Kinda wish I had just bit the bullet and dealt with the EST vs PST time zones, just to have all the hype around all the people and everyone doing shit!! but I just hit 50 and doing ok over on lonely US West. Lol
West Coast = Beast Coast! I really wish these chucklefucks had done a Central server to give everybody a "best of both words". I got a Sharpshooter to 42? on Regulus, but I just can't PvP with that ping. And while I prefer PvE stuff in general, I like being a sweaty boi when it comes to PvP.
I installed this on Monday fresh not having looked at even glanced at the game prior so far haven't spent any money and just feel like I scratched the surface of the game. It takes a while to get used to all the systems and things as well as the many currencies. I am probably overly cautious of what to use though since I have no idea the real value of items, most of the reward chests and things I have gotten along the way are still in my storage, and the currency trading obfuscation that
@AladainAF mentioned is very real for a newbie. Right now I am at 420ilvl and feel gated by dailies but then again I haven't made an alt to get more currency yet or really even know what I am doing. I have been told there is a massive amount of resources you get from islands and things but again I have just started those.
Honestly, all the rewards chests are best saved until you need them. Then just pop out whatever it is that you "need" for the quest, item, etc.
Anything that wastes your time on purpose is total shit design.
Odd that this is one of your complaints since I feel like Lost Ark is one of the only MMOs that goes out of its way to actually respect your time and not waste it on purpose. Rested bonuses for "missing" your dailies, islands appear multiple times throughout the day, etc.
He's much easier solo than in a group. Me at like 1036 GS:
View attachment 399355
Yeah, it's crazy how some guardians are fucking AIDS trying to solo (Vertus solo as a melee is fucking annoying as shit if you don't just overgear the fuck out of it - but he's a joke in a group) and easy as fuck in a group. Then there are some which are a total PITA with a group but fine solo.
im not sure which class actually even really has that much choice. Maining bard, and its pretty clear there is no real choice for it.
Maybe it's just a thing with Bard, but I feel like every class has a LOT of choices. My Paladin, for instance, has a TON of tripod/skill choices which are necessary depending on the situation. Got a boss that is rape for melee? Swapped to some ranged abilities like Light Shock and Light of Judgement. Got a boss that has a nasty debuff? Swap to the tripod where your shield cleanses debuffs. Got a boss that needs destruction? Toss in weak point on Executor's Sword or even swap in Punishment.
Don't get me wrong, I have a "general" build that is fine for most content, but there are a LOT of places where I need to bring more stagger, more back attack, more weak pt., etc.
There's a Preferences tab inside the Combat Skills window that I was curious if it was actually useful? My first thought was that it could be a user up-voted system where builds for different things get posted and up-voted. There's another gacha game that does that. Summoner's War does it for builds, and I think a few others.
Honestly, will set you up pretty well on a "general" skill path for raids, PvP, chaos dungeons, etc. From there, it's all about tweaking it to fit your personal playstyle, the particular boss mechanics, etc.