Lost Ark Online


Vyemm Raider
Finally got my roster about where I want it, I'm pretty sure I have time to push either the sorc or the pally to 1370 as well before I start getting the SH to 1415 by the time Valtan comes out.

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Mr. Poopybutthole
I wonder if we get a new event tomorrow. Based on the expiration of the books, I'm assuming the guardian one ends tomorrow. And the race one ended last week. Was nice having them both, but if we don't get a replacement it's going to feel so dead. That's probably just being spoiled though.

I'm really enjoying my bard. I can actually tell I'm making an impact on the group when people aren't dying (for instance on Night Fox Yoho on bard versus blade). The only thing that I really hate is that the accessories are exorbitant. I was able to get my 6/6/2 stone finally (at about 500-750g a pop), but the rings are running about 5k on the cheap end up to 7k (cheap ones being "green" color level), earrings are about 4k to 8k (have two now though), and the fucking necklaces are 15-25k, and at any given moment there are only 1 or 2 even on the market. So I'm looking at dropping 25-35k to finish up, and I've only got about 55k gold at the moment.


Trakanon Raider
Please no more guardian events. Just remove anything to do with guardians until they figure out how to give them health bars.
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<Silver Donator>
I wonder if we get a new event tomorrow. Based on the expiration of the books, I'm assuming the guardian one ends tomorrow. And the race one ended last week. Was nice having them both, but if we don't get a replacement it's going to feel so dead. That's probably just being spoiled though.

I'm really enjoying my bard. I can actually tell I'm making an impact on the group when people aren't dying (for instance on Night Fox Yoho on bard versus blade). The only thing that I really hate is that the accessories are exorbitant. I was able to get my 6/6/2 stone finally (at about 500-750g a pop), but the rings are running about 5k on the cheap end up to 7k (cheap ones being "green" color level), earrings are about 4k to 8k (have two now though), and the fucking necklaces are 15-25k, and at any given moment there are only 1 or 2 even on the market. So I'm looking at dropping 25-35k to finish up, and I've only got about 55k gold at the moment.
Well going for 3/3/3/3 is super expensive but I'd say it's over the top especially as a support. I'd just stick to 3/3/3 and that shouldn't cost you anything if you already have the stone. Get purple books for the 2 skills on your stone for 15+15, then just get 5 legendary accs with desperate salvation to max that and you're good I'd say. People will invite basically any support that meets the requirements to enter for even just a solid 3/3/3 is a step above what they'd expect.

I've actually taken a liking to bard a bit more now that I finally finished conviction/judgement. I got the 44 masterpieces with South Vern adventure tome, which let me get the legendary judgement from that and I had epic conviction also from master pieces so the setup is pretty solid and it really helps with mp issues when spamming skills. I can almost spam everything off cooldown constantly and still not run out of mp, kinda like when I had that T2 armor set bonus and it really makes the class more enjoyable.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I am behind so whatever but the best part of finally hitting 1370, in 3.5 ilvls, will be not having to do the snooze fest that is Igrexion twice a day.


<Silver Donator>
I am behind so whatever but the best part of finally hitting 1370, in 3.5 ilvls, will be not having to do the snooze fest that is Igrexion twice a day.
Yoho isn't really much better. If anything it's even easier than Igrexion, only good thing is it's on the super small map.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Yoho isn't really much better. If anything it's even easier than Igrexion, only good thing is it's on the super small map.
Gross. Maybe it will be a bit more difficult since I wont outgear it for a week. Though i am the best support ever so its all ez mode.


<Silver Donator>
Gross. Maybe it will be a bit more difficult since I wont outgear it for a week. Though i am the best support ever so its all ez mode.
Maybe, but in matchmaking you often have very high lvls doing it cause the last guardian is fucking stupid shit in parties, so people still do yoho. I know I did at 1400+, so she kinda dies super fast even if the party is a bunch of shitters.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yoho's stupid tail swipe is why I hated it on blade. It's almost unavoidable. So I ate a ton of damage and would burn through potions. On bard though it's not a thing, so that's nice.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
As a Gunlancer I love Yoho. I stun him 3-4 times a fight. Once you know his patterns he is real easy. I have yet to do the final fight just because PuGing is awful for mechanic fights usually.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Looks like they're extending the guardian event, and targeting the next update for 3rd week of May. Assuming the next one is for sure Valtan? Or is there some other possibility?
I mean, they could throw us a curveball and add abyss trials and/or heroic guardian raids to help with the mats push to 1415. But, I'd put money on Valtan + Destroyer.

