Think I put 12 hours in today. Need about 500 leapstones to make big push to 1370 on Glaivier as I decided to get Scrapper to 1385 and did a bunch of conversion. Tempted to just buy my stuff as I'm still sitting on 150kg and 15M silver, but slippery slope and there are still a few hundred from the power pass I can collect. Also used remaining T2 leftovers from LM to get Deadeye to T3. Once I do Punika on Deadeye and then S. Vern on all of the characters I'll use the event to make my last character for a while as even alternating rested it's starting to be a lot to maintain and I still have a bit more horizontal progress I want to do.
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I am always amazed at your ability to farm. Also impressive getting the Lance Master up to that ilvl so quickly without raw cash.
Right now I am only have 4 Characters in T3 with my main still chilling at 1400. I think alt 5-6 should hit T3 either this week or next depending on how I push. Looking at the new powerpass and express event I am tempted to start 2 new characters to maximize the bonus and get the most value out of it. Currently I am thinking of rolling a Lance Master and maybe a Scrapper as those other 2 slots.