My problem with this is that the main content is the daily dungeon room, and mindlessly repeating it over and over and over and over again. And then doing it again other characters. There is a ton of other stuff to do, but there is not much point or rewards for the effort. Like sailing. Or leveling, or exploring. Etc.
I don't disagree with this at all. This is not an MMO for someone who has an itch for a large open world filled with exploration; there is absolutely no point to sailing, leveling, or exploring. That doesn't mean that there's a
lack of content to do though, more so a lack of content for people who are looking for that traditional type of MMO experience.
Per character you have:
2 daily Chaos Dungeons to complete
2 daily Guardian raids to complete
3 daily Una tasks to complete
Typically at least 1 island/chaos gate/open world boss/ghost ship
Per week you have:
3 Challenge Guardian raids to complete
Between 0-2 Abyss Raids to complete
2 Challenge Abyss Dungeons
8ish Abyss Dungeons for card collection
1-3 Legion Raids
And you repeat all of the above (minus the challenge guardians / challenge abyss dungeons) per character on your account, optimally utilizing at least 6 for gold generation. Obviously any sain individual will stop doing some of the above on all their 6 characters and instead transition to only doing them on rested however, that is a metric fuckton of content. As stated however, it's very grindy content and a fair amount of it has absolutely no complexity. I despise running the Guardian raids outside of rested for instance but I don't mind doing the Chaos Dungeons (I complete my Chaos on all 11 characters). Brelshaza releasing is also going to increase the time for Legion raids completion significantly (6 gates!!!).