Extending the guardian event is the laziest shit ever. I'd rather they replace it with naruni racing if they want to go the lazy route. Having to do an additional, braindead easy guardian event every day is stupid.


Trakanon Raider
Mats are mats but yes bring back Naruni. So much better just doing chaos to tokens instead of another brain dead guardian raid.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
The only plus side of it was that it was braindead easy and not a slog. But it's also super boring, whereas at least Naruni was different. I didn't run Naruni after about halfway through the 2nd week of it though as I had so many tokens.


Trakanon Raider
I do my chaos dungeons on the characters I’m trying to level and the the abyss raids for the gold. Guardians can suck a dick they’re just awful content with garbage rewards. I’m not optimal at all but I don’t really care.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I didn't run Naruni after about halfway through the 2nd week of it though as I had so many tokens.
That's it exactly and why I'd advocate for naruni coming back much harder as the "lazy route" over the stupid guardian event. Plus, like others have said, at least it's "different".
I’m not optimal at all but I don’t really care.
Honestly, this is probably one of the best approaches to Lost Ark. Sure, you should probably occasionally do some rested guardians here and there, especially when you get to the retard easy ones like Yoho. But, the length of time between content releases means you don't really have to play PERFECTLY OPTIMAL!!! at all times - unless you don't have a life outside the game, have to keep up with "the Jones'", or for some reason just really enjoy that content. You'll have plenty of ways to still hit ilvl requirements needed for each content release.

Will you always be able to do them the day they drop? Maybe not, but that depends mostly on AGS' release schedule. They've already admitted that Argos timing was a huge mistake. When you consider how long it's taking to release Valtan, I'd say they've learned from that.

People are going to slowly start to realize just how "casual friendly" Lost Ark the longer its around. If you want to play it hardcore, balls to the wall like you did in your 20s? It has all that content available (or will, once we get hard modes, hell modes, etc.). But, if you want it as just a casual MMO or a "background" game you play here and there after work? It's one of the best MMOs ever in that regard.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
That's it exactly and why I'd advocate for naruni coming back much harder as the "lazy route" over the stupid guardian event. Plus, like others have said, at least it's "different".

Honestly, this is probably one of the best approaches to Lost Ark. Sure, you should probably occasionally do some rested guardians here and there, especially when you get to the retard easy ones like Yoho. But, the length of time between content releases means you don't really have to play PERFECTLY OPTIMAL!!! at all times - unless you don't have a life outside the game, have to keep up with "the Jones'", or for some reason just really enjoy that content. You'll have plenty of ways to still hit ilvl requirements needed for each content release.

Will you always be able to do them the day they drop? Maybe not, but that depends mostly on AGS' release schedule. They've already admitted that Argos timing was a huge mistake. When you consider how long it's taking to release Valtan, I'd say they've learned from that.

People are going to slowly start to realize just how "casual friendly" Lost Ark the longer its around. If you want to play it hardcore, balls to the wall like you did in your 20s? It has all that content available (or will, once we get hard modes, hell modes, etc.). But, if you want it as just a casual MMO or a "background" game you play here and there after work? It's one of the best MMOs ever in that regard.

If WoW wanted to get a shit ton of subs back they would learn from something like Lost Ark and make all their grinding faggot bullshit account bound. Nobody wants to grind reputations twice it's aids upon aids upon aids. Set it up so you so aren't expected to play every single fucking day for metrics but add little bonus shit here and there instead of buttfucking people for taking breaks...

Then learn that an expansion is an entire fucking expansion not a patch and make the previous tier not be complete fucking negated every 2-3 months.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
If WoW wanted to get a shit ton of subs back they would learn from something like Lost Ark and make all their grinding faggot bullshit account bound. Nobody wants to grind reputations twice it's aids upon aids upon aids. Set it up so you so aren't expected to play every single fucking day for metrics but add little bonus shit here and there instead of buttfucking people for taking breaks...

Then learn that an expansion is an entire fucking expansion not a patch and make the previous tier not be complete fucking negated every 2-3 months.
Lost Ark took "rested" bonuses that WoW started and beat them at their own game. Sure, you technically get more mats by doing the daily shit every single day, but Smilegate was smart in that they allow for people to "take a break", yet not feel like they are fucked for doing so. You "lose" a guardian/day worth of mats by saving for rested, but it's a hell of a lot better than feeling like you're losing out on EVERYTHING, thus making a lot of it feel "joblike" in other games.

Also, like you said, games could really learn a shitload by expanding on what Lost Ark has done with the "roster" idea. I should only ever have to do bullshit grinds ONCE and my entire ACCOUNT should see that benefit.