in the theater ever again if it's that bad.

Fuck that shit. I'm already paying exorbitant prices for concessions and tickets to see what might be a lackluster film, I know you're going to make me watch a bunch of dumbass commercials.

Sounds like I'm waiting for VOD. After all I'm sure it's not necessarily a film that requires the big screen experience. Rather set my office with my brand new monitor and headphones on in the dark and enjoy something spooky.
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Maybe I expected too much, but this good looking, decently acted film is marred by a shockingly weak script. It still kinda works, because even a terribly written investigation plays on our curiosity, our fundamental thirst for truth in the face of mystery.
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<Silver Donator>
Maybe I expected too much, but this good looking, decently acted film is marred by a shockingly weak script. It still kinda works, because even a terribly written investigation plays on our curiosity, our fundamental thirst for truth in the face of mystery.
I'm guessing wait for it to come out on streaming?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Mild rant - I haven't been to a theater in years, maybe once since hoax flu, and I'm astonished by the amount of filler between showtime and when the films actually start.. 10:20 showtime, movie did not start until 10:56. 40 god damned minutes of previews, commercials, bullshit filler etc. Pissed me right off.

Ive got my movie timing down to a science. I leave home exactly when the movie is listed to start, drive to the theater, walk inside, stand in line for popcorn, and by the the time I find my seat and sit down, the movie is just starting. Hasn't failed yet.

I absolutely refuse to sit through 25 straight minutes of unmutable commercials. On the rare occasions I watch something on TV with commercials (sports) I mute them immediately.
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Millie's Staff Member
Drink your metamucil
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Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Holy Fuck. I just read the summary for this film. What the absolute fuck. I was not expecting that. I mean, it's not world breaking but I am unsettled.
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Gunnar Durden
Finally saw this.

I get why people want to pretend this is good. It’s a true throwback in ways, and has so much good going for it.

but Jesus, the weird singing shit takes be out of it so fast. They had a good, or great, film made into a clown show


Molten Core Raider
You are spot on. I was also expecting something like seven.

I have seen it a while ago and I'm still not sure what to think about this. I like weird movies. At least it was different I guess.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I thought it was good, not great. The tone/atmosphere are great and Cage's performance as Longlegs is unhinged (which is a good thing in this case). I had the same issue with the story though. I don't like it when the main character turns about to be central to everything... its too obviously written. Still, it's a solid horror flick with some genuinely creepy moments.