I used theirs. Saint Bot - Lost Ark Discord Bot
But any admin of the FoH one should be able to set it up if they wish.
I see it working on another guilds server, so probably just that. Either a lack of understanding on how to set it up, or permissions involving LLR orOne of the discord mods tried and wasn't able to, either a lack of permissions or some other issue. maybeLightning Lord Rule could take a look for us.
Just had a 23 game win streak ruined by a derp zerk in comp. 2 away from the achieve/title reee irl.
Think I've given up on scrapper. Bouncing around gold/plat and she just can't carry.
My artillerist is braindead though. Holding a 75% win rate over the course of 50 games.
Surprised I like PVP in this game as much as I do, but it's making up the bulk of my playtime by far and want to push for diamond depending if I can keep interested for however many months this season runs.
Artillerists are a noob stomper, for sure. Once you know how to play against them, they're pretty easy to deal with. The amount of protected damage on deathblade is fucking bonkers though. That class is fucking dumb in the right hands.Just had a 23 game win streak ruined by a derp zerk in comp. 2 away from the achieve/title reee irl.
Think I've given up on scrapper. Bouncing around gold/plat and she just can't carry.
My artillerist is braindead though. Holding a 75% win rate over the course of 50 games.
Surprised I like PVP in this game as much as I do, but it's making up the bulk of my playtime by far and want to push for diamond depending if I can keep interested for however many months this season runs.
How do you play against them then? In the arena, I have to run away and reengage. But, I had one on Outlaw island that just stomped me over and over. Granted as a Wardancer I have near-zero CC immunity and an artillerist seems to have a lot of immunity to knock up/down.Artillerists are a noob stomper, for sure. Once you know how to play against them, they're pretty easy to deal with. The amount of protected damage on deathblade is fucking bonkers though. That class is fucking dumb in the right hands.
Shield is only up for 10 seconds or so. If you see it go up, run away and wait for it to expire. Once thats done, fake into them and hope they use a holding skill or similar and then dodge out. They should stop cast and then you can go back in with a knock up and roll out your combo on them. By the time thats done, if they arent dead - you'll have to repeat the whole process again cause their Shield ability will be back up. The bubbles that Artillerist get that arent from the Shield ability, dont protect them from CC.How do you play against them then? In the arena, I have to run away and reengage. But, I had one on Outlaw island that just stomped me over and over. Granted as a Wardancer I have near-zero CC immunity and an artillerist seems to have a lot of immunity to knock up/down.
The Hazardous Water one is pretty nice too, only need to go to the 2spots and get credit. You can literally get all the guild progress for it for the week in 5-10mins solo(depending on boat type), just pick the quest, do it, then on the 2nd spot turn it in, pick it up again, now go back to the other spot, turn it in, pick it up, rinse repeat.
They need a way to report them and then it'll fix itself, but yeah atm can't do shit about it so they're not getting banned. The T3 ones are all fucking clowns that got their account stolen too.Every party finder is filled with these faggot ass gold selling sites. I wish someone would cut off their fucking nutsacks of feed it to them. Also how fucking worthless is Amazon if they let that shit stay up. They are quickly becoming the new Blizzard in the I will drop their stupid fucking American Inventor asses like a rock if they don't get their head out of their worthless assholes.
It was the 14th before, which was also a thursday. They haven't confirmed either way. The optimistic view is that they pushed the expiration date on the books so people can use them on lancer on the 14th. The pessimistic view is that instead of being released on the 14th, it's been pushed back a week. That said the login event still says 14th and the Omen skins also say 14th, so I'd say the optimistic view might be more accurate, they pushed them back so you can use any spare books you have on lancer. They said on the forums they're going to share the release date in the "next few working days", whatever the fuck that means. Sounds like Monday to me. Since the CM was playing around the whole thing though it does sound like a 14th release and they pushed them back to avoid ppl bitching their books they saved up disappeared because they can't read.Was trying to mouse over the correct books for honing and noticed that the time on the event has been pushed out a week. Maybe its been said before? But I missed it either way. If this is anything like New World planning, that means that we arent getting South Vern update until the event ends - which is, shockingly, 4/21/2022, a Thursday. Two more weeks before your poledanc'ier.